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CHRISTmas time
I am asking everybody that reads this to make an effort to not put an X where the name of CHRIST should be.

The phrase X-Mas is another way the world is trying to remove Christ from the world.

Also, please say Merry Christmas and not happy holidays.

Don't forget, He's always been and always will be in control. No matter what the world says.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Merry Christmas..
I believe the original meaning of the X was a letter (maybe Greek?) for Christ, but liberals are (once again) making an attempt to change the meaning of it to try to take Christ out.

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas!
Be blessed and have a very Merry "Christ Honoring" Christmas this season!!!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
The term Xmas is not new, it dates back to the 16th century. X is "chi" in Greek. "Mas" is for "mass". When Xmas is used it's simply the Greek term for Christmas. Since much of the Bible was written in Greek this spelling for Christmas shouldn't be such a big deal. There's is definitely no movement to take the "Christ" out of Christmas when one chooses to use Xmas. That spelling is just another way to say or spell Christmas.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:The term Xmas is not new, it dates back to the 16th century. X is "chi" in Greek. "Mas" is for "mass". When Xmas is used it's simply the Greek term for Christmas. Since much of the Bible was written in Greek this spelling for Christmas shouldn't be such a big deal. There's is definitely no movement to take the "Christ" out of Christmas when one chooses to use Xmas. That spelling is just another way to say or spell Christmas.

Just because something is the proper way doesn't mean it's the right way.

Nobody will ever convince me that an X should replace the name of Christ in CHRISTmas.

As for the bolded section, are you serious??? There IS NO WAY you can tell me that there is "definitely no movement to take the "Christ" out of Christmas." Using the term "Happy Holidays", calling Christmas trees "Holiday tree's", the lack of nativity scenes you can buy..... the FBI would call that evidence.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Just because something is the proper way doesn't mean it's the right way.

Nobody will ever convince me that an X should replace the name of Christ in CHRISTmas.

As for the bolded section, are you serious??? There IS NO WAY you can tell me that there is "definitely no movement to take the "Christ" out of Christmas." Using the term "Happy Holidays", calling Christmas trees "Holiday tree's", the lack of nativity scenes you can buy..... the FBI would call that evidence.

So now you're upset because stores aren't offering enough nativity scenes? Not everyone celebrates Christmas. You're free to do so and call it what you want, but it seems like you're trying to shove it down everyone's throat.
Motley Wrote:So now you're upset because stores aren't offering enough nativity scenes? Not everyone celebrates Christmas. You're free to do so and call it what you want, but it seems like you're trying to shove it down everyone's throat.

Say what you want, it's a real shame that a group of people in our country don't want to call a Christmas tree for what it is - a Christmas tree - for the sake of political correctness. We are turning into a bunch of sensitive weaklings as a country and it's people like you that are leading the charge.

When it's YOUR side that wants to punish people for not believing in the gay "rights" agenda, wants to force people to accept abortion on demand against their beliefs, and wants to remove God from every single document - you actually have the nerve to say that we're forcing our beliefs on others?
WideRight05 Wrote:Say what you want, it's a real shame that a group of people in our country don't want to call a Christmas tree for what it is - a Christmas tree - for the sake of political correctness. We are turning into a bunch of sensitive weaklings as a country and it's people like you that are leading the charge.

When it's YOUR side that wants to punish people for not believing in the gay "rights" agenda, wants to force people to accept abortion on demand against their beliefs, and wants to remove God from every single document - you actually have the nerve to say that we're forcing our beliefs on others?

I don't care what people call it. I'll still call it a Christmas Tree and I'll not get all bent out of shape if people call it a Holiday Tree, Green Tree, or any other name they want. Doesn't affect my life one bit. You all sound like the weaklings crying about everything all the time.

I'll stick to the topic regarding the other stuff, but I will say that yes, you do force your beliefs on others. You want to punish people for believing in a gay "rights" agenda, you want to force people to not accept abortion, and you want to force GOD onto documents where it has no right being there. Funny how it works both ways right?
Motley Wrote:I don't care what people call it. I'll still call it a Christmas Tree and I'll not get all bent out of shape if people call it a Holiday Tree, Green Tree, or any other name they want. Doesn't affect my life one bit. You all sound like the weaklings crying about everything all the time.

I'll stick to the topic regarding the other stuff, but I will say that yes, you do force your beliefs on others. You want to punish people for believing in a gay "rights" agenda, you want to force people to not accept abortion, and you want to force GOD onto documents where it has no right being there. Funny how it works both ways right?

It's not the conservatives who are out preaching "love and tolerance" and then whining when they find out that there actually are different views. If it's the conservatives that are crying about everything all the time, why are the liberals the ones always offended by Nativity Scenes or when someone else expresses a view that is different?

As for your last paragraph? Really?

When did you ever see a conservative "punish" someone for believing in a gay rights agenda? You can believe whatever you want. Conservatives may not agree, but they don't go around punishing others for different beliefs. You don't see conservatives suspending a fire chief for a month without pay and forcing him to attend "tolerance camp" because he writes a book based on his Christian beliefs and states that homosexuality is a sin. You don't see conservatives harassing Salvation Army bell ringers because of the group's stance on traditional marriage, you don't see conservatives sending people to "tolerance camps" because they write a book that states why they believe homosexuality is wrong, and you don't see conservatives pushing to get somebody fired from their job, as with what happened with Mozilla, because of their stance on same-sex marriage. Also, it was in 2012 when a man attempted a shooting at the Family Research Council's headquarters because they are a "hate group." I can go on and on. Love and tolerance, right?

Next, you mention abortion. If you want to believe that a woman has a right to slaughter her child, that's your belief. No one is forcing you to believe differently. But again, as I said in the previous paragraph, it's your side that wants to punish those for believing differently. Liberals did their best to get a commercial from Focus on the Family featuring Tim Tebow shut down, a commercial that didn't even talk about the topic of abortion.

Now, as to God - "forcing" Him onto documents where he has "no right" being there despite the fact that He has been included in the documents from the very beginning. Just the fact that you say that, shows how little you know about U.S. history. I suggest you look back at some of the founding documents to both the U.S. and some of our states - including the state's preambles.

BTW - that liberal philosophy of showing "love and tolerance" and labeling anyone with opposing beliefs a "radical" and "extremist" worked out great during the 2014 mid-terms, didn't it?
WideRight05 Wrote:It's not the conservatives who are out preaching "love and tolerance" and then whining when they find out that there actually are different views. If it's the conservatives that are crying about everything all the time, why are the liberals the ones always offended by Nativity Scenes or when someone else expresses a view that is different?

As for your last paragraph? Really?

When did you ever see a conservative "punish" someone for believing in a gay rights agenda? You can believe whatever you want. Conservatives may not agree, but they don't go around punishing others for different beliefs. You don't see conservatives suspending a fire chief for a month without pay and forcing him to attend "tolerance camp" because he writes a book based on his Christian beliefs and states that homosexuality is a sin. You don't see conservatives harassing Salvation Army bell ringers because of the group's stance on traditional marriage, you don't see conservatives sending people to "tolerance camps" because they write a book that states why they believe homosexuality is wrong, and you don't see conservatives pushing to get somebody fired from their job, as with what happened with Mozilla, because of their stance on same-sex marriage.

Next, you mention abortion. If you want to believe that a woman has a right to slaughter her child, that's your belief. No one is forcing you to believe differently. But again, as I said in the previous paragraph, it's your side that wants to punish those for believing differently. Liberals did their best to get a commercial from Focus on the Family featuring Tim Tebow shut down, a commercial that didn't even talk about the topic of abortion.

Now, as to God - "forcing" Him onto documents where he has "no right" being there despite the fact that He has been included in the documents from the very beginning. Just the fact that you say that, shows how little you know about U.S. history. I suggest you look back at some of the founding documents to both the U.S. and some of our states - including the state's preambles.

BTW - that liberal philosophy of showing "love and tolerance" and labeling anyone with opposing beliefs a "radical" and "extremist" worked out great during the 2014 mid-terms, didn't it?

I'm not going to get into all this on this thread because I'm not going to hijack the original intent of it. I expressed my opinion that people shouldn't "have" to call it Christmas. You all were the ones complaining that people don't do it and that it should be done. You're failing to understand I don't believe in a conservative or liberal agenda. I'm not going to punish anybody for their beliefs.

Regarding what I bolded, I'd like to talk more about it if you started another thread or PM me about it either way. Seems like it would be an interesting conversation starter about the country and its religious origins & beliefs in regards to the very beginning of US History.
Motley Wrote:I'm not going to get into all this on this thread because I'm not going to hijack the original intent of it. I expressed my opinion that people shouldn't "have" to call it Christmas. You all were the ones complaining that people don't do it and that it should be done. You're failing to understand I don't believe in a conservative or liberal agenda. I'm not going to punish anybody for their beliefs.

Regarding what I bolded, I'd like to talk more about it if you started another thread or PM me about it either way. Seems like it would be an interesting conversation starter about the country and its religious origins & beliefs in regards to the very beginning of US History.

That may have been your intentions, but when you criticize one for forcing their beliefs on others, that comes across as a line often said by the "tolerant" left.

Regarding what you bolded, feel more than welcome to open a new thread in the political section. That would be a great topic to discuss.
CHRISTmas is a CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY..... the day we celebrate the birth of Christ. If Christ offends you........ THEN DON'T CELEBRATE IT!!!!! It's not that difficult. Last I checked, the U.S. of A. is a free nation.

Nobody is made to celebrate Christmas!!!! But if you do choose to celebrate CHRISTmas, you need to do so with the proper meaning.

I'm not gonna celebrate Hanukkah and call the Menorah a "candle holder" or spin the Dreidel and call it a "top"

There's nothing that says you can't have a gathering where you get together on the 25th of December and exchange gifts with your family. You can have Santa Claus and the whole 9 yards......... but if your not celebrating the birth OF CHRIST, then that is not CHRISTmas!!!

Either celebrate CHRISTmas properly OR stay out of the way for those that do.
Check out my YouTube channel.
I think it is funny that we celebrate the birth of Christ on a peagan holiday. Irony!!!! Anyway, Merry Christmas, Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays, to each of you this season!
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Just because something is the proper way doesn't mean it's the right way.

Nobody will ever convince me that an X should replace the name of Christ in CHRISTmas.

As for the bolded section, are you serious??? There IS NO WAY you can tell me that there is "definitely no movement to take the "Christ" out of Christmas." Using the term "Happy Holidays", calling Christmas trees "Holiday tree's", the lack of nativity scenes you can buy..... the FBI would call that evidence.

I understand what you're saying. I was only giving a historical review of how the "X" was sometimes used in Christmas. For my part, I never use "Xmas" in place of Christmas, mainly out of respect for those offended by that wording.
Oh.... and by the way, something else that I feel needs to be added to this thread.

Christianity is the ONLY religion (and I use that term loosely) that celebrates the Birth, Death and Resurrection of God.

Christmas, Good Friday and Easter.

But here is the best part............. You can be in that number.
Check out my YouTube channel.
December 25th is the day set aside to celebrate CHRISTmas.....

But it would not matter if we celebrated CHRISTmas in March, June or October.

The main thing is we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Check out my YouTube channel.

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