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Weight Loss Surgery
I know a few people who have had and/or are going to have the Gastric Bypass or the Lap Band procedure. Some have been successful with minor expected problems and a couple have had more trouble than they wanted to have to experience! Ive been kind of concerned of one friend of mine but I think things are starting to get better. Does anyone have an opinion or advice for those considering? Has anyone on here had any weight loss surgeries or know someone who has?
Pirates~R~Us Wrote:I know a few people who have had and/or are going to have the Gastric Bypass or the Lap Band procedure. Some have been successful with minor expected problems and a couple have had more trouble than they wanted to have to experience! Ive been kind of concerned of one friend of mine but I think things are starting to get better. Does anyone have an opinion or advice for those considering? Has anyone on here had any weight loss surgeries or know someone who has?

A friend of ours had it done recently. No major complications just the normal upset stomach and problems keeping food down for a while. She looks wonderful now. She probably lost 80-90lbs after the surgery and has a few to go still. The oddest thing I noticed with her is the small amount of food she eats. I realize that this is what the surgery is supposed to do. Limit your stomach size to control your eating but she can eat a cup of green beans and be full.
I have heard exactly what Midee1 has heard!
I have several friends as well who have had gastric bypass and I have seen both the good and bad with it. A couple things I DO NOT like about it though is seeing them have to take so many vitamins EVERYDAY for the rest of their lives! I know vitamins are good for you and all but imagine not being able to miss 1 day!! EVER!!! Another thing is the pain medication.... I am BIG on NOT taking medicine unless I absolutely need it... I can't see needing pain medicine 6 to 8 months AFTER surgery but yet some of the doctors still prescribe them. I don't know.... maybe they are still suffering from certain aspects of the surgery BUT....

The weight loss with the surgery is amazing!! I have one friend who lost from over 300 lbs to around 125 now. She looks GREAT!! I guess it's kinda like everything else though..... there are pro's and con's with any type of weight loss surgery or any surgery for that matter!!!
I'm all for weight loss surgery, I'm actually for alot of weight loss things such as diet pills (if they work for you) and liposuction (for those that need it). I'm NOT for anorexia as a dieting resource. However, the only concern I have with the gastric bypass surgery is could you imagine what your body would go through after having that? I mean yeah you would be recovering from having your stomach stapled or whatever but losing weight has other impacts on your body as well. You could have severe mood changed and be really irritable espically if you're losing a vast amount of weight.
I know a guy who had it and he's doing great. He had the gastric bypass and he's lost over 100lbs.
Well I have heard both but most I have talked about have had major problems with it after the surgery.
Almost everyone I know who has had it, has said the same things. They felt like crapp for about the first 2 to 4 weeks. But, then things started to change. All are doing fine and look great. One lady I know said that since she has had the surgery about 2 months ago, she has dropped over ten different medications she took! I know GOD 10 medications. But, she doesn't need them anymore and that is great. Extra weight effects the body in so many ways mentally and physically.

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