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Out of Control Parents
Without naming names or specific schools. How many do you have in your program. How bad is it? What steps have been taken to deal with them?
What are some crazy things they have done this season?
Not from my alumni, but I know of one. She is AWFUL. She is always the loudest person in the gym. She not only says stuff to her kids, she says it to others as well. She thinks that the world should bow down at her feet because she is just so "tough". She has went so far as to push her daughter into another girl in order to instigate a fight...

OMG! Tribe... I can't believe that would happen with a kid involved!!! I might get pissed sometimes but I would NEVER..... let me say that again... NEVER involve my own child nor anyone elses.... I do often speak my piece and say what is on my mind but there is a time and place for that to take place as well...... I don't think kids should see parents getting "ill" so to speak and showing their A$$.... It sets a bad example!!! BUT.... that's just my opinion....
the ab combs fan,
ab combs vs. johnson central she was threatening to beat up jc's the coach and referring to him as baldy. she was also yelling at another kid on jc's team.
well ur smart it said not 2 mention names or schools
I think that all schools have these people around.
hillbilly Wrote:I think that all schools have these people around.

I agree there is one or two in every crowd.

Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
It amazes me that some people think that because they pay their $3 to get in the gate that they can say whatever they want to the players, cheerleaders, and officials. I was at a game tonight, not going to mention where, in which a lady fan from the opposing team was acting like a complete maniac. She complained about every single call and would even yell at the official if the call went her way telling him " That's pathetic!!! That's horrible!!! You're horrible!!! You Suck!! That's the 1st thing you've gotten right all night". Some of the things she said can not be repeated on here so use your imagination and I was on the opposite side and still heard her, so that tells ya she wasn't being shy. I'll tell ya this also, her team shot 27 FT so it's not like the officials weren't calling anything. It just completely amazes me that some people have the audacity to say the things they do to the officials especially. Nowhere else would she probably say anything even close to some of the things she said. You think because you've paid that it gives you a license to say whatever you want? I guess so but I'll say this....... IT"S COMPLETELY CLASSLESS!!!!! It's situations like that that show someone's true character and sometimes I'm ashamed to say I'm from the same area as some of these fans. And it's a small number but somehow they seem to be the loudest and it makes me sick to my stomach. They just need to grow up or get registered and officiate themselves.
hillbilly Wrote:I think that all schools have these people around.

Every schools has them but some more than others. Paying admission doesn't give you a license to say whatever you want contrary to what people think.
Great post, i was beginning to think i was the only who felt this way
hillbilly Wrote:I think that all schools have these people around.
What bothers me is parents getting on coaches for not playing theyre kids. These parents need to understand the concept of "TEAM", instead of what can my child do to make the team better. Its why isnt my child the star of the team. These parents wont be happy till theyre kid snaps the ball, hands of to himself and scores the TD then kicks the extra point. Then theyd probably complain cause he wasnt playing enough on defense LOL!
Theres always a few in each program, parents trying to relive their "Glory Days" through their kids.
Moe Wrote:Theres always a few in each program, parents trying to relive their "Glory Days" through their kids.
Ive even heard of parents threatening a lawsuit against the school if theyre child doesnt get to play more. How stupid is that?
PantherPride68 Wrote:Ive even heard of parents threatening a lawsuit against the school if theyre child doesnt get to play more. How stupid is that?

In todays litigation happy world that does not surprise me. It saddens me but does not surprise.
Midee1 Wrote:In todays litigation happy world that does not surprise me. It saddens me but does not surprise.
I agree it doenst surprise me either. But if one of these morons actually follows through with the case and wins it will be the end of organized high school sports as we know it.
I've been around sports for many years, and while there are many great and supportive parents out there, ive been aquainted with several that make coaching seem more like a combat zone instead of whats its supposed to be... It's all about the kids! I enjoy working with the kids, but i hate dealing with parents who seem to know more than an average person even though they've never stepped foot on a field, or court!!! yeah a lot of parents are there for the kids!! thier kids!!
What gets me is you have more parents who have to be coaches because no one else wants to fool with any sports. When I was in school, only teachers could be the coaches and then the assistant could be who they wanted. I do believe this to still be the case for high school level sports but when you see the junior high and down levels it is mostly parents coaching. Don't get me wrong - I think it is great of people to give their time to make sure children at a young age learn sports. What I don't get is why people do not want to fool with coaching when no money is involved. Some do. I know a couple of very good coaches who coach high school, junior high, and even some elementary sports but they are few and far between. Maybe that is why parents tend to act up more these days. They see someone they went to school with coaching and think maybe they know more than them and tend to coach from the sidelines. Any which way, there is a time and place for everything, and if a parent has problem it is not right to show your bad side in public, expecially around kids of any age.
but look at it this way. thats what makes it a game/sport. people being competive and yelling making it more intense. just think how boring it would be for the team to just dribble down everytime and jack up a 3 and make it followed by silence or clapping? see my point

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