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Weather Impact
The rain started here in Paducah at 5:30 am. Predicted to be around intermittently through tonight and into tomorrow morning. Then starting again late Friday night or early Saturday.

Soft field but likely not raining during the local games, at least the ones down this way in the land of rice and cotton and yes, alligators.
I’d about bet it’ll be raining during the games here looking at the radar on top of soggy grass from earlier rain. Most games it’ll have no effect either way due to the disparity between the teams talent. There’s a few that are probably watching this pretty close and adjusting or preparing it. I still remember having to catch water logged balls they’d soak in a drum during practice.
I'm thinking most games (if not all of them) that are played on turf, it will have no effect.
Mayfield and us still have sod. Those will be the only two dirt games in the far west.
Rain still affects players even on turf. A wet ball in the cold is way less sticky as a wet ball in a hot night.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
That's our type of game. Ground and pound.
FoSho Wrote:I'm thinking most games (if not all of them) that are played on turf, it will have no effect.

I disagree. SO much more than just wet grass to contend with. The football could be soaked and with the cooler temps, it will be much firmer. Then, depending on how hard it's raining, vision could be impaired.

Even if on turf, the water is going to lessen traction. I think rain, especially heavy rain, could make a great impact.
Spud6 Wrote:Rain still affects players even on turf. A wet ball in the cold is way less sticky as a wet ball in a hot night.

The only thing that truly affects the passing game is any combination of high winds, heavy rain, freezing rain.

Wet fields, cold or light rain should have minimal (if any) impact.
I don't know your location FoSho, but here the low is predicted in the low 40s on Friday. That's pretty cold with rain.
Granny Bear Wrote:I don't know your location FoSho, but here the low is predicted in the low 40s on Friday. That's pretty cold with rain.

The forecast is supposed to be no rain from early afternoon thru the games unless I misunderstood?!?!

40 degrees with wet turf should not hamper passing that significantly. Now grass could still be very soft and that will hamper passing attacks more because of footing and mud.
Kind of reminds me of 2015 when we had OC here in the rain and then we had DeSales here the next week in the rain.
This could have some major impact on the games tomorrow. This may cause a few upsets which holds better for the run first teams
Bell Co has turf but weather shows just cloudy during game time and in upper 40’s.
BellCo18 Wrote:Bell Co has turf but weather shows just cloudy during game time and in upper 40’s.

Same as Boyle. Weather will be a non-factor.
I'm so glad!!! For players AND fans!!!
Upper 40s won’t be anything to really worry about. But anything In the mid 30s and below changes things a tad.
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm so glad!!! For players AND fans!!!
I guess one positive about this year is, I won’t have to sit on the cold concrete stands of corbin☹️☹️
Rain ended in Paducah about 7:00 am and looks like about 1.6 inches since early Thursday. Winds today 6-18 mph and a high of 49. No more significant rain predicted until 2AM so looks like WX not a huge factor and the ball should stay dry and field will dry out to some extent. About 38-40 degrees predicted at game time.
getting down to countdown. I feel the excitement in the mountains today for Friday night football
Granny Bear Wrote:I don't know your location FoSho, but here the low is predicted in the low 40s on Friday. That's pretty cold with rain.

Sheis terrible at predicting the weather.
FoSho Wrote:The only thing that truly affects the passing game is any combination of high winds, heavy rain, freezing rain.

Wet fields, cold or light rain should have minimal (if any) impact.

This may be the dumbest post I've ever seen on here minus the political posts.
Bell Co/Fleming Co game. Looks to be no rain and upper 40’s. It’s 54 now.

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