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Steroids, Dogfighting and Cheating...
With Barry Bonds cheating to catch Hank Aaron, Mike Vick's dogfighting ring and the NBA referee betting on games, do you believe the world of sports will lose interest and fans?

Will this hurt only professional sports and help the college scene?

Or will things just stay the same and nothing go unchanged?

I can see the sports nation going unchanged with one of these events happening, but with 3 huge negative stories forced down your throat everyday, will fans grow tired of professional sports in general?

jammin' jamey Wrote:With Barry Bonds cheating to catch Hank Aaron, Mike Vick's dogfighting ring and the NBA referee betting on games, do you believe the world of sports will lose interest and fans?

Will this hurt only professional sports and help the college scene?

Or will things just stay the same and nothing go unchanged?

I can see the sports nation going unchanged with one of these events happening, but with 3 huge negative stories forced down your throat everyday, will fans grow tired of professional sports in general?


The NBA and MLB might lose some interest but the Vick thing is unrelated to football so it would have no effect on the level of interest....... I don't watch enough NBA or MLB to really make an educated, sports based comment, but that's what my common sense tells me.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:The NBA and MLB might lose some interest but the Vick thing is unrelated to football so it would have no effect on the level of interest....... I don't watch enough NBA or MLB to really make an educated, sports based comment, but that's what my common sense tells me.

Vick's problems are similar to problems other players have had off the field in recent years, but more severe. So far, NFL fan interest hasn't dropped because of previous players being on the wrong side of the law, but again, this situation is different.

I do think MLB and the NBA are more subject to "fan fall off" than the NFL.
jammin' jamey Wrote:Vick's problems are similar to problems other players have had off the field in recent years, but more severe. So far, NFL fan interest hasn't dropped because of previous players being on the wrong side of the law, but again, this situation is different.

I do think MLB and the NBA are more subject to "fan fall off" than the NFL.

That's probly because there's so many more players in the NFL, and it's more of a team mentality.

I agree Vick's problems are similar to other players' off field problems, but if he goes to jail for this, it's not football related. The 2 other situations you listed are related to their sports, but this one isn't. This would have no effect on if a person loves to watch football in the NFL because football is still football, whereas someone in the other two sports might be thinking "Bad call, he probly got paid off just like the rest of them," or "oh, another homer, probly all juiced up just like most players are." If someone throws an interception in the NFL, no one is going to be like "oh that's because he's probly been hosting dog fights." That's all I meant.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
i love college sports that will never change, i have not watched a NBA game since 1999 so i could care less about the NBA, the Barry Bonds thing still has to hit ball even if he is juiced, it bothers me more that A-ROD makes 25 million a year than the Bonds thing.
BFritz Wrote:That's probly because there's so many more players in the NFL, and it's more of a team mentality.

I agree Vick's problems are similar to other players' off field problems, but if he goes to jail for this, it's not football related. The 2 other situations you listed are related to their sports, but this one isn't. This would have no effect on if a person loves to watch football in the NFL because football is still football, whereas someone in the other two sports might be thinking "Bad call, he probly got paid off just like the rest of them," or "oh, another homer, probly all juiced up just like most players are." If someone throws an interception in the NFL, no one is going to be like "oh that's because he's probly been hosting dog fights." That's all I meant.

Good post...:Thumbs:

I think the NFL has done the right thing by seperating itself from Vick as quickly as possible...
rallo316 Wrote:it bothers me more that A-ROD makes 25 million a year than the Bonds thing.

well, I will watch pro sports, with the exception of the NBA, and after Bonds celebrates the darkest day in recent MLB history, I'll be pulling for someone to quickly break his record. When he hit #71, to me, that was one of the worst days to me anyways, in baseball. I hate Bonds. But.....thats why we watch the game. Villians are just as much fun to root against, than our favorites are to root for. I will forever root against Barry Bonds, and the Atlanta Braves, for as long as I am alive. As far as the NFL, the real America's past time, I'll never quit watching it. Im a true fan of the sport. No matter what idiots the league supplies itself with (Carruth, Vick, Pacman, etc), there are so many more good reasons to watch. The fans are just better in football. In baseball, the stadium will be packed the first week or two, then most will be lucky to pull in 15 to 20,000 per game. But football always packs stadiums, no matter how bad their teams are doing. Its the sport closest resembling a college atmosphere. And football is simply the greatest sport there is. But I'll keep watching, yeah, lol..
I think the falcons will because of vick and his dogs

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