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Prestonsburg is now Smoke Free!
Another eastern Kentucky city goes smoke free. Monday night, the Prestonsburg city council voted five to two in favor of a smoking ban inside all public buildings.

The council said it was a very difficult decision. Just two weeks earlier the vote was tabled because so many issues came up. But in the end, Mayor Jerry Fannin says it came down to the health of the community.

Some fear it will hurt local restaurants and businesses, but others say a smoking ban is the best thing that could happen in the community.

Public health director Thursa Sloan says, "What I've heard for years from the restaurant people, this is what they wanted. They didn't want to make the decision themselves, they wanted someone to make the decision for them."

The owners of Pig In a Poke say the only thing they smoke at their restaurant is pork, and say their decision has not hurt business at all. Owner Brian Craner says, "It's just a preference for us to be smoke free, and we enjoy it. It doesn't seem to affect us at all."

But not everyone thinks the smoking ban is a good idea. "I think it's a shame because smokers have their rights same as non-smokers," says Sylvia Gamble. Like many people, she is concerned about fundraisers at the bingo hall. She says, if smoking is banned, she would... "Stop coming. There's another one right up the road here, I'll be going up there."

The managers of the bingo hall on Court Street did not want to speak on camera, but say they believe the smoking ban will have a great affect on their business, so much so that they are considering relocating outside of the Prestonsburg city limits.

Mayor Jerry Fannin says it was a very difficult decision. "You've got the concern of the health and safety issue of your community, and I guess that should be your number on priority, taking care of everybody."

The smoking ban will go into effect the first of November.

There are a few exemptions to the smoking ban. Smoking will be allowed in a designated outdoor areas and in private clubs where there are no employees that are not open to the public, something like the Kiwanis club.
That's great news. When i first moved to Ca. i liked the law. I thought of going into McDonalds back in Letcher Co and it being filled with smoke. I never will figure out why those old dudes just sat in there all day and puffed. It was like an eye sore. They would sit 3-4hrs at a time drink coffee and puff while staring at the guest. People would come in and out and get stared down by the Evil Dead!
Hilbily Wrote:That's great news. When i first moved to Ca. i liked the law. I thought of going into McDonalds back in Letcher Co and it being filled with smoke. I never will figure out why those old dudes just sat in there all day and puffed. It was like an eye sore. They would sit 3-4hrs at a time drink coffee and puff while staring at the guest. People would come in and out and get stared down by the Evil Dead!

Sounds like the american grill of inez ky during breakfast
Exactly! I never noticed before but being gone so long alot of the locals in Letcher Co. stare. Its like on TommyKnockers when all the townfolk now (alien slaves are like- Im not reading you). Everytime i go back i get stared down.
So, what city will benefit from this? Cincinnati did this, and now Newport and Covington get all the nightlife and ALL THE MONEY. Downtown Cincinnati is DEAD!
Stardust Wrote:So, what city will benefit from this? Cincinnati did this, and now Newport and Covington get all the nightlife and ALL THE MONEY. Downtown Cincinnati is DEAD!

Prestonsburg's clubs are just outside of city limits.

Only business that this may effect is Bingo.
Bingo people won't know what to do! lol
No clubs in Cali allow smoking! Each usually has an outside beer garden where smoking is permited. Our night life is booming and full of women! I think the smokers are in the minority!
I loved it when i lived in lexington and they went smoke free. The lexington herald actually reported that it increased their business. I know a few resturaunts are excited about it. They will only have to keep one waiting list. Plus a faster turn over rate. Pig in a Poke is already smoke free and its packed everytime i go by. I think it will hurt bingo though. But i hear that place while helping alot of fundraising is still taking money by the truck loads out of the town.
When Pikeville went non-smoking it was the best thing to happen to the food places. I went in Reno's after not eating in coal run for a while and couldn't stand sitting in the smoking section. Non is the way to go.
Word up word up! I can't enjoy my food while the smokers are blazing that crap around!! If they need to light up then let them walk outside and do it. And bingo can go fly a kite. There really should be better things to do than bingo.
Good thing smoking is gone in my other favorite -burg.
Hilbily Wrote:That's great news. When i first moved to Ca. i liked the law. I thought of going into McDonalds back in Letcher Co and it being filled with smoke. I never will figure out why those old dudes just sat in there all day and puffed. It was like an eye sore. They would sit 3-4hrs at a time drink coffee and puff while staring at the guest. People would come in and out and get stared down by the Evil Dead!

Letcher County has had a smoking ban for over five years. It was the first area in eastern kentucky to go smoke free and it is the only county.
Yeah and that was great news! I am trying to fathom where the hordes of 60yr old smoke zombies have migrated to? If they can't hang at McDonald's anymorre where is there new gathering located?
Boooooo, Smoke Free
I think its a good thing, but then again i dont smoke. I know several people that are absolutely freaking out about it tho lol
Go in Giovanni's, see how much nicer it is in there now.

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