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Ted Kennedy Passes
Just broke that the long serving Senator Ted Kennedy has passed away from Cancer.:USAFlag::USAFlag::USAFlag:
Wasnt he the last of the "original" Kennedy siblings?
^ I beleive the last of the boys
well there goes the 60 votes the dems will need to pass any type of HC reform in the senate
Beetle01 Wrote:well there goes the 60 votes the dems will need to pass any type of HC reform in the senate

Don't forget the dems could force the reconcilation rule where they would only need 50 with Biden being the 51st vote. As of last week the dems. had 43 votes according to one report.
Old School Wrote:Don't forget the dems could force the reconcilation rule where they would only need 50 with Biden being the 51st vote. As of last week the dems. had 43 votes according to one report.

This would be a PR disaster for Dems. It would cost them so many seats in the 2010 election. Using this to push through bills a large portion if not large majority of the nation is adamantly opposed to is not a road I think the liberals want to go down.
Beetle01 Wrote:This would be a PR disaster for Dems. It would cost them so many seats in the 2010 election. Using this to push through bills a large portion if not large majority of the nation is adamantly opposed to is not a road I think the liberals want to go down.

A majority of the country was opposed to the Civil Rights Amendment. We don't live in a "count the hands" democracy: we live in a Constitutional democracy. There is more to right and wrong than a showing of hands. Silver and gold own this country. Flesh and blood come in a distant second.
thecavemaster Wrote:A majority of the country was opposed to the Civil Rights Amendment. We don't live in a "count the hands" democracy: we live in a Constitutional democracy. There is more to right and wrong than a showing of hands. Silver and gold own this country. Flesh and blood come in a distant second.

So now public opinion doesn't matter? LOL! Like he said, it would be a disaster to pass something most people want no part of.
Beetle01 Wrote:This would be a PR disaster for Dems. It would cost them so many seats in the 2010 election. Using this to push through bills a large portion if not large majority of the nation is adamantly opposed to is not a road I think the liberals want to go down.

I think it would be a disaster too, but I also think that Obama is bound and determined to push thru his agenda regardless of the consequences.
Beetle01 Wrote:well there goes the 60 votes the dems will need to pass any type of HC reform in the senate
What if his wife replaces him?
Kennedy, was behind the 2004 amendment to require a special election within 145 to 160 days of the vacancy, because they were afraid if Kerry won the 2004 election Gov. Romney would appoint a republican.

"Kennedy's letter acknowledges the state changed its succession law in 2004 to require a special election be held 145 to 160 days after the vacancy. At the time, legislative Democrats — with a wide majority in both chambers — were concerned because then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney had the power to directly fill any vacancy created as Democratic Sen. John Kerry ran for president."

"Despite speculation that Kennedy's wife, Vicki, is interested in the seat, family aides have said she is not interested in replacing her husband either temporarily or permanently."
Old School Wrote:Kennedy, was behind the 2004 amendment to require a special election within 145 to 160 days of the vacancy, because they were afraid if Kerry won the 2004 election Gov. Romney would appoint a republican.

"Kennedy's letter acknowledges the state changed its succession law in 2004 to require a special election be held 145 to 160 days after the vacancy. At the time, legislative Democrats — with a wide majority in both chambers — were concerned because then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney had the power to directly fill any vacancy created as Democratic Sen. John Kerry ran for president."

"Despite speculation that Kennedy's wife, Vicki, is interested in the seat, family aides have said she is not interested in replacing her husband either temporarily or permanently."
Didn't know. The news on at 7:00 had speculated on if she might try.
thecavemaster Wrote:A majority of the country was opposed to the Civil Rights Amendment. We don't live in a "count the hands" democracy: we live in a Constitutional democracy. There is more to right and wrong than a showing of hands. Silver and gold own this country. Flesh and blood come in a distant second.

What amendment are you referring to? Im assuming 15th amendment. Maybe you need to look up the process of how an amendment is passed, and then decide if you think that it would happen without a majority of approval from the citizens.

I know the media tries to portray America as being the most bigoted, hateful, racist bunch of white people of all time, and only now are we able to make amends for that. It just isn't true however.
Beetle01 Wrote:What amendment are you referring to? Im assuming 15th amendment. Maybe you need to look up the process of how an amendment is passed, and then decide if you think that it would happen without a majority of approval from the citizens.

I know the media tries to portray America as being the most bigoted, hateful, racist bunch of white people of all time, and only now are we able to make amends for that. It just isn't true however.

Sometimes, a profile in courage is to say that separate but equal is a farce, even if a majority of people don't agree... you know, like saying that the poor are blessed and the rich are a big "woe unto you" kind of thing. Know what I mean, Vern?
Beetle01 Wrote:well there goes the 60 votes the dems will need to pass any type of HC reform in the senate
Coming out of MA, I think we will get a much needed liberal to replace him.
Regardless it was a sad loss
thecavemaster Wrote:A majority of the country was opposed to the Civil Rights Amendment. We don't live in a "count the hands" democracy: we live in a Constitutional democracy. There is more to right and wrong than a showing of hands. Silver and gold own this country. Flesh and blood come in a distant second.

We live in a representative democracy.
Matman Wrote:We live in a representative democracy.

I don't want to get into a term parsers war, however, I am saying that the Constitution is a founding and guiding document, "light housing" all. A black man's right to vote is not open to representative challenge, for instance.
thecavemaster Wrote:I don't want to get into a term parsers war, however, I am saying that the Constitution is a founding and guiding document, "light housing" all. A black man's right to vote is not open to representative challenge, for instance.

Originally did the Constitution or the Bill of Rights give the black man the right to vote? No. It took the representatives to amend the document. However the reason it wasn't covered is due to the need to ratify the document. This issue would have forced the south to walk out.
Matman Wrote:Originally did the Constitution or the Bill of Rights give the black man the right to vote? No. It took the representatives to amend the document. However the reason it wasn't covered is due to the need to ratify the document. This issue would have forced the south to walk out.

I see where you're coming from here. However, the Constiution is a guarantor of those named within rights, not the representatives. Would you agree?
thecavemaster Wrote:I see where you're coming from here. However, the Constiution is a guarantor of those named within rights, not the representatives. Would you agree?

I can live with that. As long as we keep in mind that it is a living document. Made to be added to but not taken away from.
Matman Wrote:I can live with that. As long as we keep in mind that it is a living document. Made to be added to but not taken away from.

...establish justice, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty... these "go before and in and around" all that follows. For instance, in my opinion, same sex marriage should have equal status under the law ("establish justice").
thecavemaster Wrote:...establish justice, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty... these "go before and in and around" all that follows. For instance, in my opinion, same sex marriage should have equal status under the law ("establish justice").

On that issue i think the federal government should stay out of it. Leave it up to the states so that the states may represent the people of their region. Thats the only way we can agree on that issue as a nation.
Matman Wrote:On that issue i think the federal government should stay out of it. Leave it up to the states so that the states may represent the people of their region. Thats the only way we can agree on that issue as a nation.

Justice and equal protection under the law are bigger concepts than concensus.
I will have to compliment you guys. These are some of the more intelligent conversations I have seen on this site no matter which side you agree with.
Matman Wrote:I can live with that. As long as we keep in mind that it is a living document. Made to be added to but not taken away from.

I'm not for sure where you were goin with this.. but, amendments can repeal other amendments.. as well as take out sections from the original constitution itself.

It can be taken away from. Tomorrow legislation could be introduced to repeal the 15th amendment, and before the next presidential election, we could have an all white electorate once again.
Matman Wrote:On that issue i think the federal government should stay out of it. Leave it up to the states so that the states may represent the people of their region. Thats the only way we can agree on that issue as a nation.
No matter if he turn power over to the states to decide something, people still down him over it. Do you think turning the power over to the states about gay marriage would be any different than when he turned power over to the states about marijuana?

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congressman Wrote:I'm not for sure where you were goin with this.. but, amendments can repeal other amendments.. as well as take out sections from the original constitution itself.

It can be taken away from. Tomorrow legislation could be introduced to repeal the 15th amendment, and before the next presidential election, we could have an all white electorate once again.

I was refering to the checks in place about the legality of the constitution. The judicial branch can interpret the constitution. Their interpretation adds to it.

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