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Death penalty can we afford it?
TheRealVille Wrote:It's just that when someone disagrees with you and JP, you ridicule and make fun of them. I guess that makes you two feel smarter.

Isn't that what you just did to me? Unprovoked, I might add.:dontthink
This issue has always had me twisted. At first I feel that there are some crimes that deserve the DP. Child Rape, Pre-Meditated murder, among a few others. But I just don't feel it is any mans place to take another mans life. Prisons are going to be in existence whether or not we have the DP or not, so I say if their crime is worthy of the DP, stick em in a hole and let the rot for years on end, don't give em an easy way out.

Also, there's always the concern of giving someone the DP who may actually be innocent.
The amount of money spent of prisoners is ridiculous, these people are in prison to be punished for a crime or crimes they committed. IMO they should only be provided the basic neccessities.
Old School Wrote:The amount of money spent of prisoners is ridiculous, these people are in prison to be punished for a crime or crimes they committed. IMO they should only be provided the basic neccessities.

:Thumbs: We need to go back to the Roy Bean days.
I worked in a supermaximum security prison in Virginia for almost 8 years. I was a floor officer in a segregation pod for 6 1/2 years and I worked for a year in general population, and to say that "prison is plenty enough punishment for a child molester", is so far off base it isnt funny. They dont have it THAT BAD. If the picture you have of these convicts is to sit around and feel sorry for themselves, wishing they could be free, and crying themselves to sleep at night, you are wrong. I have always held a firm stance supporting the death penalty, and after spending 8 years working in a supermax full of people I would STILL love to bury, my stance is even greater now. Those criminals that I named in my earlier post are some that doesnt deserve prison. I have a big soft spot in my heart for children, so to me, a child molester, or anybody that permanently scars the life of a child, or kills them, should be shot and buried without questions asked and not get 15 years to sit around and get 3 meals a day, showers, free medical, cable tv, music, library books, magazines, and appeals. You can call it what you want. You can ask me if it would bother me to pull the trigger, and I would guarantee you it wouldnt. I have no conscious whatsoever to end the life of someone that didnt have the conscious not to end someone elses.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I worked in a supermaximum security prison in Virginia for almost 8 years. I was a floor officer in a segregation pod for 6 1/2 years and I worked for a year in general population, and to say that "prison is plenty enough punishment for a child molester", is so far off base it isnt funny. They dont have it THAT BAD. If the picture you have of these convicts is to sit around and feel sorry for themselves, wishing they could be free, and crying themselves to sleep at night, you are wrong. I have always held a firm stance supporting the death penalty, and after spending 8 years working in a supermax full of people I would STILL love to bury, my stance is even greater now. Those criminals that I named in my earlier post are some that doesnt deserve prison. I have a big soft spot in my heart for children, so to me, a child molester, or anybody that permanently scars the life of a child, or kills them, should be shot and buried without questions asked and not get 15 years to sit around and get 3 meals a day, showers, free medical, cable tv, music, library books, magazines, and appeals. You can call it what you want. You can ask me if it would bother me to pull the trigger, and I would guarantee you it wouldnt. I have no conscious whatsoever to end the life of someone that didnt have the conscious not to end someone elses.
Its no secret that I'm in the military. But, I suppose I should take it one step further and describe the mindset that I have, and whats expected of me in with my job.

Imagine this. Imagine someone breaking into your house late at night. You wake up, find broken glass, and hear screams from down the hall. You rush into your childs room, and find a crazed killer strangling your daughter. Using the weapon you had by your bed, you pull up, and fire off 3 rounds. Careful not to hit your innocent daughter (cavemaster, lets assume she's innocent... lol). You hit him twice in the back, and he falls into the floor.

What do you do next? He's no longer a threat, because whatever weapon if any, is in your possession. He's barely breathing, and rapidly falling unconscience... Most would probably pick up the weapon and finish empyting it into his already limp body to finish him off. Or at least something of that nature. Most legal entities would allow this, and you'd probably go to bed the next night without so much as a second of lost sleep over taking this insane child molesting and potential killer's life.

Now lets switch gears. Same situation, different characters. I'm laying in my bunk, and I hear gasps coming from across the room. Its my battle buddy, and he's got a radical islamic terrorist on him, strangling him and stabbing with a knife. Somehow a worker on the camp made it through hiding his terrorist intentions. I grab my m9, and fire off a few rounds hitting him, as you did, in the back a couple of times. He falls to the floor, I grab the knife and notice he's not moving, and bleeding badly. I check my battle buddy, and he's got several stab wounds to abdomen, but is talking and has since caught his breath, and has no trouble breathing.

My quick thinking allows me to bend his knees to take pressure off the injured abdomen. I apply moist sterile guaze to the wounds, and cover them occlusive dressing. I think check to make sure the suspect is still not moving and unable to cause any further injury to anyone who is in the area. By now, the medivac has arrived and my buddy is gonna be ok after a few weeks in germany... meanwhile, the perpetrator has died from a tension pnuemothorax as a result of the penetrating chest wounds. I'm a hero, I just killed a would-be assassin, and saved the life of an American Soldier. Right? Wrong. I just broke international law (as a soldier), as well as federal and state laws (as a result of paramedic certification and medical provider laws). The UN, Geneva Convention, and UCMJ were not followed, because as a Medic, I have to be blind and not see what uniform the wounded are wearing. The only thing people I can discriminate against, are those who are less severely wounded. When I triage wounded soldiers, whether they be soldiers of Allah, or soldiers of Freedom.. I first have to dismiss those who are expected to die regardless of treatment. My next priority, is the most severely wounded remaining. If it is an American soldier, he gets first treatment. If its the terrorist, I must step overtop of my guy, and ignore his pleas for help... and do everything within my power to save the life of the man or woman who was just trying to kill some of my own. If I fail to do this, I will have set myself up for a possible trial in the international criminal courts, violated my own values, and ignored what I believe to be a God given duty to treat the worst first. How hard is it to do? You will never have a clue. But its my job.

And the same goes for the civilian world. If a drunk driver severely injures a family of 5, but his injuries are more severe and he has a fighting chance to live.. I must ignore the cries of the 3 year old laying 20 feet away in a bed of shattered glass. It sucks. But, I respect life more than anyone I've ever met. And although I once thought I had it right, being for the death penalty.. I have never felt better about a decision in my entire life, than the decision I made to walk away from the culture of death, and into the world of second chances and changed lives.

Few here know my real identity, and its probably best kept that way. However, I can say without any doubt... that a second chance changed my life forever. And the part I love to tell the most, when I get up the nerve to even talk about it... is that, it changed the lives of everyone around me as well. If Saul could become Paul. I'm convinced that anyone can do the same.

And as far as whomever it was that said that anyone who scars a child for life should die... you better be careful how you say things, because more kids than you'll ever know about are scarred for life because of mental abuse.. either directly, or indirectly. The kid who found their father in bed with a woman besides their mom. The child who witnessed their mother drinking until she passed out, and neglected them the love they should have had. More often than not, kids are more scarred by emotional neglect, than sexual abuse. Its a fact, that a child that recieve the love he or she needs, will have a harder time in life than a child who can't even remember an incident that you propose should end someone's life. Based on your logic, we need a new federal agency to 'take care' of a few million parents.

Now, who wants to be the first to say that I'm soft of crime? I'm guessing... hmm.. I dunno, surprise me.

I'm not afraid of what I believe. Nor am I the criticism of those who don't understand. As Bush said, Bring 'em on. I need some laughs....
congressman Wrote:My quick thinking allows me to bend his knees to take pressure off the injured abdomen. I apply moist sterile guaze to the wounds, and cover them occlusive dressing. I think check to make sure the suspect is still not moving and unable to cause any further injury to anyone who is in the area. By now, the medivac has arrived and my buddy is gonna be ok after a few weeks in germany... meanwhile, the perpetrator has died from a tension pnuemothorax as a result of the penetrating chest wounds. I'm a hero, I just killed a would-be assassin, and saved the life of an American Soldier. Right? Wrong. I just broke international law (as a soldier), as well as federal and state laws (as a result of paramedic certification and medical provider laws). The UN, Geneva Convention, and UCMJ were not followed, because as a Medic, I have to be blind and not see what uniform the wounded are wearing. The only thing people I can discriminate against, are those who are less severely wounded. When I triage wounded soldiers, whether they be soldiers of Allah, or soldiers of Freedom.. I first have to dismiss those who are expected to die regardless of treatment. My next priority, is the most severely wounded remaining. If it is an American soldier, he gets first treatment. If its the terrorist, I must step overtop of my guy, and ignore his pleas for help... and do everything within my power to save the life of the man or woman who was just trying to kill some of my own. If I fail to do this, I will have set myself up for a possible trial in the international criminal courts, violated my own values, and ignored what I believe to be a God given duty to treat the worst first. How hard is it to do? You will never have a clue. But its my job.

Lets say your in a battlefield and you hit an IED. You see the trigger man and your gunner shoots him with a 240B. The man is still alive and unarmed but he is bleeding out. The driver is wounded but concious and moving. Would you pass up the driver to go help the trigger man?
Depends. In this hypothetical situation, is there still an IED threat?? Whats my security look like? These are all variables.

Typically, a triggerman who is injured must be checked for explosives, and then only after he is cleared, I can treat him. If its a hypothetical case, and he has no explosives, no deadman trigger for IED number 2, there's no sniper threat, ect... then yes, I will treat him always before treating my driver. This is medical protocol. This is International Law. This is the moral law that I follow. Matman, you already know the answer to this, you've been in charge of medics before. You know Geneva Conventions, and have probably even taught classes on it before. I'm junior to you, and I teach classes on it regularly. So this leads me wonder, why are you asking me? Its obviously NOT because you're uneducated on the subject. ...
congressman Wrote:Depends. In this hypothetical situation, is there still an IED threat?? Whats my security look like? These are all variables.

Typically, a triggerman who is injured must be checked for explosives, and then only after he is cleared, I can treat him. If its a hypothetical case, and he has no explosives, no deadman trigger for IED number 2, there's no sniper threat, ect... then yes, I will treat him always before treating my driver. This is medical protocol. This is International Law. This is the moral law that I follow. Matman, you already know the answer to this, you've been in charge of medics before. You know Geneva Conventions, and have probably even taught classes on it before. I'm junior to you, and I teach classes on it regularly. So this leads me wonder, why are you asking me? Its obviously NOT because you're uneducated on the subject. ...

I ask because we had the same situation. It was somewhat an unfair and loaded question. Because i know what is taught and i know the Geneva Convention. That same situation happened to us. We hit an IED. My truck. We took down the trigger man. My driver was talkative and aware. We had a team dismount and check the trigger man. We all said we were ok to our medic. He said he would still check us out first even though the enemy was bleeding out. Luckily he did. My driver turned out to have a traumatic brain injury along with internal bleeding. He seemed ok at first but he got worse and we had to medivac him. At first glance he was fine. But during the extra time he spent with us the driver started acting different. He spent the next year at Walter Reed hospital and is fine today. The enemy died. The medic thought out side the box and it paid off. I believe in the rules of war but sometimes they need interpritation.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I think the government is too concerned with the "politically correct" way of doing everything. Spending $10M on a death penalty is stupid. But our government over the years has been notorious for big spending, as well as needless spending. Anyways, I am all for the death penalty, and I agree with Amun-Ra, we dont use it nearly enough. After convicted, a child molester (or anybody that scars a child), or some pillhead holler junkie that breaks into an elderly home and kills the old man and woman to score some pills should get the same treatment. Those are just two examples, by the way. Get an inmate (with less serious charges) gravedigger crew to dig the grave, lay the punk in the grave, and put a bullet in his forehead. Problem solved. And you save yourself and the taxpayers $9,999,998.50. Makes sense to me.

I couldn't agree with you more.
I once said that I didn't like the death penatly because a rich white guy would never be put to death. But after O.J. i changed my mind to just rich guy. However if my daughter is the one in some of mentioned posts I shoot the guy 7 times( kel-tec pf9 only holds 7)

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