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TNA Bound for Glory
Anyone watch it? I really enjoyed it. I believe it was better than No Surrender.
Hogan, JJ, Bischoff, being "they" was no surprise but Hardy turning heel as well shocked the heck out of me.
Motor City Machine Guns beat Generation Me
RVP beat Aybss
Team Ev2 beat Fortune
Hardy pinned Anderson for the title. Where Angle didn't get pinned I doubt that will be his retirement.
Sting and Nash are going to be revealed to be the good guys all along but that was obvious.
There was some very good wrestling on this PPV, but, as usual, TNA drops the ball on the big angle at the end. Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and whoever else is writing this crap has absolutely no business booking for a major, professional wrestling company, which is what TNA is trying to be. God Bless their hearts.

The Guns and GenMe were mind blowing in spots. I just wish GenMe would get some decent wrestling gear. They looked like they raided the wardrobe of a production of Hair the musical and they had on Air Jordans, which are fine if they had been playing basketball, but not on a major PPV. Still the match was incredible. This feud needs to continue. As GEnMe continues to develop and gets a little more seasoned, they could be the one of the greatest teams ever. On a side note, I have no desire to see Team 3D vs. The Guns, but it will happen because TNA mgmt. is clueless.

The rest of the matches were solid, but unspectacular. The women's match was horrible. Please bring back Awesome Kong and maybe some of the girls from Shimmer and ROH like Sara Del Raye, Daisy Haze, Allison Danger, etc. If I wanted to watch underwear models with jailhouse tatooes dry hump the ring ropes, I would flip it to Skinimax or the WWE.

Orlando Jordan/Eric young vs. Ink, Inc may have been the worst PPV match that I have ever seen. What was the point of this match? If anyone knows, please clue me in. This should have been Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore with Jesse Neal going back to school to train and Orlando Jordan not even in the company. I don't know what they are paying Jordan to be there, but it is a waste. This guy may be controversial, but being bisexual does not give him the right to be a horrible wrestler and get paid well to do it.

Sting/Nash/Pope vs. Joe and Jarrett did its' job in terms of teasing what was going to happen. Poor Kevin Nash barely can move at all. Charisma wise, there have been few better, but his body is just too broken down. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't making enough money off of TNA to feed Sally Struthers and her starving African children.
Pope is growing on me, I think. I still feel like he comes off as a midget Rock, though. Sting and Jarrett are basically the same as they were 10 years ago, just older, but just as good in the ring as they were back then (please note the sarcasm).

RVD vs. Abyss was just okay for me. With all of the build-up for "they" by Abyss, I don't know that he needed to lose this match or even face RVD for that matter. The whole deal were Abyss "attacked" RVD and cause him to have to forfeit the title was lame to me. But, more on that in a minute.

EV 2 vs. Fortune was decent as far as those type matches go, but is a waste of Fortune. I respect all of the old ECW guys but this does nothing to enhance Flair's group. Flair should have faced Foley in the cage and the angle should have died with that match. Although, Matt Morgan referring to EV2 as a traveling antique road show was funny. The notstalgia act is dead.

The main event (which, by the way, even Stevie Wonder saw coming) was a very good match. My only question would be why turn Jeff Hardy? He has absolutely zero personality outside of the ring. I know people have always liked him, but it is mainly because he does some dangerous things (by the way, people that are stoned tend to take a lot of risk, FYI). He has no mic skills, at all, and is simply not a good enough in ring talent to be the standard bearer of the company. In my totally useless opinion, TNA could have gone a few different ways with this:

1.) Instead of putting RVD out and stripping him of the belt. They could have had RVD vs. Angle vs. Hardy in the main event and used Abyss to help screw RVD and Angle over to let Hardy win, if they were bound and determined to make Hardy the main. Abyss could have screwed Anderson over in an earlier bout to give him some momentum going into this new angle instead of having him get his butt handed to him by RVD.

2. They could have done the angle the exact same way that they did, but turn Anderson or Angle instead. Both have the in ring skills and the out of the ring personality to make this angle work. Jeff Hardy does not have the ability to be the top guy as a heel. As a good guy, he probably does, but not as the top heel. Of course, he won't be the "top" heel because Hogan and Bischoff have positioned themselves in that spot.

3. Anyone other than Jeff Hardy as the champion (except Orlando Jordan).

4. Another idea that just occurred to me would have been something with Jarrett in the main event and Hogan putting the screws to him because if I am right (and if not, someone please correct me), the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach is where WCW did the controversial angle with Jarrett just laying down in the middle of the ring for Hogan and giving Hogan the title. The only problem with that would be that no one really cares about Jarrett or an old WCW angle, which is why it surprises me even more that TNA didn't do that very thing.

I know this has gotten long winded, but in closing, I need to say that TNA needs to get away from all of these cliques (Fortune, EV2,"they", Sting/Nash/Pope). Next thing you know, we will see the Nation of Domination, Los Boriquas and DOA on there. Which with TNA is a possibility. All of those guys did work for WWE and most are close to drawing Social Security, so it would be a logical fit for TNA. Sorry if this was too long. Once i got started, I got on a little bit of a roll, I guess
I don't know a lot of those wrestlers.. What is a RVP?
Sounds like they are making Angle out to be a joke in TNA.. Not cool at all.
I forgot the Jay Lethal vs. Doug Williams match for the X division title. Very good match between these two. I thought Williams and Brutus Magnus were great as the British Invasion, but TNA, in their infinite wisdom split them up. Jay Lethal is great as an underdog type and Williams is a wrestling machine. I thought their styles meshed very well and I really liked Lethal celebrating with the crowd after the win.
Ballers Wrote:I don't know a lot of those wrestlers.. What is a RVP?
Sounds like they are making Angle out to be a joke in TNA.. Not cool at all.

RVD is Rob Van Dam. If I typed RVP anywhere in that message, it was a mistake.

I don't think that they are making Angle out to be a joke. It kind of looks like they might be positioning him as the top babyface in the company to take on Hogan,Bischoff, Jarrett, etc. Angle vs. Jarrett could be very interesting especially considering that Jarrett is now married to Angle's ex-wife Karen.
I agree with most of what you said worker1. I'll give TNA this, turning Hardy heel caught me off guard, but I don't know why. Like you said, he's a great in ring performer, but he's awful on the mic. I would have turned Anderson heel out of the three. Good in the ring, even better on the mic. I think they need to just get rid of the ev2 guys and make Fortune a real threat in TNA. Let them get all the belts, or most of them. Let Williams get the X division back, put AJ in the heavy picture, put Beer Money back in contention for the Tag Team titles, and move Morgan to TV title contention. Let them get all the belts at some moment in the future on there way to dominating TNA.
Lethal is hilarious. That promo he had with Flair killed me. He didn't do a bad Macho man either.
I thought the ev2/fortune match was pretty good though. Lots of blood Big Grin. I hated the outcome though.
This ppv was better than any WWE one I've seen this year not including Wrestlemania.
Ballers Wrote:I don't know a lot of those wrestlers.. What is a RVP?
Sounds like they are making Angle out to be a joke in TNA.. Not cool at all.

There not. If they were, I'd be upset though. Angle is the man.
I miss his role in WWE.. Bad or good, he was awesome.
Aslan Wrote:I agree with most of what you said worker1. I'll give TNA this, turning Hardy heel caught me off guard, but I don't know why. Like you said, he's a great in ring performer, but he's awful on the mic. I would have turned Anderson heel out of the three. Good in the ring, even better on the mic. I think they need to just get rid of the ev2 guys and make Fortune a real threat in TNA. Let them get all the belts, or most of them. Let Williams get the X division back, put AJ in the heavy picture, put Beer Money back in contention for the Tag Team titles, and move Morgan to TV title contention. Let them get all the belts at some moment in the future on there way to dominating TNA.
Lethal is hilarious. That promo he had with Flair killed me. He didn't do a bad Macho man either.
I thought the ev2/fortune match was pretty good though. Lots of blood Big Grin. I hated the outcome though.
This ppv was better than any WWE one I've seen this year not including Wrestlemania.

With Hardy turning heel, I almost wonder if it was one of those things were the powers that be said we need to do something that has never been done. Out of Hardy, Angle and Anderson, very few people would have predicted Hardy to turn thus making it the most shocking of the possibilties. That doesn't make it a good idea, though. Maybe Hardy will surprise us all, though. I hope so for TNA's sake because Hogan, Bischoff and company are taking the company completly in the wrong direction, in my opinion, which means nothing. Look for Brutus Beefcake vs. Hacksaw Duggan at a PPV coming up soon.
I agree. Just because it was surprising doesn't make it a good idea. Bischoff and crew will do the talking for him but I'm not a huge fan of that. Turning Anderson heel wouldn't have been too surprising, but imo it would have been a better direction to go in.
Ballers Wrote:I miss his role in WWE.. Bad or good, he was awesome.

There's a rumor that he may return to WWE when his contract runs up with TNA. He would want to have a schedule similar to HBK's in which he don't have to travel as much. This is just a rumor so I wouldn't put to much stock into it but I want Angle wrestling, whether it's WWE or TNA.
^ I'd rather see him in WWE. A lot of TNA just seems too sugar coated and generic.

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