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Is the Economy improving?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I would hope that ALL politicians would "hate" taxing their buddies, along with everyone else.
Yea, but they tax the hell out of the middle, yet let their rich buddies off the hook, with outrageously low taxes.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are referring to his 4T dollar spending cut he is addressing in his budget, the answer is no.

Yes, I meant to say spending.

You may want to watch Chris Wallace interview with Jack Lew, Obama's Chief of Staff, particularly from the 10:15 mark on. Chris brought up that 850 billion of the 4 trillion came from future spending in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Old School Wrote:Yes, I meant to say spending.

You may want to watch Chris Wallace interview with Jack Lew, Obama's Chief of Staff, particularly from the 10:15 mark on. Chris brought up that 850 billion of the 4 trillion came from future spending in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wouldn't ending the wars we shouldn't be in at this time, be a real savings? In the same video, did you notice that when he took office, we were losing 750k jobs a month, and now we are gaining 250k jobs a months. Watch the whole video, don't just pick parts you agree with. BTW, as you conservatives say, you are posting links to right wing media. Find something not slanted. Chris Wallace is the epitome of right wing propaganda.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wouldn't ending the wars we shouldn't be in at this time, be a real savings?

Trying to claim savings from a war you have already ended which wasn't in the budget in the first place.

I guess by your logic we could still claim savings for money not being spent from Vietnam, Korea and WWII.
Old School Wrote:Trying to claim savings from a war you have already ended which wasn't in the budget in the first place.

I guess by your logic we could still claim savings for money not being spent from Vietnam, Korea and WWII.
It's not in the budget. That's just Chris Wallace's version of the truth, which isn't even close to the truth.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wouldn't ending the wars we shouldn't be in at this time, be a real savings? In the same video, did you notice that when he took office, we were losing 750k jobs a month, and now we are gaining 250k jobs a months. Watch the whole video, don't just pick parts you agree with. BTW, as you conservatives say, you are posting links to right wing media. Find something not slanted. Chris Wallace is the epitome of right wing propaganda.
1. We gained 250 K last month and only after the statisticians took 1.2 million workers off the books - that is a far cry from 250K a month, which implies an average over a range of months. 2. Chris Wallace is a far cry from being the "epitome of right wing propaganda." Wallace is the son of extremely liberal former CBS reporter Mike Wallace. He started his career as an assistant to Walter Cronkite, he is a former host of Meet the Press, and he was once the anchor of NBC News Sunday Edition. Wallace has won three Emmies and a Peabody Award for his work in journalism. Your personal attack on him is unfounded.

Besides, Old School posted a video of Obama's Chief of Staff directly contradicting what you claimed to be the truth. Do you not believe your own eyes? You are wrong no matter where the interview occurred, so why not just admit that you once again posted something as fact without doing your homework first?
TheRealVille Wrote:It's not in the budget. That's just Chris Wallace's version of the truth, which isn't even close to the truth.

No it's not in the budget, there is no budget, there has been no budget since Bush left office.

Wallace is saying, Obama wants to claim his budget will save 850B on the wars in Iraq and Afganistan when there is no plan to spend that money.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wouldn't ending the wars we shouldn't be in at this time, be a real savings? In the same video, did you notice that when he took office, we were losing 750k jobs a month, and now we are gaining 250k jobs a months. Watch the whole video, don't just pick parts you agree with. BTW, as you conservatives say, you are posting links to right wing media. Find something not slanted. Chris Wallace is the epitome of right wing propaganda.
Chris Wallace is a lot of things, right wing is not one of them.
All Jack Lew objected to was Wallace's asking him if including the $850 billion of "savings" in the budget was a gimick - he did not deny that the $850 billion was included among Obama's "cuts."
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Chris Wallace is a lot of things, right wing is not one of them.
If he's on Fox, he's right wing.
^ Alan Combs, Heraldo Rivera, Chris Wallace, Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers--- all strong Fox News conservatives :eyeroll:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:[Image: https://s3.amazonaws.com/obama.3cdn.net/...6bxpxr.jpg]
What's your point? Do you know how much it costs GM to manufacture a Chevy Volt and how much of its cost has been subsidized by taxpayers? Did you expect throwing more than $23 billion down the drain (the amount that taxpayers were taken for) would result in no job gains?

The problem is that this country is broke. Everybody cannot work for the federal government and the bailout set a bad example. How many bailouts are you willing to support to save a company that cannot compete on an even playing field with Ford?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What's your point? Do you know how much it costs GM to manufacture a Chevy Volt and how much of its cost has been subsidized by taxpayers? Did you expect throwing more than $23 billion down the drain (the amount that taxpayers were taken for) would result in no job gains?

The problem is that this country is broke. Everybody cannot work for the federal government and the bailout set a bad example. How many bailouts are you willing to support to save a company that cannot compete on an even playing field with Ford?

Support bail outs? LOL!

Obama was clearly not the firs president to start bailing people out.

Just showing the graph of jobs per quarter.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Support bail outs? LOL!

Obama was clearly not the firs president to start bailing people out.

Just showing the graph of jobs per quarter.
How much did the first Chrysler bailout cost? Do you have any idea? Obama is the first president to shaft shareholders during a bailout by turning over the keys of the company to the UAW and he was the first to force an American company to sell out to a foreign company (Fiat) at a fire sale price. This is what happens in banana republics, WC. Someday I predict that you will regret supporting a socialist in the White House.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How much did the first Chrysler bailout cost? Do you have any idea? Obama is the first president to shaft shareholders during a bailout by turning over the keys of the company to the UAW and he was the first to force an American company to sell out to a foreign company (Fiat) at a fire sale price. This is what happens in banana republics, WC. Someday I predict that you will regret supporting a socialist in the White House.

Im not for sure lets see your numbers. Was it triple that of tarp that bush signed?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Support bail outs? LOL!

Obama was clearly not the firs president to start bailing people out.

Just showing the graph of jobs per quarter.
When the truth tells what the right don't want to hear, they twist it.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Im not for sure lets see your numbers. Was it triple that of tarp that bush signed?
I opposed all of the bailouts, including TARP, which Obama supported as a US Senator. If you want to show how fiscally irresponsible Bush was, then you will need to look up your own data. But Bush will not be on the ballot this fall.

Do you also support Obama's proposal to fork over $1.3 million in military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has taken effective control of Egypt? Do you think sending that money to a government controlled by the organization that gave birth to al Qaeda is a wise expenditure?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I opposed all of the bailouts, including TARP, which Obama supported as a US Senator. If you want to show how fiscally irresponsible Bush was, then you will need to look up your own data. But Bush will not be on the ballot this fall.

Do you also support Obama's proposal to fork over $1.3 million in military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has taken effective control of Egypt? Do you think sending that money to a government controlled by the organization that gave birth to al Qaeda is a wise expenditure?

Just because i support one action of a president does not mean i support the other. Was that not you saying with bush? While i cannot use it?

In fact, the bailout began with President George W. Bush, who was forced to lend GM and Chrysler $17.4 billion in December 2008 after Senate Republicans blocked a rescue plan in Congress. Bush told reporters just last week that he was warned by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson that if he didn't act to shore up GM and Chrysler, up to 1 million jobs could vanish. Knowing what we know now, says Bush, "I'd do it again."

Wildcatk23 Wrote:Just because i support one action of a president does not mean i support the other. Was that not you saying with bush? While i cannot use it?

In fact, the bailout began with President George W. Bush, who was forced to lend GM and Chrysler $17.4 billion in December 2008 after Senate Republicans blocked a rescue plan in Congress. Bush told reporters just last week that he was warned by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson that if he didn't act to shore up GM and Chrysler, up to 1 million jobs could vanish. Knowing what we know now, says Bush, "I'd do it again."

The bailouts worked, and everybody but 3-4 on BGR know, and admit it.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Just because i support one action of a president does not mean i support the other. Was that not you saying with bush? While i cannot use it?

In fact, the bailout began with President George W. Bush, who was forced to lend GM and Chrysler $17.4 billion in December 2008 after Senate Republicans blocked a rescue plan in Congress. Bush told reporters just last week that he was warned by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson that if he didn't act to shore up GM and Chrysler, up to 1 million jobs could vanish. Knowing what we know now, says Bush, "I'd do it again."

Not at all. Read my post again. I opposed all of the bailouts that started under Bush and all of them under Obama. So, if you are trying to demonstrate that I have not been consistent in my opposition to bailouts, you have failed. At the very least, Chrysler and GM should have been forced to go through bankruptcy before the federal government provided any assistance.

At Obama's insistence, Chrysler became an Italian company, so maybe Berlusconi should have bailed them out instead of US taxpayers.
TheRealVille Wrote:The bailouts worked, and everybody but 3-4 on BGR know, and admit it.
How so, RV? It seems like only yesterday that you were falsely claiming that Chrysler had repaid all of the money that Obama handed to them but it was may have been two or three days ago. Have you done some research this time or are you reciting more Obama talking points? You are the best non-supporter any president could hope for. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How so, RV? It seems like only yesterday that you were falsely claiming that Chrysler had repaid all of the money that Obama handed to them but it was may have been two or three days ago. Have you done some research this time or are you reciting more Obama talking points? You are the best non-supporter any president could hope for. Confusednicker:

Money Obama handed over? I thought bush starter the Chrysler bailouts.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Money Obama handed over? I thought bush starter the Chrysler bailouts.
Bush, with Obama's support, agreed to a $4 billion bailout and Obama followed it up with another $5 billion, and withheld approval of the second bailout until Chrysler agreed to sell the company to Fiat. Taxpayers lost $1.2 billion on the Chrysler deal.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Bush, with Obama's support, agreed to a $4 billion bailout and Obama followed it up with another $5 billion, and withheld approval of the second bailout until Chrysler agreed to sell the company to Fiat. Taxpayers lost $1.2 billion on the Chrysler deal.
Did "your guys" support it? The fact of the matter is, the bailouts saved untold how many direct, and indirect jobs, by shoring up the auto industry. As well as saving the major employers of those jobs. Those are well documented facts. I wonder how many indirect suppliers would have died right along with the auto companies if you had your way. I guess it's a good thing for the workers of all those direct and indirect jobs that your kind didn't get your way.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Bush, with Obama's support, agreed to a $4 billion bailout and Obama followed it up with another $5 billion, and withheld approval of the second bailout until Chrysler agreed to sell the company to Fiat. Taxpayers lost $1.2 billion on the Chrysler deal.

Lol first it was just Obama. Well atleast ur admitting that it was bush with Obama's support.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Bush, with Obama's support, agreed to a $4 billion bailout and Obama followed it up with another $5 billion, and withheld approval of the second bailout until Chrysler agreed to sell the company to Fiat. Taxpayers lost $1.2 billion on the Chrysler deal.
You wanted them to let the auto industry fail, and go bankrupt, so why do you care who they sold it too? BTW, I haven't read anything official where he forced them to sell to Fiat, please show us some links to documents that say as much.
TheRealVille Wrote:You wanted them to let the auto industry fail, and go bankrupt, so why do you care who they sold it too? BTW, I haven't read anything official where he forced them to sell to Fiat, please show us some links to documents that say as much.
Bankruptcy is the legal consequence of not being able to pay bills in this country. The reason that it is important that Obama pressured Chrysler into agreeing to sell to Fiat is that it weakened Chrysler's negotiating position and resulted in a bailout of a foreign auto maker.

Quote:Fiat CEO: Cut Wages or No Chrysler Deal

The Obama administration's attempt to shepherd a shotgun marriage between Chrysler and Fiat appears to be in serious trouble. Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne is demanding major concessions from labor unions before agreeing to any deal — and is offering next to nothing in return.

Quote:Company Profile

By January 2009 Fiat put itself forth as savior for U.S. automaker Chrysler, which was struggling after ending its marriage with Germany’s Daimler. In fact, the Obama administration made the completion of the partnership deal a precondition for additional federal bailout money for Chrysler, and then pushed Chrysler to file for bankruptcy to force the marriage. Fiat ended up with an initial stake of 20 percent with options to increase that to 51 percent after Chrysler pays off its loans from the federal government.

Quote:Chrysler, Fiat May Face ‘Impossible Goal’ on Alliance (Update4)

Completing the Fiat deal is a precondition for loans beyond Chrysler’s first $4 billion, the task force said, which listed debt restructuring among six additional requirements. Chrysler, dependent on light trucks and on the North American market, can’t exist as a stand-alone company, Obama’s advisers said.
I don't thinks so because the living standard of the people are low in some country. At present we can still find some unemployed people who in search of job for their living,
GM records its highest profit ever: $7.6 billion
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