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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
TheRealThing Wrote:I know you'll never be able to let this alone but, campaign finance and reform is not the biggest problem we deal with these days. Same old libertarian song and dance routine. Personally I don't care how much business, or the AFLCIO spend on the campaigns, as long as at least one side tells the truth. That is the unfortunate nature of our problem these days. One side is lying their head off about their own actions and intentions. While misrepresenting the actions and intentions of their cohorts across the aisle. The dems are the ones doing all the lying and the republicans find themselves on their heels a lot because of a lack of direction and occassionally committment on their own part. I'd say you lean toward supporting this administation and the dems in general.

As to your question, I know enough doc's to formulate an oppinion, and if it's all the same to you, when it comes to "where I get my news" I'll take news from anywhere other than you :please:

One last point. As to your assertion, "If everyone had insurance, the overall cost of the HC at the provider level would decrease rapidly over a matter of a couple of years, if not sooner." Well, everyone may HAVE insurance under this plan. The problem is, everyone will not PAY for insurance under this plan. They will still be sluggardly drains on the system, such as it is, and folks that are accustomed to paying for their family and the sluggards will still pay for their family and the sluggards. Governmental intrusion considered, the medical system will be the worse for said intrusion. The end result being this, people who pay now will pay then, people who don't pay now won't pay then. Therefore nothing has changed except the bureaucratic meddling of Ozombie administration. And, of course, the skyrocketing medical costs and insurance premiums.

" I'd say you lean toward supporting this administation and the dems in general."

-Wrong, I have never voted Democrat, and won't this fall. I agree with the Republican stance on most things. There are some things where I agree with the Democrats on, but not much. There are some things I disagree with both parties on.

-TRT- Do you believe health care is a human right?

"The problem is, everyone will not PAY for insurance under this plan. They will still be sluggardly drains on the system, such as it is, and folks that are accustomed to paying for their family and the sluggards will still pay for their family and the sluggards."

-True, there are sluggards out there, however, 38 million workers and their families were uninsured in 2006. 4 out of every 5 of the uninsured in this country live in a family where atleast 1 adult works full time. So this whole focus on the "sluggards" is just an excuse to address the problem.

"And, of course, the skyrocketing medical costs and insurance premiums."

-Why are medical costs and insurance premiums going to continue to rise? Medical costs have gone up due to hospitals having to cover the costs of the uninsured. If they no longer do that, costs will go down. Premiums have gone up to reflect that increase in cost. Also, lets not forget in the last 10 years, as I have stated before, Insurance companies have tripled their profit in the last 10 years.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I know i want to pay for somebody elses health insurance which is all this amounts to if your in the middle class.

We are already paying for the healthcare costs of the uninsured. To buy them insurance would be much cheaper.
Beetle01 Wrote:" I'd say you lean toward supporting this administation and the dems in general."

-Wrong, I have never voted Democrat, and won't this fall. I agree with the Republican stance on most things. There are some things where I agree with the Democrats on, but not much. There are some things I disagree with both parties on.

-TRT- Do you believe health care is a human right?

"The problem is, everyone will not PAY for insurance under this plan. They will still be sluggardly drains on the system, such as it is, and folks that are accustomed to paying for their family and the sluggards will still pay for their family and the sluggards."

-True, there are sluggards out there, however, 38 million workers and their families were uninsured in 2006. 4 out of every 5 of the uninsured in this country live in a family where atleast 1 adult works full time. So this whole focus on the "sluggards" is just an excuse to address the problem.

"And, of course, the skyrocketing medical costs and insurance premiums."

-Why are medical costs and insurance premiums going to continue to rise? Medical costs have gone up due to hospitals having to cover the costs of the uninsured. If they no longer do that, costs will go down. Premiums have gone up to reflect that increase in cost. Also, lets not forget in the last 10 years, as I have stated before, Insurance companies have tripled their profit in the last 10 years.

My appologies for associating you with the dems
Do I believe health care is a human right?--- NO, where do you guys come up with this stuff? But since you know dozens of docs I'll remind you of something you no doubt already are familiar with. The doctors of this land have cared for the so-called self payers now for decades. The irony of the term "self payers" is that they never pay. The doctors said fine, we know we'll wind up treating folks who don't pay anyway, so why don't we make a deal. Make it illegal for folks who don't pay, to sue the very doctors who wind up giving them free services. The politicians of this land, lawyers all, answered a resounding NO!

Again, all we're going to accomplish by giving the 38 million who presently recieve free health care right now, is to give them the dignity of having health insurance. Plus the right to go to the head of the line, like I said before, very likely in front of you. But, the point you tried to address unsuccessfully was this, the 38 million uninsured who didn't pay for their health care before, aren't going to pay for their health care under ObamaCare. The working class will pay for it in the form of taxes, whether by insurance premiums, or by being taxed on their own health insurance which they pay for if they opt out of the single payer plan Obama wants to set up, or the myriad of hidden taxes embedded in the Affordable Care Act. How many ways do I have to explain that to you? You can't just force the insurance companies to add 38 million folks to their rolls and expect health care to remain at the level at which it exists presently. So, the level of services will go down, and those of us that pay insurance premiums now will take on more of the responsibility of funding ObamaCare by helping to pay for the 38 million added to the insurance rolls.

Any way you slice it, it's still just a gigantic welfare system. You can give it any name you want. Free health care, universal health care, health insurance or whatever. It will still be free for at least 38 million. BTW, illegals will be among those getting free care. Now, since King Obama decreed that every latino in the land between the ages of 16 and 30 were home free, we will see a tidal wave of illegals in that age group.

Finally, if premiums have gone up to reflect "that increase in cost" you mention above, what makes you think adding 38 million folks and counting won't cause an exponential rise in insurance premiums for those who actually pay? If I'm one of the lucky ones, and I'm not, but as for those folks, why would they care is it costs Americans $500 dollars a month per person insured or even more? Like I said THEY DON'T PAY ANYTHING. One way or another they will be paid for by someone. And if you're imagining the health insurance company's will be absorbing all this expense just because the Obama admin tells them to, you are dellusional.
TheRealThing Wrote:My appologies for associating you with the dems
Do I believe health care is a human right?--- NO, where do you guys come up with this stuff? But since you know dozens of docs I'll remind you of something you no doubt already are familiar with. The doctors of this land have cared for the so-called self payers now for decades. The irony of the term "self payers" is that they never pay. The doctors said fine, we know we'll wind up treating folks who don't pay anyway, so why don't we make a deal. Make it illegal for folks who don't pay, to sue the very doctors who wind up giving them free services. The politicians of this land, lawyers all, answered a resounding NO!

Again, all we're going to accomplish by giving the 38 million who presently recieve free health care right now, is to give them the dignity of having health insurance. Plus the right to go to the head of the line, like I said before, very likely in front of you. But, the point you tried to address unsuccessfully was this, the 38 million uninsured who didn't pay for their health care before, aren't going to pay for their health care under ObamaCare. The working class will pay for it in the form of taxes, whether by insurance premiums, or by being taxed on their own health insurance which they pay for if they opt out of the single payer plan Obama wants to set up, or the myriad of hidden taxes embedded in the Affordable Care Act. How many ways do I have to explain that to you? You can't just force the insurance companies to add 38 million folks to their rolls and expect health care to remain at the level at which it exists presently. So, the level of services will go down, and those of us that pay insurance premiums now will take on more of the responsibility of funding ObamaCare by helping to pay for the 38 million added to the insurance rolls.

Any way you slice it, it's still just a gigantic welfare system. You can give it any name you want. Free health care, universal health care, health insurance or whatever. It will still be free for at least 38 million. BTW, illegals will be among those getting free care. Now, since King Obama decreed that every latino in the land between the ages of 16 and 30 were home free, we will see a tidal wave of illegals in that age group.

Finally, if premiums have gone up to reflect "that increase in cost" you mention above, what makes you think adding 38 million folks and counting won't cause an exponential rise in insurance premiums for those who actually pay? If I'm one of the lucky ones, and I'm not, but as for those folks, why would they care is it costs Americans $500 dollars a month per person insured or even more? Like I said THEY DON'T PAY ANYTHING. One way or another they will be paid for by someone. And if you're imagining the health insurance company's will be absorbing all this expense just because the Obama admin tells them to, you are dellusional.

A first class flake comes more to mind....Welcome to the school yard Beetle!!!
What makes anybody think Romney will try to repeal this? He passed an almost identical healthcare plan in MA.
^ Perhaps he found out it turned into a major flop?
Bob Seger Wrote:^ Perhaps he found out it turned into a major flop?

he's trying to get you vote you think that might be his reason ?

vector Wrote:he's trying to get you vote you think that might be his reason ?


Happy 4th Vector, I'm responding to the post, not the identity. If anybody needs to pull the wool over folks eyes to get their vote it would be Obama. There is a term referring to an attitude, which applies to a lot of people these days, often used to describe a particular state, that of 'wilful igorance'. Those who are wilfully ignorant refuse to accept the truth. Inwardly, they know they're being hardheaded, and they are wrong about much of what they say. But, they continue to push forward down a path they know is going to be painful because of the contempt and rebellion that boils within them. In their mind, the pain will be acceptable 'collateral damage' to finally see the conservative right wing utterly defeated. Very similar to the story of Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. Ahab's desire to see the demise of the whale was so great Melville wrote; "If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it"

People are bent on their own destruction, and that flame burns hotter these days. George H Bush called for a "kinder gentler nation." I hope a renewed love of country and thankfulness for what we have will unite enough Americans to celebrate the blessings of this day, remembering the great sacrifices that have given us our liberty and nation.

Romney for president!
TheRealThing Wrote:Happy 4th Vector, I'm responding to the post, not the identity. If anybody needs to pull the wool over folks eyes to get their vote it would be Obama. There is a term referring to an attitude, which applies to a lot of people these days, often used to describe a particular state, that of 'wilful igorance'. Those who are wilfully ignorant refuse to accept the truth. Inwardly, they know they're being hardheaded, and they are wrong about much of what they say. But, they continue to push forward down a path they know is going to be painful because of the contempt and rebellion that boils within them. In their mind, the pain will be acceptable 'collateral damage' to finally see the conservative right wing utterly defeated. Very similar to the story of Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. Ahab's desire to see the demise of the whale was so great Melville wrote; "If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it"

People are bent on their own destruction, and that flame burns hotter these days. George H Bush called for a "kinder gentler nation." I hope a renewed love of country and thankfulness for what we have will unite enough Americans to celebrate the blessings of this day, remembering the great sacrifices that have given us our liberty and nation.

Romney for president!

Personally TRT, I do not feel that anything that vector posts is worthy of a response from any member of BGR. After what I consider to be the lowest form of insult that he directed at Vundy the other day, I will refuse to acknowlege any of his posts from now on. It's one thing to go at one another on here, get nasty, or whatever else, but there was absolutely no excuse for that one. As you may notice there has never an apology nor has he shown any other form of remorse for his comment. Vundy is no different than any of the rest of us on here, we all say things that we probably really shouldn't, and I am as guilty as anyone, but the honest truth is, IMO he is an American hero for putting his life on the line for this country. I imagine that Vundy is probably a Purple Heart recipitant as well. You dont have to agree with anything Vundy says, but most definately deserves more respect than he was shown. So in essence, to me at this point, that one is totally inexcusable and unforgivable.
^I agree, I just have had enough of the subterfuge. You may recall that I predicted the nastiest campaign ever from the dems early on. Romney really is a man that has no skeletons in the closet. Which means of course, in lieu of actual dirt to smear Romney with, the dems will manufacture the rumors and misrepresentations, not to mention the outright lies. The end justifies the means with these guys. Even FOX is saying it boils down to who you believe, even though Obama's record may read like the son of Stalin has been president the last 4 years. There is no shortage of volunteers ready to fall on the political sword.

Obama can't run on his record, so it's the trusty fall back tactic of character assassination for the dems. On the one hand we have a sitting president, who by any known historical standard, has failed miserably. Then comes the republican challenger in the person of Romney, who has only one chink in his armor from his days as governor of Massachusetts. And that of course has already been called out on this thread and we'll hear it over and over, and that is the fact that he endorsed state health care in Mass. Maybe the state of Massachusetts was financially sound enough to absorb the cost of health care in those days and in the context of the plan. The point is the nation can't absorb the cost of Obamacare which, by itself is now projected to cost in exess of 2 tillion. Owing largely to the initial implementation of the ACA, which is far more expensive than dealing with the poor with the system we have in place. This is not the time to spend even more money which we do not have. Creative fiscal rationalizations not withstanding.

As Hoot has mentioned the only ones who will be fired up by the left's inflammatory rhetoric are their core fanatics. Meanwhile, I believe the conservative base is wide awake for this one.
TheRealThing Wrote:My appologies for associating you with the dems
Do I believe health care is a human right?--- NO, where do you guys come up with this stuff? But since you know dozens of docs I'll remind you of something you no doubt already are familiar with. The doctors of this land have cared for the so-called self payers now for decades. The irony of the term "self payers" is that they never pay. The doctors said fine, we know we'll wind up treating folks who don't pay anyway, so why don't we make a deal. Make it illegal for folks who don't pay, to sue the very doctors who wind up giving them free services. The politicians of this land, lawyers all, answered a resounding NO!

Again, all we're going to accomplish by giving the 38 million who presently recieve free health care right now, is to give them the dignity of having health insurance. Plus the right to go to the head of the line, like I said before, very likely in front of you. But, the point you tried to address unsuccessfully was this, the 38 million uninsured who didn't pay for their health care before, aren't going to pay for their health care under ObamaCare. The working class will pay for it in the form of taxes, whether by insurance premiums, or by being taxed on their own health insurance which they pay for if they opt out of the single payer plan Obama wants to set up, or the myriad of hidden taxes embedded in the Affordable Care Act. How many ways do I have to explain that to you? You can't just force the insurance companies to add 38 million folks to their rolls and expect health care to remain at the level at which it exists presently. So, the level of services will go down, and those of us that pay insurance premiums now will take on more of the responsibility of funding ObamaCare by helping to pay for the 38 million added to the insurance rolls.

Any way you slice it, it's still just a gigantic welfare system. You can give it any name you want. Free health care, universal health care, health insurance or whatever. It will still be free for at least 38 million. BTW, illegals will be among those getting free care. Now, since King Obama decreed that every latino in the land between the ages of 16 and 30 were home free, we will see a tidal wave of illegals in that age group.

Finally, if premiums have gone up to reflect "that increase in cost" you mention above, what makes you think adding 38 million folks and counting won't cause an exponential rise in insurance premiums for those who actually pay? If I'm one of the lucky ones, and I'm not, but as for those folks, why would they care is it costs Americans $500 dollars a month per person insured or even more? Like I said THEY DON'T PAY ANYTHING. One way or another they will be paid for by someone. And if you're imagining the health insurance company's will be absorbing all this expense just because the Obama admin tells them to, you are dellusional.

Well we likely will not ever come to an agreement. You don't view healthcare as a human right, I do. Even if not a human right, I see it as our responsibility as a nation, person, and Christian to take care of our sick and injured. Of the 38million folks you mentioned, 25% of those are children who are uninsured. Of course we shouldn't help out our children in your view.

It seems like your POV, and many who are siding with you is that all 38million of these people are jobless, freeloading, drug addicts. That is not the truth. Most work full time jobs, are children, or are underemployed or jobless due to the recent recession and Free Trade Acts that have shipped millions of jobs outside of our borders.

As for the increase in premiums by insurance companies, because you state they will not eat those losses. Even if we didn't add the 38million to insurance (BTW thats 38million premiums they will receive.) They will still see a loss in profits from other regulations in the bill. Coverage of pre-existing conditions, limits on price gouging (How else do you think they tripled their profits?), and their inability to now drop someone because they get sick. All of that is going to lead to a loss in profits, and they won't be able to raise premiums. Since Health Insurance coverage is no longer a free market, and is ran by oligopoly, I have no problem with restricting them.

This Oligopolistic practice which affects most of our major industries, Oil, Food, HC, and others. Is basically a monopoly being carried out by a handful of individual entities. This has resulted in collusion and market sharing to help drive up prices and profits.

This is not how our market or country is intended be ran. So if we are not going to go in and break up these companies, than obviously some other form of regulation has to be instituted.
Beetle01 Wrote:Well we likely will not ever come to an agreement. You don't view healthcare as a human right, I do. Even if not a human right, I see it as our responsibility as a nation, person, and Christian to take care of our sick and injured. Of the 38million folks you mentioned, 25% of those are children who are uninsured. Of course we shouldn't help out our children in your view.

It seems like your POV, and many who are siding with you is that all 38million of these people are jobless, freeloading, drug addicts. That is not the truth. Most work full time jobs, are children, or are underemployed or jobless due to the recent recession and Free Trade Acts that have shipped millions of jobs outside of our borders.

As for the increase in premiums by insurance companies, because you state they will not eat those losses. Even if we didn't add the 38million to insurance (BTW thats 38million premiums they will receive.) They will still see a loss in profits from other regulations in the bill. Coverage of pre-existing conditions, limits on price gouging (How else do you think they tripled their profits?), and their inability to now drop someone because they get sick. All of that is going to lead to a loss in profits, and they won't be able to raise premiums. Since Health Insurance coverage is no longer a free market, and is ran by oligopoly, I have no problem with restricting them.

This Oligopolistic practice which affects most of our major industries, Oil, Food, HC, and others. Is basically a monopoly being carried out by a handful of individual entities. This has resulted in collusion and market sharing to help drive up prices and profits.

This is not how our market or country is intended be ran. So if we are not going to go in and break up these companies, than obviously some other form of regulation has to be instituted.

I see you and tvtimeout are vying for the 'most indoctrinated of the year' award. So unless and until, you actually get out in the real world and factually learn how things really work, you probably should post less and read more. That's not to say you can't repeat your favorite libertarian talking points. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:I see you and tvtimeout are vying for the 'most indoctrinated of the year' award. So unless and until, you actually get out in the real world and factually learn how things really work, you probably should post less and read more. That's not to say you can't repeat your favorite libertarian talking points. :biggrin:

Why would you say that TRT? He became the supreme authority on distribution facts, logistics, marketing and the great government/Anheiser Bush conspiracy by reading about it in a magazine. Just think what he could do after reading a magazine article on brain surgery. Ah, so many things to do,........ so little time!!! :biggrin:
^LOL, he contradicted himself three times in one sentence. Here we sit in the largest economy in the world, comparable to China's several times over. His assertion that business, and therefore the economy, is controlled by an oligopolistic 'few' is hilarious. An oligarchy by defintion would exclude the millions of entrepreneurs which exist in the market that is our economy. At any rate, the face of the health insurance industry was shaped by congress in the first place. Now, he's suggesting that more congressional intrusion, in the form of regulations is the 'new' answer. Confusednicker:
under obamacare the health insurance company's have to show where
85% of insurance premiums actualy goes to the cost of health care this
law is already in efect they have overcharge 1.1 billon dollars in 2011
Health Insurance companies are for profit correct. Shouldn't they be permited to make a profit for their investors?
Is 3.5% profit to much? 10%, 1% What is that magic % to much profit for the Progessives?
here's some data
nky Wrote:Health Insurance companies are for profit correct. Shouldn't they be permited to make a profit for their investors?
Is 3.5% profit to much? 10%, 1% What is that magic % to much profit for the Progessives?

the law is 15% profit that's pretty good profit
i would like to make 15% profit on my money
wouldn't you
here's you somemore #'s they overcharged

Beetle01 Wrote:Well we likely will not ever come to an agreement. You don't view healthcare as a human right, I do. Even if not a human right, I see it as our responsibility as a nation, person, and Christian to take care of our sick and injured. Of the 38million folks you mentioned, 25% of those are children who are uninsured. Of course we shouldn't help out our children in your view.

It seems like your POV, and many who are siding with you is that all 38million of these people are jobless, freeloading, drug addicts. That is not the truth. Most work full time jobs, are children, or are underemployed or jobless due to the recent recession and Free Trade Acts that have shipped millions of jobs outside of our borders.

As for the increase in premiums by insurance companies, because you state they will not eat those losses. Even if we didn't add the 38million to insurance (BTW thats 38million premiums they will receive.) They will still see a loss in profits from other regulations in the bill. Coverage of pre-existing conditions, limits on price gouging (How else do you think they tripled their profits?), and their inability to now drop someone because they get sick. All of that is going to lead to a loss in profits, and they won't be able to raise premiums. Since Health Insurance coverage is no longer a free market, and is ran by oligopoly, I have no problem with restricting them.

This Oligopolistic practice which affects most of our major industries, Oil, Food, HC, and others. Is basically a monopoly being carried out by a handful of individual entities. This has resulted in collusion and market sharing to help drive up prices and profits.

This is not how our market or country is intended be ran. So if we are not going to go in and break up these companies, than obviously some other form of regulation has to be instituted.

Human rights, let's see, what are they? They are basically, the state of living free from governmental invasion of citizen's privacy. Free from the oppressive requirements, regulations, excessive taxation, and burdensom demands of a ruling class or government. That is why socialism doesn't work. The ruling class or government of a socialistic society is so busy making sure everything is equal, they regulate every move the citizens of that society make, life for folks in such a society is a daily drudgery. Every day is more forlorn than the last, with no hope of ever breaking out of death grip of governmental control. To say life in a socialist nation is miserable is like saying the surface of the sun is hot.

Americans are in the proccess of giving up all the blessings of freedom. By the time everything gets 'regulated' to the level Beetle wants, it will be a sad day indeed. And why are we doing this? Because of the compaints of those of the various special interest groups, who are either too lazy and or unmotivated to get out in the 'equality of opportuny' country we live in, and EARN what they crave. No, in the mind of folks like Beetle, they want health care, (naturally associated with cradle to grave entitlements) it is a human right and should be handed out like calendar cards at a political rally. I mean, it is far short of rocket science. How much effort does it take to stand on a street corner and lust after a new car that rolls by? The official position of the left is to take away the successes of those who went out and worked for what they got and hand over part of it to the ones who can muster only the 'want to'. That's the essence of social justice. Lazy folks want what successful foks have and the left is trying to give it to them. I first noticed the seeds of the Obama position of 'equality of result', being sown when people at the WMCA told me that kids must be protected from the stigma of losing at a sporting event. Losing will scar their little psyche's they said. And, the official position offered to the little ones eager to learn is they had won or not was that everybody won. Which, of course, was when I hit the eject button. Then I noticed everybody getting trophies for everything, while parents were demanding equall playing time. Equality of result versus equality of opportunity, turns a fiery sunset to a mundane grey. Hence, the seeds having been sown and watered by the liberal segment of America, the mature bows of secular humanism have sprung up and are bearing the fruits of social justice. The level playing field, everybody wins. Those are the simple minded musings of the supremely naive.

Human rights don't have the first darn thing to do with anything material. Human rights, means living free from the various forms of persecution, in a safe and free environment. Husbands know they can leave home in the morning to "pursue happiness" confident in the knowledge that they have equality of opportunity, and, while they are gone, the kids can play outside and the wife can go about her daily affairs in peace and safety. That's the whole scope of human rights. Now, out of our national bounty, we have come to expect the federal government to step in and offer disaster relief and the various other fundable programs such as social security and pensions. Where our national train left the track was when we decided to take care of the able bodied among us, for life. And that would include national health care.
vector Wrote:here's you somemore #'s they overcharged


vector Wrote:the law is 15% profit that's pretty good profit
i would like to make 15% profit on my money
wouldn't you
If I was a share holder I would want more than 15%. guess what happens when you take the profit motive out of a company?
When the government begins to tell companies how much profit they can "legally" make it's a sad day in America. By the way can you guess what an unintended consequence of this type of attitude?
nky Wrote:If I was a share holder I would want more than 15%. guess what happens when you take the profit motive out of a company?
When the government begins to tell companies how much profit they can "legally" make it's a sad day in America. By the way can you guess what an unintended consequence of this type of attitude?

i personaly do not believe in a third party making profit on
somebody being sick hint insurance company's i do think
15% is still pretty good return on your money
vector Wrote:i personaly do not believe in a third party making profit on
somebody being sick
hint insurance company's i do think
15% is still pretty good return on your money

But, you believe in a third party paying for somebody when they're sick, right?
TheRealThing Wrote:But, you believe in a third party paying for somebody when they're sick, right?

what third party paying your way?
vector Wrote:what third party paying your way?

Here is the definitition of insurance; a group of people sharing a risk. You take a hundred homeowners. Among those hundred, say two will lose their homes to fire. If one or two had to bear the financial burden of that loss, it would be catastrophic. But, if 100 home owners have established a fund to cover that potential loss (fire insurance), one's liability would be limited to the cost of his insurance premium. Waaaay better, right? Cause one can budget and afford that. Same thing with health insurance. I pay a premium and my insurance company is contractually bound to cover certain illnesses and other various and sundry physical problems. The Obama administration however, wants to force insurance companies to sell insurance coverage to folks after their home catches on fire, (mandating said companies to cover preexisting conditions). Now, I ask you, is that fair to those of us who have been 'sharing the risk' in some cases for decades?

So, the third party that pays for SOME of my family's medical issues is my health insurance provider. I don't feel a bit bad about it because it's a service I pay for. Not to mention the fact that my hard earned insurance dollars went to pay for folks that were older and in need of the provisions of health insurance while is was young and healthy. I paid health insurance premiums for decades while filing VERY few claims during my younger healthier years. The dems, on the other hand, are saying health insurance should be considered a natural resource, like the air we breathe. Only problem with that idea is the air (for now) really is free, ObamaCare will cost the taxpayers trillions and is just another collosal welfare program. It's intended to force the productive folks in America to pay for the one's who don't contribute one thing to the problem except to drain on the good fortune of those who work. And, as I have already mentioned, it is a 'reckoning' foisted upon the good folks of this land and dreamed up by the advocates of the notions on social justice. Political malcontents, bent on redefining and reshaping our free nation into something much more Stainesque.

We have become a society which rewards those devoid of the will to feed and care for themselves and their spawn, with everything from food and clothing to health care and cell phones. If xbox paid a bounty on all the zombies killed by the folks recieving all these freebies everyday, they probably wouldn't need any financial help. Next, xbox games will be a human right, LOL
vector Wrote:i personaly do not believe in a third party making profit on
somebody being sick hint insurance company's i do think
15% is still pretty good return on your money
Which is it - does 85% of the money collected in premiums have to be applied directly to healthcare or are insurance companies allowed to make 15% in profit? On which side of the ledger does the cost of doing business go? You know, salaries, taxes, advertising, etc? Do those costs come out of the 85% or the 15%?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Which is it - does 85% of the money collected in premiums have to be applied directly to healthcare or are insurance companies allowed to make 15% in profit? On which side of the ledger does the cost of doing business go? You know, salaries, taxes, advertising, etc? Do those costs come out of the 85% or the 15%?

I know most of you have heard this analogy before, but I'm going to post it anyway...

I am 51 years old, 6'4" tall and approaching 300 pounds. My neighbor is a high school teacher. She is single, 5'3" tall and weighs in around 100. You might say I could be a tad bit intimidating to her. When she gets her paycheck tomorrow I will be waiting on her doorstep to demand she give me $200 to help out a friend I have that needs some medical attention. If she refuses with some kind of lame excuse, like her needing her money for her own bills and and her savings account, I will scoff at her, then threaten her until she pays up.

Would this be lawfully and morally accepted?
vector Wrote:i personally do not believe in a third party making profit on
somebody being sick hint insurance company's i do think
15% is still pretty good return on your money

SO insurance company making a profit bad.................Heath and beauty makers making a profit good?

What happens when a health insurance company loses money....... does the government make up the difference?:trolldad:
MustangSally Wrote:SO insurance company making a profit bad.................Heath and beauty makers making a profit good?

What happens when a health insurance company loses money....... does the government make up the difference?:trolldad:
you do not have to go the beauty shop
but sooner or later you will have to see a
doctor or just drop over dead
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