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Obama Knew
TheRealVille Wrote:If they can't afford the scrubbers, why did they say they could pay the fines for the last 5-6 years, and come out better. If you are looking for me to have sympathy for AEP Big Sandy, you are barking up the wrong tree. I remember some of the words their big shot lawyers, and higher ups said in court once. I could give a damn less if they close their doors tomorrow. They are one of the companies that knowingly did stuff back in the 60-70's, and over the years, that are the reason my dad is dead now.
I will add though, that if you have family working there, I do feel bad for them, and the rest of their family, because I know the "exposed" dangers they are in. I don't wish what I witnessed, on any family, and AEP is one of the direct reasons my family saw what we did, for 2 1/2 long years.
Bob Seger Wrote:Leon Panetta came out and described that those commenting on the situation are a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks. Since he is using sports anology, how about this question. Then why didn't those in charge pay attention to the scouting reports?

Leon Panetta is a disgrace to this country.

the last president who listen to scouting reports we went in iraq WMD'S ?
vector Wrote:the last president who listen to scouting reports we went in iraq WMD'S ?

Oh, I think I do remember . You're talking about the incident where almost every demoncrat in the House and the Senate pulled out their sabers and said "damn the torpedos and full speed ahead to Iraq"? That the one your talking about? Perhaps your talking about the incident where mass convoys transported those very same WMD to Syria before an invasion? Whichen you talkin bout? I get those two mixed up all the time.

But then, all that has nothing to do with a sitting American president watching (IN REAL TIME) 4 American citizens, (one Ambassador) under terrorist seige deny military help at a consulate that he sent them too? Now does It???
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I think I do remember . You're talking about the incident where almost every demoncrat in the House and the Senate pulled out their sabers and said "damn the torpedos and full speed ahead to Iraq"? That the one your talking about? Perhaps your talking about the incident where mass convoys transported those very same WMD to Syria before an invasion? Whichen you talkin bout? I get those two mixed up all the time.

But then, all that has nothing to do with a sitting American president watching (IN REAL TIME) 4 American citizens, (one Ambassador) under terrorist seige deny military help at a consulate that he sent them too? Now does It???
Bob, I am not sure that it is fair to say Obama watched four Americans die that night. There is a good chance that he went to bed before seeing the consequences of his actions play out. I want to know who made the decision not to help the ambassador. My money is on Vallerie Jarrett but maybe Axlerod made the call.
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command -- who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/...z2AVWfM7E5
Thanks to early voting laws one member of my household has already voted for the new president, Mr Romney. I have family from Pennsylvania, all the way down to Florida. I am proud to say ALL OF THEM will be voting for Romney. Voting in this year's presidential election will be an honor. I still haven't run across anybody who says they will vote for Obama. Thanks to Obama's none too soon exit from the office he never deserved to 'Occupy' in the first place, the doors of the Big Sandy Plant will thankfully be able to stay open and the EPA tourniquet of agenda based regulations, will be loosened from throat of American industry. 10 days and the nightmare will mercifully be over. When Romney takes over he'll have his hands full undoing all the last minute executive orders and any Harry Reid led shenanigans.
Obama refuses not once, but twice to answer a question about whether help was requested but denied by the Americans who were under attack at the Benghazi consulate. Then he tries to run the clock out while responding to a tough question about yet another failed green energy company on which his administration has blown millions of taxpayer dollars.

These are the kind of questions that young people do not see asked by John Stewart when they watch the news, and they are the kind of questions that most black voters could not care less about. To those who watch and witness the president dodge tough questions, it only confirms our worst fears about the man.

[YOUTUBE="Obama Refuses to Answer Question About Withholding Help to Benghazi Consulate"]OHN8tmHd-HU[/YOUTUBE]
TheRealThing Wrote:Thanks to early voting laws one member of my household has already voted for the new president, Mr Romney. I have family from Pennsylvania, all the way down to Florida. I am proud to say ALL OF THEM will be voting for Romney. Voting in this year's presidential election will be an honor. I still haven't run across anybody who says they will vote for Obama. Thanks to Obama's none too soon exit from the office he never deserved to 'Occupy' in the first place, the doors of the Big Sandy Plant will thankfully be able to stay open and the EPA tourniquet of agenda based regulations, will be loosened from throat of American industry. 10 days and the nightmare will mercifully be over. When Romney takes over he'll have his hands full undoing all the last minute executive orders and any Harry Reid led shenanigans.

Actually we'll have two more months of lame duck days where the thoughts of what stunts he'll try to pull are just plain scary. A very dangerous two months will still lie ahead.
Bob Seger Wrote:Actually we'll have two more months of lame duck days where the thoughts of what stunts he'll try to pull are just plain scary. A very dangerous two months will still lie ahead.
I agree. It is very important not only for Romney to win, but that he win by a comfortable margin. That will put some pressure on Senate Democrats that will be up for reelection in a couple of years to do the right thing on issues like avoiding the leap off the fiscal cliff. There best hope for survival will be to be part of a bipartisan effort to salvage our wrecked economy, even if it means bucking their lame duck president.
You talk about AEP Big Sandy like it's a thing or something. I don't think you have any idea just how many people this place employs. I'm not talking about the plant or the big shots or the lawyers and I don't have a clue about what went down in the 60s or 70s. I'm talking about the people. If you include the AEP employees and the contract employees and even the coal truck drivers and the small people like house keeping and security and all of that then you are talking about,not hundreds but thousands of people. I would love to see you go to the plant and say this stuff to the people who work at this place because you would not make it out alive.
Do-double-gg Wrote:You talk about AEP Big Sandy like it's a thing or something. I don't think you have any idea just how many people this place employs. I'm not talking about the plant or the big shots or the lawyers and I don't have a clue about what went down in the 60s or 70s. I'm talking about the people. If you include the AEP employees and the contract employees and even the coal truck drivers and the small people like house keeping and security and all of that then you are talking about,not hundreds but thousands of people. I would love to see you go to the plant and say this stuff to the people who work at this place because you would not make it out alive.
You'd be surprised what I know about Big Sandy. Get back to studying junior, the big boys hang out in here.
You'd be surprised what I know about Big Sandy. Get back to studying junior, the big boys hang out in here. :lame::gtfo:
Do-double-gg Wrote:You talk about AEP Big Sandy like it's a thing or something. I don't think you have any idea just how many people this place employs. I'm not talking about the plant or the big shots or the lawyers and I don't have a clue about what went down in the 60s or 70s. I'm talking about the people. If you include the AEP employees and the contract employees and even the coal truck drivers and the small people like house keeping and security and all of that then you are talking about,not hundreds but thousands of people. I would love to see you go to the plant and say this stuff to the people who work at this place because you would not make it out alive.
That's right, you don't know what happened in the 60's-70's and still goes on today, that kills people. Until you know, it would be best for to lay down and lick your leg. It's Saturday night, why aren't you out trying to pick up a high school girl?
TheRealVille Wrote:That's right, you don't know what happened in the 60's-70's and still goes on today, that kills people. Until you know, it would be best for to lay down and lick your leg. It's Saturday night, why aren't you out trying to pick up a high school girl?
I could do just that,but I would probably go to jail with how I am 34 years old and all.
TheRealVille Wrote:You'd be surprised what I know about Big Sandy. Get back to studying junior, the big boys hang out in here.

Hey that's my line!!!!:biggrin:

Does this mean that Wildcat has to leave immediately?Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey that's my line!!!!:biggrin:

Does this mean that Wildcat has to leave immediately?Confusednicker:
:biggrin: I had to tease DD a little bit. You are the Master.
TheRealVille Wrote::biggrin: I had to tease DD a little bit. You are the Master.

lol....I'm humbled.:biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:That's right, you don't know what happened in the 60's-70's and still goes on today, that kills people. Until you know, it would be best for to lay down and lick your leg. It's Saturday night, why aren't you out trying to pick up a high school girl?

[Image: http://i.qkme.me/365abb.jpg]

Bob Seger Wrote:Hey that's my line!!!!:biggrin:

Does this mean that Wildcat has to leave immediately?Confusednicker:

[Image: http://angryblackladychronicles.com/wp-c...e-nuts.jpg]
TheRealVille Wrote:You'd be surprised what I know about Big Sandy. Get back to studying junior, the big boys hang out in here.
I would love to know who said that you were one of the Big Boys. TheRealThing yes Hoot yes but you??? Sorry TRV, but you can't crown your self one of the big boys. On just about every thread you talk about this and talk about that and people throw the facts at you and you just duck and dodge and look silly.
Do-double-gg Wrote:I would love to know who said that you were one of the Big Boys. TheRealThing yes Hoot yes but you??? Sorry TRV, but you can't crown your self one of the big boys. On just about every thread you talk about this and talk about that and people throw the facts at you and you just duck and dodge and look silly.
"Facts" according to the conservatives? Confusednicker:

I can let you in at least one fact, I know enough about Big Sandy to cool your heels. If you don't know you are talking about when it comes to "Louisa power", you best lay down.
TheRealVille Wrote:"Facts" according to the conservatives? Confusednicker:

I can let you in at least one fact, I know enough about Big Sandy to cool your heels. If you don't know you are talking about when it comes to "Louisa power", you best lay down.
Sorry, I just can't bring myself to include all conservatives in this. Some are not so far out in right field that they are completely clouded.
Pat Caddell just summed up president Obama on TV. He was so upset he could barely articulate his ire, saying the whole thing made him "nauseous." I also heard 5 ex military and CIA not holding back either. I wish I would have noted their names but they were Lt Col and above. This matter now has the potential to explode on the news scene. Gone were any suggestions about giving the president the benefit of the doubt. Enough facts have surfaced by patriot whistle blowers from within the administration and the White House itself, a spade is finally being called a spade. Their overwhelming consternation for liberal media unwilling to press home questions to the president about Benghazi got me fired up and I suspect millions of Americans feel the same. Having been called out in no uncertain terms, liberal media now risks loss of credibility on an unprecedented scale, if they continue to protect this administration.
TheRealVille Wrote:"Facts" according to the conservatives? Confusednicker:

I can let you in at least one fact, I know enough about Big Sandy to cool your heels. If you don't know you are talking about when it comes to "Louisa power", you best lay down.
Before he "lays down," he might want to use the Search tool to find out how accurate the "insider" information that you have given us in the past about the Louisa power plant has been. Maybe President Romney's new energy plan will be able to save the plant but it is no coincidence that there is talk of a shutdown less than one term into Obama's reign.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Before he "lays down," he might want to use the Search tool to find out how accurate the "insider" information that you have given us in the past about the Louisa power plant has been. Maybe President Romney's new energy plan will be able to save the plant but it is no coincidence that there is talk of a shutdown less than one term into Obama's reign.
Will Romney save the workers from "exposed" asbestos insulation? Will he be able to keep them alive after they get it in their lungs? Hoot, you don't know a damn thing about what's exposed inside of Big sandy, so you don't qualify an opinion on it. Unless of course, you are just interested in keeping it running, "at all costs, even lives". My insider info is still viable, the scrubbers haven't been scratched yet. You can bet your ass I have insider information on the exposed asbestos, my dad is dead, and I worked there for years. FTR, Big Sandy will not shut down, it is AEP's 2nd most profitable plant, behind Mountaineer. You ever hear of scare tactics?
TheRealVille Wrote:Will Romney save the workers from "exposed" asbestos insulation? Will he be able to keep them alive after they get it in their lungs? Hoot, you don't know a damn thing about what's exposed inside of Big sandy, so you don't qualify an opinion on it.
I know that there is serious talk about the plant shutting down. I know that a few months ago, you were telling us that all that was being done was one of the units was being replaced a little early and you claimed that it had nothing to do with the Obama administration's declaration of war on coal. I know that the information that you have given us before on the Louisa power plant has proven to be inaccurate. What is the deal with bringing asbestos into the discussion? Do you think that the power plant is being shut because of the presence of asbestos? If so, then maybe you can share a link with us, because that is news to me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I know that there is serious talk about the plant shutting down. I know that a few months ago, [B]you were telling us that all that was being done was one of the units was being replaced a little early[/B] and you claimed that it had nothing to do with the Obama administration's declaration of war on coal. I know that the information that you have given us before on the Louisa power plant has proven to be inaccurate. What is the deal with bringing asbestos into the discussion? Do you think that the power plant is being shut because of the presence of asbestos? If so, then maybe you can share a link with us, because that is news to me.
I never said anything of the sort. I have never named anything about shutting down a little early. I said one unit is going gas, and one unit will get scrubbers, and that is still a go. I also said the one unit has outlived it's life, and that was from an AEP worker inside the plant. No, I don't think asbestos has anything to do with anything in Big sandy's mind, that is why they are still illegal in keeping it exposed.
Yours Hoot, is the typical thinking of most conservatives. You don't give a damn about the safety of the people being exposed to deadly stuff, you just think about the corporate end of things. Until your dad dies of direct things happening inside of Big Sandy, it would be best for you to lay down.
TheRealVille Wrote:Will Romney save the workers from "exposed" asbestos insulation? Will he be able to keep them alive after they get it in their lungs? Hoot, you don't know a damn thing about what's exposed inside of Big sandy, so you don't qualify an opinion on it. Unless of course, you are just interested in keeping it running, "at all costs".

I do though. I know what it looks like and I know it certainly isn't just AEP that used asbestos in insulation and refractories. Ashland Oil did it, car manufacturers did it, brake shoe manufacturers did it, naval yards did it, all the rail roads, heck, it was and is everywhere. In shingles, floor tile, ceiling tile, plaster, wall and ceiling insulation, boiler and heater door gaskets, pot holders, heat shields, domestic heater pans and stove pans. Construction workers were exposed to asbestos before plants and factories even opened up during the construction phase. Carpenters have been exposed to asbestos while sawing transite.

It's definitely a problem, but to single out one industrial concern such as the Big Sandy Plant, as if they're more culpable than say Ashland Oil isn't quite cricket, if you ask me. It's use was banned sometime in the 70's and those who suffered and will suffer as a result of asbestos exposure is a national tradgedy. Rigid safety precautions have been adopted by OSHA, to protect today's working men and women. Billions have been spent voluntarily by industry for the abatement of asbestos materials in the workplace.

Maybe Do-double-gg or you can give us an honest assessment of how much asbestos laiden materials still remains in the Big Sandy Plant. The fighting "I", Enterprise, Hornet, Missouri and other ships we used to win WWII had asbestos in their innards, so did brake shoes for my '64 chevy. Folks just didn't know back then.
TheRealVille Wrote:I never said anything of the sort. I have never named anything about shutting down a little early. I said one unit is going gas, and one unit will get scrubbers, and that is still a go. I also said the one unit has outlived it's life, and that was from an AEP worker inside the plant. No, I don't think asbestos has anything to do with anything in Big sandy's mind, that is why they are still illegal in keeping it exposed.
I stand corrected. The study that I posted in this thread detailed units that were being retired early and you disputed that there was any plan to close the Louisa facility. You did claim that one of the units had "outlived its useful life." With the talk of the facility closing, whether the unit was being replaced ahead of schedule or not is a moot point. The important thing is the prospect of eastern Kentucky losing thousands of jobs thanks to President Obama's misguided energy and economic policies.

The asbestos issue is a red herring that I am not interested in debating.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yours Hoot, is the typical thinking of most conservatives. You don't give a damn about the safety of the people being exposed to deadly stuff, you just think about the corporate end of things. Until your dad dies of direct things happening inside of Big Sandy, it would be best for you to lay down.
I am sorry that you lost your father to the scourge of asbestos, but that gives you no right to attack me personally. BTW, my policy regarding any PMs that you send me has not changed. It will be discarded without opening it. Send me as many as you want.
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