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Fiscal Cliff
I say, let's go off of the "cliff", and proceed with all the spending cuts, and tax increases on everybody, the middle and the top 2%, that will take effect Jan. 1. Then all Obama has to do is propose a tax cut for people making under 250k and see if the republicans in Washington have the nerve to stop that. If they do try to stop tax cuts on 98% of America, they will be sitting at home wondering what happened to their job, when the 98% get to the voting booth. Wink
TheRealVille Wrote:I say, let's go off of the "cliff", and proceed with all the spending cuts, and tax increases on everybody, the middle and the top 2%, that will take effect Jan. 1. Then all Obama has to do is propose a tax cut for people making under 250k and see if the republicans in Washington have the nerve to stop that. If they do try to stop tax cuts on 98% of America, they will be sitting at home wondering what happened to their job. Wink
I agree with you, RV. Let Obama take the country down in flames sooner rather than later. This generation deserves to do their fair share of suffering for electing Obama as our first anti-American president. Yeah, that is a good plan. Let Democrats drag the country down and see if Americans are stupid enough to continue blaming Bush forever for Obama's actions.

When do the Obamas leave on their $4 million, 20-day, all expenses paid Hawaiian vacation? Will Obama out of town when the country heads off the cliff, or will he be golfing at Andrews AFB?
All he has to do is let all the tax hikes go into effect, along with the spending cuts, on 1/1/13, and then propose a tax break for anybody making under 250K. There won't be a republican left in office, that votes against giving a tax break to 98% of the voting public.
I have emailed this to Mitch, Hal, and Obama. Let's see if Mitch and Hal will worry about their job.
TheRealVille Wrote:All he has to do is let all the tax hikes go into effect, along with the spending cuts, on 1/1/13, and then propose a tax break for anybody making under 250K. There won't be a republican left in office, that votes against giving a tax break to 98% of the voting public.
Brilliant, RV, just brilliant! Why has nobody else thought of that strategy? :eyeroll:

But what will Democrats without scapegoats? You overestimate the political will of Republicans. Enough of the RINOs will cave to pressure to do exactly what you suggest. Like the liberal Democrats, the RINOs who control the Republican Party care little about anything but clinging to power.

Democracies cannot survive an ignorant electorate and nobody understands that better than Obama.
^ Think about it, your kind get their spending cuts, and 98% of America get a tax break.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Think about it, your kind get their spending cuts, and 98% of America get a tax break.
If you don't understand that the future of the country depends on getting control of federal spending, then we cannot really have any meaningful debate on the subject. Obama has not proposed any spending cuts. The new taxes that he is proposing will go for new spending if he gets his way. Until you understand that Obama could not care less about the so-called fiscal cliff, you are just deluding yourself.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you don't understand that the future of the country depends on getting control of federal spending, then we cannot really have any meaningful debate on the subject. Obama has not proposed any spending cuts. The new taxes that he is proposing will go for new spending if he gets his way. Until you understand that Obama could not care less about the so-called fiscal cliff, you are just deluding yourself.
Automatic spending cuts will happen on 1/1/13, Obama doesn't need to propose any. Automatic tax raises will go into effect on everybody on 1/1/13. Keep the spending cuts, and cut the taxes on 98% of America.
I am curious to see if in 2016 if things are as bad or God forbid even worse what people like TRV will do or say. I think if anyone in 2016 has the gonads to say It's Bush's fault they will get smacked right in the mouth.
TheRealVille Wrote:Automatic spending cuts will happen on 1/1/13, Obama doesn't need to propose any. Automatic tax raises will go into effect on everybody on 1/1/13. Keep the spending cuts, and cut the taxes on 98% of America.
Obama's own Sec. of Defense says that the automatic cuts will devastate the nation's defense capabilities. Even if Republicans agreed to what you propose (and you are not the first to propose it), Democrats would come back quickly and demand that all sorts of spending be restored. Why? Because tens of thousands of federal jobs would be cut in the DC area. Republicans would agree to restoring defense spending and Democrats would immediately begin blaming them for not agreeing to restore other spending.

Democrats do not want spending cuts and neither do the RINOs like Boehner and Graham. If a majority in Congress do not want them, then they will not happen. Republicans proposed increasing taxes by capping deductions and closing loopholes without raising marginal rates, and Obama rejected the offer.

I would seriously prefer seeing Republicans sticking to their guns and allowing both the tax hikes and the spending cuts take effect, but the Republican leadership lacks the guts to do so. That means that they will continue to negotiate against themselves and they will still get the blame when the economy crashes. In the long run, it would be far better politically if Republicans did the right thing rather what appears to be in their short-term political interests.
Do-double-gg Wrote:I am curious to see if in 2016 if things are as bad or God forbid even worse what people like TRV will do or say. I think if anyone in 2016 has the gonads to say It's Bush's fault they will get smacked right in the mouth.
It's worked for more than four years and you have to consider the fact that Democrats will continue to hand out more goodies like Obamaphones. These are two-time Obama voters that we are talking about. Do not be shocked if the blame Bush strategy is used again.

Besides, whatever happens to the economy, we will always have a "wealthiest one-percent" for Democrats to blame. In the worst case, they can find a new group of scapegoats. It worked for Hitler, it has worked for Islamofascists, and it will always work for a government with an ignorant, malleable citizenry.
Im begining to think everyone should just stop paying taxes.
They can put everyone in jail.
There will be no goverment left to do it.
double post
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's recklesss fiscal policies. ... Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. America deserves better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit." ----- Senator Barack Obama (2006)
[YOUTUBE="In his own words"]1kuTG19Cu_Q[/YOUTUBE]Confusednicker::pondering:
Damn, we are so screwed...
let the tax cuts run out on everybody they don't create jobs anyway pay some of this debt down let the spending cuts that the REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS AGREED ON take effect raise the medicare tax 1% cut down on the waste and fraud social security is allright for the time being
I got news for all of you...Our government went over the "fiscal cliff" years ago. The better question would be, how hard are we going to hit the ground? Hold on folks, it's gonna get rough!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's worked for more than four years and you have to consider the fact that Democrats will continue to hand out more goodies like Obamaphones. These are two-time Obama voters that we are talking about. Do not be shocked if the blame Bush strategy is used again.

Besides, whatever happens to the economy, we will always have a "wealthiest one-percent" for Democrats to blame. In the worst case, they can find a new group of scapegoats. It worked for Hitler, it has worked for Islamofascists, and it will always work for a government with an ignorant, malleable citizenry.

The have nots are actually will nots. And, they have worked out a way to pilfer the wealth of America. It's the easiest thing in the world to do now that politicians are complicitous with them to that end. All they have to do is sign up for freebies and keep voting in the democrats. Democrats (and to some extent RINO's) are sworn to empty the US treasury in the form of entitlements to the so-called needy. The path for our own demise is now clearly marked and yet no legislators seem to be willing to put on the brakes.
TheRealThing Wrote:The have nots are actually will nots. And, they have worked out a way to pilfer the wealth of America. It's the easiest thing in the world to do now that politicians are complicitous with them to that end. All they have to do is sign up for freebies and keep voting in the democrats. Democrats (and to some extent RINO's) are sworn to empty the US treasury in the form of entitlements to the so-called needy. The path for our own demise is now clearly marked and yet no legislators seem to be willing to put on the brakes.

The brakes will not be applied TRT.

What will a depression in this day and time look like?
Finally realizing that they can't protect the top 2%. To save their rich buddies, they will have to let the middle suffer, and that is political suicide, and they are realizing it. Maybe Obama should go with the way the republicans were thinking 3 months ago, that his "top priority is to get them out of office".

TheRealVille Wrote:Finally realizing that they can't protect the top 2%. To save their rich buddies, they will have to let the middle suffer, and that is political suicide, and they are realizing it. Maybe Obama should go with the way the republicans were thinking 3 months ago, that his "top priority is to get them out of office".


That article is crap...I hope the Republicans walk away from the table. Almost every Republican in the House won by a larger margin than Obama, and they have the people's mandate to stop him.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:The brakes will not be applied TRT.

What will a depression in this day and time look like?

That's scary to speculate about, considering things like gardening and animal husbandry are forgotten skills in present day society, I would say things will get really bad. Just guessing, but I'd bet a large percetage of Americans would starve if they couldn't get to a drive-thru. Everybody has refied their homes, I can't imagine what that would look like. Throngs of people on the streets? I know one thing, deer and turkey and other critter season would be 365 for me. And I would buy every shell, bullet and arrow I could get my hands on.
jetpilot Wrote:That article is crap...I hope the Republicans walk away from the table. Almost every Republican in the House won by a larger margin than Obama, and they have the people's mandate to stop him.

Agree, the fight won't get any easier, the longer we wait the harder it will be.
jetpilot Wrote:That article is crap...I hope the Republicans walk away from the table. Almost every Republican in the House won by a larger margin than Obama, and they have the people's mandate to stop him.
I hope they do too. FTR, they won by bigger margins in republican territory.
TheRealVille Wrote:I hope they do too. FTR, they won by bigger margins in republican territory.

Doesn't matter where they got it. They won and have the people's mandate.
TheRealVille Wrote:I hope they do too. FTR, they won by bigger margins in republican territory.

I guess we need to clear up the record, here is a nationwide map of Romney won counties versus Obama counties.

TheRealThing Wrote:I guess we need to clear up the record, here is a nationwide map of Romney won counties versus Obama counties.

Again, and you can't seem to get it, Obama won in heavily populated areas. House republicans won by a bigger margin than Obama, in heavily republican areas. You keep bringing out that red map, and it doesn't mean anything. Those red areas aren't as heavily populated as the blue areas. You can keep lying to yourself, but it doesn't work for the rest of America. If all that red meant anything, Romney would be President, yet he lost the electoral, and the popular vote. I'm just guessing, but I'd say the blue counties had a lot more votes. LOL
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, and you can't seem to get it, Obama won in heavily populated areas. House republicans won by a bigger margin than Obama, in heavily republican areas. You keep bringing out that red map, and it doesn't mean anything. Those red areas aren't as heavily populated as the blue areas. You can keep lying to yourself, but it doesn't work for the rest of America. If all that red meant anything, Romney would be President, yet he lost the electoral, and the popular vote. I'm just guessing, but I'd say the blue counties had a lot more votes. LOL

You have it backwards. Most of America looks more like the red areas than inner-city Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, etc....
jetpilot Wrote:You have it backwards. Most of America looks more like the red areas than inner-city Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, etc....
Really? Who's President? Wink Did he win in "red" America? Here's the map that counts. Obama had a landslide win in that red map you all are so fond of. Smile
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