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Why doesn't God heal amputees?
TheRealVille Wrote:Heal cancer victims, and forsake amputees to protect faith. :Thumbs: I got it. Why didn't he specify in the bible that amputees wouldn't get healed so as to protect the "faith" part of religion?

Its obvious that you have no belief ina god of any sort so no matter what anyone says it will not be enough for you. So you have to ask do the amputees have faith or do they blame god? What were they doing to require amputation? If they believed, would having an amputation give them a bigger platform to witness to people? We don't know what god has in store for us or anybody else.
Cancer is a different animal than amputation. Its a disease that developers inside a body. So while being cured of cancer is generally known as a "miracle" why wouldn't you look at an alive amputee as a breathing miracle?

Sure to most of us it is a major handicap. And to the people it is handicap. But we don't know what the ultimate plan so we can't judge. We can't act like we know whats best for everyone. So what's a miracle for me might not be one for you.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Its obvious that you have no belief ina god of any sort so no matter what anyone says it will not be enough for you. So you have to ask do the amputees have faith or do they blame god? What were they doing to require amputation? If they believed, would having an amputation give them a bigger platform to witness to people? We don't know what god has in store for us or anybody else.
Cancer is a different animal than amputation. Its a disease that developers inside a body. So while being cured of cancer is generally known as a "miracle" why wouldn't you look at an alive amputee as a breathing miracle?

Sure to most of us it is a major handicap. And to the people it is handicap. But we don't know what the ultimate plan so we can't judge. We can't act like we know whats best for everyone. So what's a miracle for me might not be one for you.
Wrong. I just don't believe in the biblical God.
I apologize then for that assumption.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:I apologize then for that assumption.
It was a logical assumption based on your own observations. The question about why God does not restore the severed limbs of amputees is one often posed by atheists.

As one who has already concluded that the Bible is a book of fairy tales, RV is already sure that he knows the answer to this question. Finding an answer to his question is not his goal - his goal is to shake other people's faith in God.
That was basically the point I was trying to make. Regardless of what you believe a Christians faith is just that. Faith is a belief in something that is intangible. What some would see as a lack of god others see as a work of god. That's why nonbelievers can't see eye to eye with people of faith. They believe in two different ideas.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wrong. I just don't believe in the biblical God.

Sooooo.......let me get this straight, your not an atheist but you don't believe in the biblical God??? I will probably regret asking this but I just can't help myself, what God do you believe in. An even better question is if you do believe in a God other then the biblical one then why don't he or she heal amputees? I don't claim to know what God's ultimate plan is or why he does everything the way he does. What I do know is that God does answer prayers because he has answered a few for me in my life, heck he even did a few things for me that I didn't even ask for or know that I needed till on down the road and I look back at it. I believe that God does hear everything we ask for but he don't answer every prayer. And why you may ask.....well because we ask for some pretty silly things sometimes and I believe God weighs each prayer and knows if it is what you need or what you really want or if it is even important in the grand scheme of things. Can a person live a full life and be happy with a missing limb or limbs.......well yes they do it all the time, but can a person live a full and happy life with a cancer that kills.......well no they can't unless it just goes away. How many times do you hear stories of people who get something like cancer and after the doctors do all they know to do and nothing works and they tell the person that they will die soon and yet by some miracle or magic they go into complete remission and the medical professionals just scratch their heads. I have known a few amputees in my life and they were some of the most strong and look at the bright side of life people I have ever seen and I don't think that most would even pray to have a limb grow back but I would say they did pray to not die from what ever went wrong to lose that limb to begin with. Another aspect of prayer is faith. God will not answer a prayer from a person who has no faith or belief in him. When you pray for something I believe that you got to believe that he will answer your prayer like you believe that the sun will rise the next morning or you will be disappointed. God said that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain but you could stand by a mountain and pray and push all day but your not going to move that mountain because what would be the point in moving a mountain, it would do you no good other then to say that you did it and that is not the way God does things. To make a long story short I would say you have a lot of amputees who love God and believe in him who know one thing for certain and that is the fact that when they die and go to heaven that they will have a new and perfect body and they will look back at all the earthly things that they would worry about and pray about and they will probably laugh.
Do-double-gg Wrote:Sooooo.......let me get this straight, your not an atheist but you don't believe in the biblical God??? I will probably regret asking this but I just can't help myself, what God do you believe in. An even bette[B]r question is if you do believe in a God other then the biblical one then why don't he or she heal amputees? I don't claim to know what God's ultimate plan is or why he does everything the way he does. What I do know is that God does answer prayers because he has answered a few for me in my life, heck he even did a few things for me that I didn't even ask for [/B]or know that I needed till on down the road and I look back at it. I believe that God does hear everything we ask for but he don't answer every prayer. And why you may ask.....well because we ask for some pretty silly things sometimes and I believe God weighs each prayer and knows if it is what you need or what you really want or if it is even important in the grand scheme of things. Can a person live a full life and be happy with a missing limb or limbs.......well yes they do it all the time, but can a person live a full and happy life with a cancer that kills.......well no they can't unless it just goes away. How many times do you hear stories of people who get something like cancer and after the doctors do all they know to do and nothing works and they tell the person that they will die soon and yet by some miracle or magic they go into complete remission and the medical professionals just scratch their heads. I have known a few amputees in my life and they were some of the most strong and look at the bright side of life people I have ever seen and I don't think that most would even pray to have a limb grow back but I would say they did pray to not die from what ever went wrong to lose that limb to begin with. Another aspect of prayer is faith. God will not answer a prayer from a person who has no faith or belief in him. When you pray for something I believe that you got to believe that he will answer your prayer like you believe that the sun will rise the next morning or you will be disappointed. God said that all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain but you could stand by a mountain and pray and push all day but your not going to move that mountain because what would be the point in moving a mountain, it would do you no good other then to say that you did it and that is not the way God does things. To make a long story short I would say you have a lot of amputees who love God and believe in him who know one thing for certain and that is the fact that when they die and go to heaven that they will have a new and perfect body and they will look back at all the earthly things that they would worry about and pray about and they will probably laugh.
More of a deistic God believer. My God doesn't have a bible that men wrote, that says he hears a sincere prayer, and heals. If you don't have concrete proof that your God healed you, how am I supposed to believe it wasn't just coincidence, and your wanting to believe it was God's work?
So you have a problem with the fact that the bible was written by man. I see where you are comeing from.......I really do! With how man is flawed and corrupt they usually mess up everything they touch. I had this same problem with the bible when I was starting out at a young age because it was man and not God who wrote the bible. The thing is that God did write the bible he just didn't physically pick up a pen and paper and do it on his own. God would never allow his word to be changed or altered and you don't even need the bible ro church to believe in, love and worship him because people from the bible times believed in, loved and worshiped him before the bible was even written because they were the ones who went on to write it. As far as hearing a sincere prayer and healing......well the answer is yes and no. Like I said God will hear everything we ask of him but will we get it
If you are talking sincere as in I am sincere that I want something or think that I need something then that part is easy but the hard part is believing 100% with no doubt in your mind that God is real and he can do it is a whole other ballgame. Like I said just because you want something or think you need something don't mean that you actually need it or want it or that it is even the best thing for you. God knows you better then you know yourself and he can see in your heart and knows if you are sincere or not. You can lie to your fellow man or even yourself but not God. Also like I said before he will listen to your prayer and weigh it's importance and the lost limb is just not as important as being cured of something that will kill you. Like I said I don't believe that God decides your life every second of the day and decides who will die today and who will live today and who will lose a limb today but do know that he will intervene when and where he thinks it is necessary and sometimes do things that you never even asked for or knew that you wanted or needed but other then that I think that he lets life take it's course. We live a crazy life in this world with a lot of danger and accidents happen but I don't think God is behind all of it. I think that a lot of people like you hear things from people like when a child is killed in a car accident and you hear some people say well it was just Gods will. This is where it gets complicated. Did God cause that accident......I don't think he did, did God allow that child die even if the family of the child pray for her to live......well that is possible because like I said he knows what the future holds for you and if he decides that he is ready to receive you then yes he may and that childs future could be worse then a car accident. I am sorry this is so long but I can talk about the bible and my Father all day and night. TRV I don't know you and I don't know why you are asking all of this stuff and I hope it's not for the reason that some say it is but if you are sincere about all of this and you are truly curious then I think you need to find a person who has a lot of knowledge of the bible and the meanings of some of the more confusing parts of the bible like a preacher with some good experience. I am 34 years old and I have gone to church and read the bible from as early as I could read but I'm no expert. I hope this was some help.
TheRealVille Wrote:There's a question to ponder. Why doesn't God heal amputees?

Check out John 18:10. This is where Judas betrayed Jesus and Peter cut off the ear of guard and Jesus replaced it.
Joker Wrote:Check out John 18:10. This is where Judas betrayed Jesus and Peter cut off the ear of guard and Jesus replaced it.
Show us an example that isn't in the bible. And, according to the bible, he put the guard's own ear back on. But, you bring up a good point. If he healed an amputee in the bible, why won't he heal them now?
TheRealVille Wrote:There's a question to ponder. Why doesn't God heal amputees?

What makes you think he hasn't? Any amputees I know have told me it was through God's love and grace they adapted and overcome obstacles, made peace, and have been healed. They've learned more and been blessed more than they would have ever been prior to their i.e. military service, car accident, or illness.

He heals the spiritually amputated on a daily basis as well. That has been my experience and walk with those "amputees" literally and figuratively I've crossed paths with.

Good luck and Gods speed on your quest for answers...and God bless you trv!


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit100 Wrote:What makes you think he hasn't? Any amputees I know have told me it was through God's love and grace they adapted and overcome obstacles, made peace, and have been healed. They've learned more and been blessed more than they would have ever been prior to their i.e. military service, car accident, or illness.

He heals the spiritually amputated on a daily basis as well. That has been my experience and walk with those "amputees" literally and figuratively I've crossed paths with.

Good luck and Gods speed on your quest for answers...and God bless you trv!

I will give you one thing, I'm glad you are not a "self righteous A-hole christian". At least I can't see it here on BGR, if you are one. There are at least a couple on this site that I wouldn't want to spend eternity in the same place with.

TheRealVille Wrote:I find it odd that the Christian God can "heal cancer", with a doctor's help, but can't grow a limb back.

Most of these ancient "healings" were the work of writers thousands of years ago. All we have to go on is legend and what is written, but that doesn't mean they actually occured. You've asked a a good question. Just because someone writes that they saw a miracle healing, or a whale swallow a man, or someone walk on water, doesn't necessarily mean it happened. Many of the ancient religions beginning 2 to 3 thousand years before Christianity also had healings, miracle workers, virgin births, sons of god(s), etc. These legends, stories, myths, dreams, visions, and so on, were handed down for centuries. Some of the writings of the Bible are from similar versions of things that happened hundreds of years before. The oral stories of supernatural occurances were common, and just like in today's world, as these oral stories were handed down through the generations they became a little more embellished and fantastic as they were told over and over again.

I think another good question is, 'Did God create man in his own image, or did man create God in their image'. If you notice, the Bible is full of laws and rules that were common in the days that it was written by man. It was definitely a man's world because women and children are treated about as bad as it gets, especially in the Old Testament. Men wrote the works over hundreds of years in the customs and culture of the times, and they wrote them to fit their own religious agendas for power and control. Some of their religious codes would seem outrageous today, I mean, what parent would stone their child to death for misbehaving or showing disrespect? Or permit a father to sell his daughter into slavery? (Exodus 21:20-21)

It is human nature, all the way back to prehistoric times, for man to use supernatural means to answer 3 basic questions: (1) How did we get here, or where did we come from? (2)How are we suppose to behave while we are here on Earth? (3) Where do we go after we die? And question #2 always provides the answer and solutions to question #3. Also, it helps to add a little incentive so the flock will fall in line, so almost all religions from caveman days to now have a built in sure way to get people to toe the line. It's called 'fear'. So, there must be some form of punishment, and the invention of Hell was the perfect answer. Without this fear factor there would probably be a reduction in the faith factor. So, you simply must have faith that miracles were performed as they are written about in the Bible. That is all the proof you are suppose to need. And, one more thing, don't ask questions or have doubts. Just believe.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Most of these ancient "healings" were the work of writers thousands of years ago. All we have to go on is legend and what is written, but that doesn't mean they actually occured. You've asked a a good question. Just because someone writes that they saw a miracle healing, or a whale swallow a man, or someone walk on water, doesn't necessarily mean it happened. Many of the ancient religions beginning 2 to 3 thousand years before Christianity also had healings, miracle workers, virgin births, sons of god(s), etc. These legends, stories, myths, dreams, visions, and so on, were handed down for centuries. Some of the writings of the Bible are from similar versions of things that happened hundreds of years before. The oral stories of supernatural occurances were common, and just like in today's world, as these oral stories were handed down through the generations they became a little more embellished and fantastic as they were told over and over again.

I think another good question is, 'Did God create man in his own image, or did man create God in their image'. If you notice, the Bible is full of laws and rules that were common in the days that it was written by man. It was definitely a man's world because women and children are treated about as bad as it gets, especially in the Old Testament. Men wrote the works over hundreds of years in the customs and culture of the times, and they wrote them to fit their own religious agendas for power and control. Some of their religious codes would seem outrageous today, I mean, what parent would stone their child to death for misbehaving or showing disrespect? Or permit a father to sell his daughter into slavery? (Exodus 21:20-21)

It is human nature, all the way back to prehistoric times, for man to use supernatural means to answer 3 basic questions: (1) How did we get here, or where did we come from? (2)How are we suppose to behave while we are here on Earth? (3) Where do we go after we die? And question #2 always provides the answer and solutions to question #3. Also, it helps to add a little incentive so the flock will fall in line, so almost all religions from caveman days to now have a built in sure way to get people to toe the line. It's called 'fear'. So, there must be some form of punishment, and the invention of Hell was the perfect answer. Without this fear factor there would probably be a reduction in the faith factor. So, you simply must have faith that miracles were performed as they are written about in the Bible. That is all the proof you are suppose to need. And, one more thing, don't ask questions or have doubts. Just believe.
The Jesus story, which is very, very similar to the Horus story was told 1500 years after Horus. Yes, there are many copy cat tales through the ages. But, the logic I have heard here and elsewhere, is comparing it to "Abe Lincoln and John F Kennedy" logic.
Try Christianity.... It's free. Accept Jesus into your life as your personal savior.
Believe that Jesus, the Son of God, came in to this world; Believe that He died on a cross; Believe that He was buried and arose on the 3rd day; Believe that He is coming again.

Try it...... if you don't like it, I promise the world will have you back. It's that simple.
But to answer the question of this thread title....

I have a very noticible lazy right eye. I've had it since birth, two surgeries before the age of 5.

I've heard every joke, been called every name under the sun... and it doesn't bother me. It did when I was younger. When I would start talking to people that didn't know me, they would look at me funny and ask me "you talking to me??"

But, through all the name calling and awkward moments in my life.... I've helped so many younger kids with having lazy eyes and other vision problems... when your parents tell you something, you just blow it off, but when somebody you look up to and think is pretty cool tells you something, your gonna listen. I guess I was meant to have a lazy eye to let others know that it's ok.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Try Christianity.... It's free. Accept Jesus into your life as your personal savior.
Believe that Jesus, the Son of God, came in to this world; Believe that He died on a cross; Believe that He was buried and arose on the 3rd day; Believe that He is coming again.

Try it...... if you don't like it, I promise the world will have you back. It's that simple.
Why wouldn't I try the Horus version, it was earlier? BTW, I'm unconvertible.
TheRealVille Wrote:Why wouldn't I try the Horus version, it was earlier? BTW, I'm unconvertible.

This I have figured out.
My best advice to you is if you need proof of the existence of God or the validity of the bible is to read the bible. Look at all the prophecy and predictions and visions of the future that God gave the disciples. Look at all the stuff that the book of revelation said would happen and then look at all the stuff going on all around this world today. It is all falling in line with what the bible said. Pretty accurate for a book of fiction.
It is my belief that there are tow kinds of atheists in this world.

#1 Is those who truly don't believe in God or Jesus or the bible.

#2 Is those who don't want it to be real because it is so hard to live the life that God wants us live and it just don't fit with their lifestyle so they try to wish and disprove it all away, but it seems like a lot of so called atheists talk about religion more then people who do believe in it and this leads me to believe that they are afraid of something.
Aslan Wrote:Atheists definitely have a lot to say about the nothing they believe in.
Maybe christians trying to drive their "bible social issues" on the American public has brought it all about.
^I understand where you're coming from. But that goes both ways. Christians and atheists both demean each other when a conversation like this is started. It's definitely wrong for Christians to demean atheists, homosexuals, and other religions. However why is it that atheists degrade Christians and not Muslims, Buddhists, or Jews? They also believe in something that you do not.
Aslan Wrote:^I understand where you're coming from. But that goes both ways. Christians and atheists both demean each other when a conversation like this is started. It's definitely wrong for Christians to demean atheists, homosexuals, and other religions. However why is it that atheists degrade Christians and not Muslims, Buddhists, or Jews? They also believe in something that you do not.
There are no Muslims or Jews on this board. I hate all "mean" religions. Christians, muslims, and jewish people try to push their religion on people, and government. Jewish, not so much. I have never met a self righteous, mean spirited Buddist or Hindu, so I can respect their religions. But, for the hundredth time, I am not an atheist.
TheRealVille Wrote:There are no Muslims or Jews on this board. I hate all "mean" religions. Christians, muslims, and jewish people try to push their religion on people, and government. Jewish, not so much. I have never met a self righteous, mean spirited Buddist or Hindu, so I can respect their religions. But, for the hundredth time, I am not an atheist.

i have never heard. You bash a muslim
WideMiddle03 Wrote:i have never heard. You bash a muslim
Do we have muslim on BGR? Their religion is a farce also, it started with the bible.
^ If you, Hoot, and TRT are the campions for Christianity, that religion is in some deep shit.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ If you, Hoot, and TRT are the campions for Christianity, that religion is in some deep shit.
I don't really care what atheists think of me, RV.
He's to busy keeping liberal progressive atheist from falling down and hurting themselves

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