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Zimmerman Not Guilty
If a black man killed a black man, no one would care.

If a white man killed a white man, no one would care.

Liberals are obsessed with making everything about race. They want to make Republicans out to be the racists when they only care about crimes that involve multiple races. It is a sad situation that happened. It is not anymore sad because the color of the skin of the people involved.

The prosecution overcharged and did not have enough of a case. No one will ever know what really went down. Maybe Zimmerman did do something that was criminal, maybe Martin did. The point is the case was not solid enough for a conviction. That is how our justice system works. It did not fail us.

The Obama administration and other liberals are in the dark on what exactly happened, just like everyone else. Who is to say that justice was not served? Remember that in this country, you do not have to prove your innocence. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, not guilty until proven innocent. Don't ignore that just because it doesn't fit the liberal political agenda in this case.

Stop making everything about race. It is tired and played out. I am not going to say racism does not exist. It most definitely does. But, I am tired of hearing the card being played every single time something like this happens with no reason to believe it did other than it was a white (I am not even sure Zimmerman is white, but it fit the media's agenda) on black crime.
Panther Thunder Wrote:If a black man killed a black man, no one would care.

If a white man killed a white man, no one would care.

Liberals are obsessed with making everything about race. They want to make Republicans out to be the racists when they only care about crimes that involve multiple races. It is a sad situation that happened. It is not anymore sad because the color of the skin of the people involved.

The prosecution overcharged and did not have enough of a case. No one will ever know what really went down. Maybe Zimmerman did do something that was criminal, maybe Martin did. The point is the case was not solid enough for a conviction. That is how our justice system works. It did not fail us.

The Obama administration and other liberals are in the dark on what exactly happened, just like everyone else. Who is to say that justice was not served? Remember that in this country, you do not have to prove your innocence. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, not guilty until proven innocent. Don't ignore that just because it doesn't fit the liberal political agenda in this case.

Stop making everything about race. It is tired and played out. I am not going to say racism does not exist. It most definitely does. But, I am tired of hearing the card being played every single time something like this happens with no reason to believe it did other than it was a white (I am not even sure Zimmerman is white, but it fit the media's agenda) on black crime.

Panther Thunder Wrote:If a black man killed a black man, no one would care.

If a white man killed a white man, no one would care.

Liberals are obsessed with making everything about race. They want to make Republicans out to be the racists when they only care about crimes that involve multiple races. It is a sad situation that happened. It is not anymore sad because the color of the skin of the people involved.

The prosecution overcharged and did not have enough of a case. No one will ever know what really went down. Maybe Zimmerman did do something that was criminal, maybe Martin did. The point is the case was not solid enough for a conviction. That is how our justice system works. It did not fail us.

The Obama administration and other liberals are in the dark on what exactly happened, just like everyone else. Who is to say that justice was not served? Remember that in this country, you do not have to prove your innocence. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, not guilty until proven innocent. Don't ignore that just because it doesn't fit the liberal political agenda in this case.

Stop making everything about race. It is tired and played out. I am not going to say racism does not exist. It most definitely does. But, I am tired of hearing the card being played every single time something like this happens with no reason to believe it did other than it was a white (I am not even sure Zimmerman is white, but it fit the media's agenda) on black crime.
I notice you conveniently left off "if a black man killed a white man".
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The judge in this case refused to admit any evidence about Trayvon Martin's character from social media sites because she claimed that their authenticity could not be established - a point on which she was wrong - but what Martin posted in his Twitter and Facebook accounts would not have helped his case at all. The "Purple Drank" posts would have provided the Zimmerman defense an alternate narrative to the Skittles and iced tea story.

Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

More Than a Bag of Skittles - Trayvon Martin and Purple Drank
Funny that the drink isn't mixed the way your link provides.
TheRealThing Wrote:Wow, that was enlightening. Prosecution had to have known this. Of course, after hearing the 2nd seater, John Guy ask the jurors to disregard the abysmal case they put on and instead use their hearts to find Zimmerman guilty rather than using the lawful guidelines, I already knew they were jerks.

In the after trial press conference Mark O'Mara called them out for it. I particularly enjoyed hearing him bust the media for all the lies they were so happy to propagate too.
It is false. That is not how the drink is mixed. Anybody ever tell you how to google things to see if they check out? Your friend is a liar.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The judge in this case refused to admit any evidence about Trayvon Martin's character from social media sites because she claimed that their authenticity could not be established - a point on which she was wrong - but what Martin posted in his Twitter and Facebook accounts would not have helped his case at all. The "Purple Drank" posts would have provided the Zimmerman defense an alternate narrative to the Skittles and iced tea story.

Trayvon's Skittles, Arizona Iced Tea and something called 'Purple Drank'

More Than a Bag of Skittles - Trayvon Martin and Purple Drank
rashmanly were the ones that were saying it was on his FB and twitter accounts. It was never proven true. Even your examiner says they are "credibility weak", and that is something coming from the examiner.. As Andy would say, "you're something else, barney".
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am the kind of person who can distinguish between a dopehead thug and an honest neighborhood volunteer whose reputation has been unfairly tarnished beyond repair. Now would not be a time to boast about being a millionaire, RV. Zimmerman's lawyers are looking for people like you who spread lies about their client and have deep pockets. :biglmao:
Zimmerman's lawyers better save their money for the Justice dept. They are reviewing the case. BTW, no lies are being spread. He brought it on himself, by lying.
TheRealVille Wrote:Funny that the drink isn't mixed the way your link provides.

Funny that you never seem to read on because there are many things people use to make it sweeter and taste better. The only ingredient that is set in stone as far as I can tell is cough syrup.
Do-double-gg Wrote:Funny that you never seem to read on because there are many things people use to make it sweeter and taste better. The only ingredient that is set in stone as far as I can tell is cough syrup.
Codeine or hydrocodone is in "the purple drank". Does cough syrup off the shelf have codeine/hyrdocodone? Did they find either on Martin?
TheRealVille Wrote:Zimmerman's lawyers better save their money for the Justice dept. They are reviewing the case. BTW, no lies are being spread. He brought it on himself, by lying.

Yes and a lot of lawyers with a lot of experience have said that just like they had no state case they don't have one with that route either. That is unless you with all your expertise in all of this think you can take this on and win.lol
If you have some evidence or video of Zimmerman being racist or a profiler then you better give it up.
Do-double-gg Wrote:Yes and a lot of lawyers with a lot of experience have said that just like they had no state case they don't have one with that route either. That is unless you with all your expertise in all of this think you can take this on and win.lol
If you have some evidence or video of Zimmerman being racist or a profiler then you better give it up.
The Justice dept. has some pretty deep pockets(ironic that you guys are going to help pay for this next phase, lol), and should have a pretty easy case. It is on record that Zimmerman said "“‘Fucking punks. Those assholes, they always get away,’”. 100% of his calls to the police were about blacks.
Because 100% of the crimes that they had seen where committed by blacks. I think they were punks to, and shouldn't get away with it. Maybe "black" people should quit committing crimes and alot of "white" people will stop saying the black man did it. Just a suggestion.
TheRealVille, if your blacks want to be treated the same as whites, they could start by accepting court decisions without looting, burning, and rioting. After Simpson, a black, was found not guilty by a near all black jury, for killing two whites, I don't recall the whites taking to the streets to riot. So, civil behavior may be a place for your boys and girls to start.

Next, let everyone play by the same rules. You can't expect to be treated the same when you have your racist DOJ and White House to nullify fair and just legal decisions just because they weren't satisfactory to your group.

In other words, if blacks are to be treated the same as whites they will need to obey the law, quit expecting special treatment in all of life's pursuits, support themselves, quit having over 2/3 of their children out of wedlock thus causing an unconscionable strain on actual income tax payers to support those offspring, and be positive contributors to society other than on the playing field and entertainment stage.

In other words, become productive citizens by their own efforts. Remember. they must earn respect. They cannot demand it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am the kind of person who can distinguish between a dopehead thug and an honest neighborhood volunteer whose reputation has been unfairly tarnished beyond repair. Now would not be a time to boast about being a millionaire, RV. Zimmerman's lawyers are looking for people like you who spread lies about their client and have deep pockets. :biglmao:
He didn't hurt his "spotless" reputation by beating on cops and his girlfriend? FTR, good advisors can make money law suit proof. I'm not spreading lies. My telling of Zimmerman is in court and police records.

Moderators: Isn't it against the rules for Hoot to post personal information of mine?
MSNBC is featuring coverage of a demonstration in which several blacks are carrying a sign that says "We are all Trayvon". You know, maybe that is the core of the problem.
Back to whining to moderators, huh, RV? You have frequently boasted of your wealth in an open forum here, including making the claim of being a millionaire. My reference is no different than you referring to me as a mining engineer or to Harry as an attorney. If you consider something confidential, don't boast about it in a public forum. What a hypocrite you are!
TheRealVille Wrote:He didn't hurt his "spotless" reputation by beating on cops and his girlfriend? FTR, good advisors can make money law suit proof. I'm not spreading lies. My telling of Zimmerman is in court and police records.

Moderators: Isn't it against the rules for Hoot to post personal information of mine?

I'm no moderator but I remember clearly YOU posting on the open forum about being a millionaire.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'm no moderator but I remember clearly YOU posting on the open forum about being a millionaire.

Me is key there. I posted my info, he isn't allowed to. Besides, I don't remember the millionaire statement. But, I am the only one allowed to post my personal information, no one else is allowed.
TheRealVille Wrote:Me is key there. I posted my info, he isn't allowed to. Besides, I don't remember the millionaire statement. But, I am the only one allowed to post my personal information, no one else is allowed.


TheRealVille Wrote:i'm a millionaire Old School, if my union pension fails, I'll still be ok. Thanks for thinking of me though. If my pension doesn't fail, I'll get an extra 5k a month. Either way, I'll be fine. BTW, it isn't my pension fund that is in trouble, mine is stable.
WideRight05 Wrote::biglmao:

At any rate, I'm the only one allowed to post that info.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Back to whining to moderators, huh, RV? You have frequently boasted of your wealth in an open forum here, including making the claim of being a millionaire. My reference is no different than you referring to me as a mining engineer or to Harry as an attorney. If you consider something confidential, don't boast about it in a public forum. What a hypocrite you are!

Posting jobs is a little different. You can post that I'm a pipefitter all day long. Posting financial status, and inviting lawsuits via a good internet search pro by posting a few key words together, is a different animal. I can say it, you can't.
Huh? Once the cat's out of the bag, horse has left the barn and all of that stuff
Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday the killing of Trayvon Martin was a "tragic, unnecessary shooting

Read more: http://www.wcpo.com/dpp/news/national/ge...z2Z8uUqgja

Can anyone guess where the DOJ is leaning?
TheRealVille Wrote:I notice you conveniently left off "if a black man killed a white man".
I didn't put "if a white man killed a black man" either because liberals only care if multiple races are involved. Like someone else said, is the OJ case not a double standard? Where were the cries for justice from the left then?

I don't care what race anyone is in a case. I don't think because a black man kills a white man that the black man is automatically racially motivated. But that is how it is painted by liberals when the situation is turned around. But no, we are the racists and the "profilers".
I don't doubt for a second purple drank can be made with the items Trayvon had just purchased. The point wasn't whether ingredients can be substituted or, mixed differently. Rather, that purple drank is all the rage and he had two of three ingredients.

The point I take from all of this is the manner in which the liberal media and the democratic base have all come together to circle the wagons yet again around another social justice issue. To do that they had to lie to the whole nation. Race was never a factor in this matter except for the obvious fact that the rash of break-ins in Zimmerman's neighborhood were committed by blacks. But, one would never know that as enemies of state, Sharpton and Jackson are responsible as much as anybody for fomenting this new wave of racial contempt. Launching their hate bombs at their own racial constituency, they are guilty of crimes against society IMO. Then there are the media, who deliver their liberal message which, is only loosely based on actual current events. Trayvon's image was sanitized by the media and the prosecution according to Fox News Anchor John Scott. Pertinent evidence was not allowed in this trial which, established that Trayvon was not the innocent "boy" with skittles and tea, that prosecutors portrayed him to be. That would be like trying a known Mafioso hit man for murder and the judge not allowing discovery of those facts to the jury.

In this case, while nary a peep was raised by that same media or liberals on here BTW, with regard to the 46 shootings, in Chicago over the July 4th weekend, they continue to fan the flames of insurrection among minority groups. This time that insurrection is aimed at our own legal system. From the bought and paid for chief prosecutor, her underlings and a new sheriff's department, all did what they could to salve the wounds they themselves help to exacerbate. Minorities should know that. The cost of this reckless top down sabotage of our legal system, will not go unpaid. It will surely diminish the safety we all cherish in some way.
As expected, this entire ordeal has turned into nothing short of a circus.
Anything to keep the media happy will suffice...
It's what keep the Democrats happy.
They need either Have/Have nots fights, racial fights, or some other issue to keep stoking the fires of intolerance
We have the White House, the US Justice Department, the entire print and broadcast media (other than Fox), the liberal politicians, the black and semi-black entertainment industry, the black and semi-black professional sports industry, nearly the entire black population of this country, the entire black wantabe population of this country, and all the race baiters whining, threatening, demonstrating, and jiving.

What do those of us who pay the country's bills and who know the verdict was just do to show our support for Zimmerman and for the rule of law?

Well, some may consider doing as I have done and to send a monetary "gift" (don't call it a contribution) to George Zimmerman as a show of support and to help him in this time of need. He shouldn't be left to stand alone. I sent mine to:

Mr. George Zimmerman
c/o Seminole County Clerk of Courts
101 Bush Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773

My check was made out to "George Zimmerman".
Welcome to the "new" Jim Crow south.
TheRealVille Wrote:Welcome to the "new" Jim Crow south.

They got rid of the first prosecutor in this case because he wouldn't bring such a baseless case to trial. Then they found one who would and despite her biased machinations behind the scenes, the outcome was a not guilty verdict. Their prosecutors, their witnesses, their police investigators, their state court system and finally their judge, all working together could not quite manage to get a jury 'of the people' to circumvent the law. Unexpectedly for the prosecution, the jury understood that the evidence did not rise to the level necessary to convict. From where I sat, the state's case was invisible.

This Jim Crow comment just goes to prove one thing. You and your ilk would happily see our system of laws run over if you don't get your way. In exactly the same way, you want to see same sex marriage become the law of the land, along with unfettered access to state funded abortion on demand. Special conditions for the 'special' while stricter punishment is to be meted out to those who would in any way slow down the push of minorities, or the left's wild eyed reach for an imaginary utopia. A utopia where, certain people are ushered up to the head of the line based solely on skin color while justifying the madness of laying riches at the feet of the listless, on their own bias against the inhabitants of America.

Those same inhabitants, on whose backs America was founded, fought for, paid for, built on and for which all manner of personal sacrifice has been laid on the altar of freedom, have now become the objects of hate. They are accused of racism, gender bias, and self righteousness of every stripe, because they would be stupid enough to live their lives in honor and worship of the God Who created them. Choosing, instead of out of control liberalism, to cherish the constitution, the Bible, and tradition which has been etched into the annals of American history.

The left is calling figuratively for the collective heads of millions of good, innocent of wrong doing, steadfastly loyal Americans for one and only one reason. They don't share the liberal's palate for rebellion against traditional America. And, more importantly, they refuse to back up and let liberals run freely over the will of God, as has been reflected by the mindless attempts at redefinition of every thing we stand for.

I love my country as it should be, free from special carve outs for those who can tout nothing more than the feelings on their sleeves and the insatiable desire to have everything working folks have. How many liberals on here would be brave enough to admit they hate traditional America?
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