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Zimmerman Not Guilty
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:All "activist" blacks would consider Holliday to be an Oreo or an Uncle Tom. Unfortunately, they would praise and identify with Martin. And that is the main reason why the races will never live in harmony.

Those in the race industry can't afford to have their constituency think for themselves. And, their constituency seems incapable of thinking for themselves. Therefore, the Sharptons, Jacksons, etc, are in control of the black community.

I heard a black "commentator" on MSNBC yesterday state that whites need to dismantle and destroy their perception of "white supremacy" in this country so that all can move toward equality.

By "white supremacy" I assume he is referring to whites making most all of the decisions that run this country's businesses and industries, paying most all of the taxes to support the operation of all levels of government and its services, funding charities including government "entitlement" programs, and making the laws and rules by which the country functions in relative peace and prosperity.

How long would the country last if this were changed?

By that logic a few Americans could move to Russia and demand all of the indigenous folks start speaking English, give them all their money, and lay their cloaks over any mud puddles in their path. That is no more absurd a scenario than what we see happening here in the good Ol USA. The makers of this country are mere fodder for the whims of the minorities, if one listens to them. It started out we gave them food stamps and other help. We began shipping them over here on the taxpayer dime, handing them the best college education tax payer dollars could buy, but that still wasn't enough so we just left our southern border with Mexico unattended and said let them all come in. Then it expanded to housing, health care and utilities. Then spending money and cell phones. Now they want it all. Any questions?
Belfry0304 Wrote:Regardless anyone who comes on a public forum, is the ONLY person defending a thug, brags about smoking weed, and being a "millionaire" has his head so far up his ass we'll never break through. Bragging says a lot about a person. It isn't saying good things for RV.

:thatsfunn :worthy:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Absolutely. And, I would suspect that you are not considered a part of majority thought in Johnson County.

You would be right.

But, everybody in Johnson that knows me, knows I'm very liberal socially.
How does our resident "kill whitey" fans fill about this? I guess they where justified?:eyeroll: How would you all have felt if he shot and killed them?http://www.myfoxorlando.com/story/228475...an-verdict
Surprisingly, i hadnt heard about that.
And can you guess the reason you haven't heard?
From last nights Piers Morgan:

MORGAN: But you -- but you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn't know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?


MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?

JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every -- who's not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out? So you have to take it -- as a parent, when you tell your child, when you see a grown person following you, run away, and all that

Maybe it was Zimmerman who suffered the "hate Crime" Gay bashing is still a hate crime right? Someone call the DOJ

This case was about a man who was suspicious off bad behavior. He called police, but still felt the need to do something, so he ignored police's advice to stay back and checked it out. He found a teenage boy. That teenage boy also noticed the man. After a few minutes during late night he noticed the man was following him. They didn't know each other, neither one knew where the other was going, and it was late at night.

The teen, like most teens do freaked out. The man saw him freak out, but didn't know why. Both felt like they needed to defend themselves so they confronted each other. The teen attacked, the man needed to defend and pulled out a gun and shot him. Zimmerman didn't know he was a teen, Martin didn't know he was neighborhood watch. Unfortunately, a kid died due to extremely poor judgement from both parties. The list of ways this could've been prevented is long. Zimmerman should've backed off when police said so. Martin should've kept walking home, maybe even call 911 or run away. Zimmerman could've identified himself as neighborhood watch.

It's a tragedy, a man killed a boy. The man just happened to be white, the boy black. He didn't murder him, but he did kill him. Prosecution allowed this to become a media storm, instead of using the investigation to see what their case was. Drop the race crap and lets learn from this so hopefully it doesn't happen again
nky Wrote:From last nights Piers Morgan:

MORGAN: But you -- but you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn't know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?


MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?

JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every -- who's not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out? So you have to take it -- as a parent, when you tell your child, when you see a grown person following you, run away, and all that

Maybe it was Zimmerman who suffered the "hate Crime" Gay bashing is still a hate crime right? Someone call the DOJ


This exchange between Jeantel and Morgan is extremely relevant. However, you can be sure of two facts.

1. Jeantel will never repeat any of it publicly again because it "detracts" from the media/ liberal agenda.
2. No news media outlet, with the possible exception of Fox, will ever mention it.

The fix is in and Rachel's statements don't further the fix.

There cannot be an hones discussion of the event. The race baiters, including the media, the DOJ, and the White House, won't allow it.

And, equally at fault are the majority, particularly conservatives and Republicans, who will sit around like the morons and jelly fish that they truly are when it comes to taking a real stand for justice.
TheRealVille Wrote:Who gives a damn what you think? I think even the usual suspects will tell you that I could care less what you think.

I could give a shit less if you care what I think, because I think you're a joke and seem to take on a hard ass persona that I guarantee you wouldn't take in real life. But that's cool, millionaire boy. You keep smoking that pot and see where that gets you... and your trust fund.

Some people and their keyboards.
wonder if the DOJ will go after him?
[Image: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9G...zIEd1t2c9A]
nky Wrote:wonder if the DOJ will go after him?
[Image: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9G...zIEd1t2c9A]
He has a better chance of being appointed as Janet Napolitano's replacement at Homeland Security than finding himself on the receiving end of the Department of Injustice.
I've been thinking, after this post some may say I'm not thinking straight.

For the most part I associate with conservative thinking people. Even though not a single one of them have ever shown one sign of racism or bigotry, many of them have been labeled racists or bigots, even on this site.

After paying very close attention to reactions of the recent verdict I have ALMOST come to a conclusion. Many liberals, Eric Holder, Barack Obama and a whole lot of people with dark pigment in their skin are the closest people to being bigots than anyone I know of.

The blinkered approach by our so-called leaders is amazingly hypocritical and ridiculous.
I can kinda agree skinny. I have posted and read every post on the subjects about the Zimmerman trial. Some post were made by me several other that could have been taken in bad taste. Basically, IMO, because we are sick of it. The african American talk makes me sick. I don't know the first african American. I know plenty of black Americans. I would venture to guess the 95% of blacks in American have never ever been to Africa and never plan on going. I would venture to guess that out of 100% of black Americans, not one of them was a slave and have every oportunity that any other American has. And actually has laws protecting that. How much more but butt kissing and I;m sorry does it take. I nor anyone in my family has owned a slave. So, I don't owe you shit. It is their choice if they are going to reach for the Dream. I see the term minority and majority used all to often also. The real minority is the hard working tax paying everyday run of the mill person that believes you should work for what you got and not have to keep letting the kittens on the tit. The majority is the ones that want cry and bitch about what someone else has and how some of it should be theirs and that the gov. should take care of those problems. Young girls getting pregnant and exspect the gov. and the tax payers to do something about it. I got and idea. KEEP YOUR PANTS UP! I got an Idea. GET A JOB! Want more stuff and be equal. get out an work for it and you will realize that when you actually work for it, you don't want some free loader to come and try to take it away from you. So get over all that bull about how "whitey" keeps you down. When you want to be free, it means yuou have to get rid of weights that the gov. hands you. So, after all that, I guess I am a racist, because I hate the majority and anything they stand for. Come to the good side. Become a hard working american that pays their fair share of taxes and lives a good life. Then sit and laugh at the lazy idiots on the other side. You will get it then. So, if this is racist, so be it.:rockon:
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I've been thinking, after this post some may say I'm not thinking straight.

For the most part I associate with conservative thinking people. Even though not a single one of them have ever shown one sign of racism or bigotry, many of them have been labeled racists or bigots, even on this site.

After paying very close attention to reactions of the recent verdict I have ALMOST come to a conclusion. Many liberals, Eric Holder, Barack Obama and a whole lot of people with dark pigment in their skin are the closest people to being bigots than anyone I know of.

The blinkered approach by our so-called leaders is amazingly hypocritical and ridiculous.

You're right. And further, I believe that today's white people are being punished for history's mistakes. The choler and rhetoric coming from the mouths of the black community, be they protestors or pundits has been far short of gracious and unfounded to say the least.

Michael Meyers is President and Executive Director of the New York Civil Rights Coalition. He said this; "All the outrage and hate mongering caused by the George Zimmerman verdict coming from black people in all walks of life, is actually the real outrage. Getting a fair trial used to be civil rights".

So true. At one time, as I understand things, all the black man wanted was to be treated like everybody else. Jobs, due process, free speech, etc. etc. Normal everyday stuff.
It is a relief to all that the Martin family apparently isn't dwelling on their loss. They have spent so much time on television programs hosted by supporting liberals that they haven't had any time to mourn.

And, of course, these kindly liberals are singing the Martin song by stoking the fire of discontent with their irresponsible manipulation of the facts.
toussaints Wrote:This case was about a man who was suspicious off bad behavior. He called police, but still felt the need to do something, so he ignored police's advice to stay back and checked it out. He found a teenage boy. That teenage boy also noticed the man. After a few minutes during late night he noticed the man was following him. They didn't know each other, neither one knew where the other was going, and it was late at night.

The teen, like most teens do freaked out. The man saw him freak out, but didn't know why. Both felt like they needed to defend themselves so they confronted each other. The teen attacked, the man needed to defend and pulled out a gun and shot him. Zimmerman didn't know he was a teen, Martin didn't know he was neighborhood watch. Unfortunately, a kid died due to extremely poor judgement from both parties. The list of ways this could've been prevented is long. Zimmerman should've backed off when police said so. Martin should've kept walking home, maybe even call 911 or run away. Zimmerman could've identified himself as neighborhood watch.

It's a tragedy, a man killed a boy. The man just happened to be white, the boy black. He didn't murder him, but he did kill him. Prosecution allowed this to become a media storm, instead of using the investigation to see what their case was. Drop the race crap and lets learn from this so hopefully it doesn't happen again
Those words, in that order, are beautiful.
Belfry0304 Wrote:I could give a shit less if you care what I think, because I think you're a joke and seem to take on a hard ass persona that I guarantee you wouldn't take in real life. But that's cool, millionaire boy. You keep smoking that pot and see where that gets you... and your trust fund.

Some people and their keyboards.


[Image: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/4M-CT9TVboo/hqdefault.jpg]
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It is a relief to all that the Martin family apparently isn't dwelling on their loss. They have spent so much time on television programs hosted by supporting liberals that they haven't had any time to mourn.

And, of course, these kindly liberals are singing the Martin song by stoking the fire of discontent with their irresponsible manipulation of the facts.
Wouldn't they have mourned a year ago.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wouldn't they have mourned a year ago.

Apparently, you haven't suffered any close losses. There is no time limit for mourning. Those who claim that time heals all wounds are fools.

If, as you seem to think, the family completed its assigned period of mourning last year, surely it would have all been renewed by the trial with its graphic details.

People who suffer losses handle them in different ways. Apparently this family does so by appearing on liberal television shows.

We did learn that Martin's mother is not sure if she will return to work or not. My bet is that she won't do so. They already have $1,000,000.00 from the homeowners association (tax exempt, by the way) and will be well "compensated" with this television tour. She won't need to work and neither will the father or the half-brother. The "star witness for the prosecution" isn't doing too bad, either. She won't need that college (or high school) education.

To be blunt, Trayvon will supply good support for far more people now than he would have had he lived.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Apparently, you haven't suffered any close losses. There is no time limit for mourning. Those who claim that time heals all wounds are fools.

If, as you seem to think, the family completed its assigned period of mourning last year, surely it would have all been renewed by the trial with its graphic details.

People who suffer losses handle them in different ways. Apparently this family does so by appearing on liberal television shows.

We did learn that Martin's mother is not sure if she will return to work or not. My bet is that she won't do so. They already have $1,000,000.00 from the homeowners association (tax exempt, by the way) and will be well "compensated" with this television tour. She won't need to work and neither will the father or the half-brother. The "star witness for the prosecution" isn't doing too bad, either. She won't need that college (or high school) education.

To be blunt, Trayvon will supply good support for far more people now than he would have had he lived.
Yes, but I understand the concept of moving on. You acted like it happened yesterday, and tried to make them look bad for going on television after the trial, that was a year after Martin's death.
Belfry0304 Wrote:I could give a shit less if you care what I think, because I think you're a joke and seem to take on a hard ass persona that I guarantee you wouldn't take in real life. But that's cool, millionaire boy. You keep smoking that pot and see where that gets you... and your trust fund.

Some people and their keyboards.
It's gained money every year since 2009, but thanks for worrying.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, but I understand the concept of moving on. You acted like it happened yesterday, and tried to make them look bad for going on television after the trial, that was a year after Martin's death.

I will repeat what I said in my first paragraph above, The "concept" of moving on is reserved for those who have had no devastating close losses of loved ones or those who, in truth, had no deep love for the one who was lost.

I have found that "moving on", like "time heals all wounds", are both obscenely insulting.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I will repeat what I said in my first paragraph above, The "concept" of moving on is reserved for those who have had no devastating close losses of loved ones or those who, in truth, had no deep love for the one who was lost.

I have found that "moving on", like "time heals all wounds", are both obscenely insulting.

No question. Time may heal all wounds for the superficial among us but, never for those who lose family and who truly and sacrificially love them. You go on, though always in pain, because that is what God expects. I am always struck by the profound yet simple words of an old hymn:

"There are loved ones in the glory. Whose dear forms you often miss. When you close your earthly story, Will you join them in their bliss?

Will the circle be unbroken, By and by Lord , by and by? Is a better home awaiting, In the sky Lord, in the sky?"
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I will repeat what I said in my first paragraph above, The "concept" of moving on is reserved for those who have had no devastating close losses of loved ones or those who, in truth, had no deep love for the one who was lost.

I have found that "moving on", like "time heals all wounds", are both obscenely insulting.
I lost a ,mom at 57 years old, and a dad at 66. Where do you stand?
TheRealVille Wrote:I lost a ,mom at 57 years old, and a dad at 66. Where do you stand?

I am truly sorry for your losses. Where do you stand? Only you know the answer to that.

I believe, from too much personal experience, that we don't "heal" and that we don't "move on". We merely learn to go forward in life with constant knowledge of losses that are continual reminders that there are irreparable holes in our hearts and lives that time often increases.

You will appreciate the fact that I find the usual bromides offered by preachers to be insulting.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I am truly sorry for your losses. Where do you stand? Only you know the answer to that.

I believe, from too much personal experience, that we don't "heal" and that we don't "move on". We merely learn to go forward in life with constant knowledge of losses that are continual reminders that there are irreparable holes in our hearts and lives that time often increases.

You will appreciate the fact that I find the usual bromides offered by preachers to be insulting.
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