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Rail Cities Bowl is back
Starting next season, the Rail Cities Bowl will tesume after a 2 year retirement. I think its good for both schools. Russell came out saying, "I told you so" after game one, then over the next 5 years, Raceland showed everyone they could defeat big brother. Its a good gate for the schools and with the NEKY HS football scene as it is, the two schools really need the competitive game. Couple that, with the exhisiting rivalry, sprinkle in a departed TJ Maynard and new HC Mike Salmons at Raceland, you have all the makings for an intense and classic battle. I hope the series continues for years and years. Lets not turn this into a "tranfer" or "why it stopped in the first place" thread. Just confirming the game will resume. Good luck to both squads this year! 2014 will be an interesting year in both 3 and 1 A. Is it August yet?
Should have never been stopped.
Some Russell folks may not like this move by Maynard.
I think it's great for the schools and community. I still think that a lot of fans on both sides do not know the true reason it stopped. I can say it wasn't because the fans didn't want it. I would much rather play someone as close as Raceland than I would any other distant school. It keeps the money in "Our" community. Grandparents do not need to make long distant travels... Etc It's such a no brainer whether Russell had wine every one or lost every one. I do think it will be very very very interesting up until then though. Lol
PaytoPlay Wrote:Some Russell folks may not like this move by Maynard.

Why would you think that. I haven't talked to one Russell fan that thinks it was a good move to discontinue the series. When this happened the knee jerk reaction from Ram fans was Russell was afraid to play them, and Russell was tired of losing. Believe me, these weren't the reasons. Nocoach worth his salt would ever quit a series thinking that, and I don't think any intelegant fan would think that, especially if you knew anything about coach McGlone. There was underlying reasons that we may never know about. Let's just celebrate its return and enjoy a good clean fan based trash talking bragging rites friendly rivaly and have fun with it.:Thumbs:
I will say, Maynard is a liar....period trust him at your own risk. This is a HS game no big deal. But Tj Maynard is a liar and a fraud....period.
^ Wow.:popcorn:
Lol Tell us how ya really feel why dont ya.
voice of reason Wrote:I will say, Maynard is a liar....period trust him at your own risk. This is a HS game no big deal. But Tj Maynard is a liar and a fraud....period.

Are you a disgruntled Ram fan? I've never heard anything like this from anyone about Tj. It's easy to spew accusations like that out. I would like some cold hard statements that were said to back your claims up. Be man enough to own it if your going to spew this stuff where all his former players and present ones can see it. If not you shouldnt have opened a can of worms and then ran and hid like some little instigating weasel. If we knew who you were, some may know you to be a lier and not to be trusted. There's always two sides to everything, and we haven't even heard one side yet, just your inflammatory remarks. Have a little foresight and think of the kids when you spew this stuff, and don't say that's who your thinking of by saying this to warn them, that's just bs. Ignorance can be overcome, stupid is for life.
I think someone's feelings got hurt.
voice of reason Wrote:I will say, Maynard is a liar....period trust him at your own risk. This is a HS game no big deal. But Tj Maynard is a liar and a fraud....period.

There is reason why there is no details to support this statement, its because it is an attempt to slander and has absolutely no concrete facts for support. Voice of reason, you my friend are an idiot. I say because I can infer your level of intelligence and dignity by reading the outlandish statements of your posts. You see what I did there, I backed up my statement with reasoning, facts, and opinion. Thankfully you are no longer a part of the Raceland football family.
From his statement I would gather that Voice of Reason is or was a Ram fan and TJ leaving for Russell does not sit with him well. To me it's like when Pitino left UK and made Louisville his new home. Some moves just can't be forgiven to some but to slander a man with no reason is classless no matter what the circumstance.
Voice of reason...dare I say, Infuego...not so much. Thats outlandish, brash, and unmeritted. Ive known TJ all my life. Great man, great teacher, great coach. Rst of luck to him.
Any truth to Cody McPeek becoming an Evil? Heard from someone in town today they had seen on the other site that he had transfered? I believe Nate is at Tucker(GA) i thought Gary had went down there as well. Big D-1 mill school. Cant immaginehim not headin down there. If rumor is true, maybe he didnt want to be just another 6-5 350 lb fish in the
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Any truth to Cody McPeek becoming an Evil? Heard from someone in town today they had seen on the other site that he had transfered? I believe Nate is at Tucker(GA) i thought Gary had went down there as well. Big D-1 mill school. Cant immaginehim not headin down there. If rumor is true, maybe he didnt want to be just another 6-5 350 lb fish in the

Scotty Bronson 6'5 320 ain't easy to come by. Wish we had him for sure.
I haven't heard the McPeek boys name mentioned around Russell at all. I think it's just misinformation.
I would say Russell is glad this series doesnt resume until 2015. Rams would put a hurtin on the devils this year.
GoHerd_22 Wrote:I would say Russell is glad this series doesnt resume until 2015. Rams would put a hurtin on the devils this year.
Agree to disagree lol:eyeroll:
GoHerd_22 Wrote:I would say Russell is glad this series doesnt resume until 2015. Rams would put a hurtin on the devils this year.

Whatever your smoking, pass it around. I think it would be a close game. I believe Russell has an edge in line play, edge in running backs, raceland probley has an edge in pass game with the big ARM of young and Messer at without or coming out of the backfired. I don't know if Russell has anyone to cover him. But if the force Young to run that would take that away. Right now I would have to give the qb edge to Russell if they go with MeLee. He's more experienced than young. Not a deep threat, but I'm sure Tj will have him throwing the shoes stuff over the middle, quick hit screens, and to backs out of the backfired. He's also a pretty good runner. With teams focusing on Conley and the other backs, hell have plenty of room to run.
I think thisyear would be a great game. In experience o the line Russell would have the edge. Young is a good runner as well. He has a huge arm. But has a tendancy to make bad choices. If they can keep him from being a gunslinger, I look for him to have a 2000 yard season. Especially with the physical improvements by messer. He already has speed and a very high vertical, but he has gotten alot stronger in the offseason. He will be a hard one to gaurd. A healthy Carson Christian is a big factor as well. He has great vision and is deceptively quick. Raceland has alot of tallent for defensive backfields to worry about, question is will they all be running for their collective lives? I dont know if Wallace will be able to go both ways and remain to force that he can be defensively. Thats what we had last year that we dont have this year, the ability to have rested experience at OL/DL on the sideline. Rare for a 1A school to have the type of line rotation we had last year. Thats the shakey part. If that gets managed and the qb and backs have just enough time to get through the 1st level, Raceland will be hard to beat. Another factor is how well our run defense will be. Pass defense, we will return a load of INTs and deflections. Youg shut down the kid from Pikeville. Going to be an interesting season for both squads with all of the auestion marks.
If anyone thinks this would be an orange crush is drinking too much of the kool aid.
It would be a good game and I couldn't even come close on naming a winner. I do believe people who do not want the game to happen are thinking selfishly. No one can deny that it's good for the community. The ones that caused or were tied to the ending of the series were possibly 5% of the fan base or powers that be.
I would say 5% is way too high of an estimation.
Haha true. You know me and my math. Ok maybe .5% lol
Too damning to put the facts out there, there are others that know and surely some that know more than I do. I ran into a star Ram's player's dad who enlightened me to even more. He is also glad TJ is gone. Star Player folks!
DevilWatcher Wrote:From his statement I would gather that Voice of Reason is or was a Ram fan and TJ leaving for Russell does not sit with him well. To me it's like when Pitino left UK and made Louisville his new home. Some moves just can't be forgiven to some but to slander a man with no reason is classless no matter what the circumstance.

Sorry but no! Happy he is gone as well as one of the star players dad. Glad the series is renewed.
mightydog Wrote:Are you a disgruntled Ram fan? I've never heard anything like this from anyone about Tj. It's easy to spew accusations like that out. I would like some cold hard statements that were said to back your claims up. Be man enough to own it if your going to spew this stuff where all his former players and present ones can see it. If not you shouldnt have opened a can of worms and then ran and hid like some little instigating weasel. If we knew who you were, some may know you to be a lier and not to be trusted. There's always two sides to everything, and we haven't even heard one side yet, just your inflammatory remarks. Have a little foresight and think of the kids when you spew this stuff, and don't say that's who your thinking of by saying this to warn them, that's just bs. Ignorance can be overcome, stupid is for life.

Thank you for the nice compliment. As old Jack Nicholson would say "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" Players told me things going on, one former star player and his dad told me as well as a current star players dad. The current is happy as hell he is gone. If the truth was put out here, all hell would break loose. Now, just be glad we have a new coach and TJ is Russell's.
You remark, "spewing to kids", well so happens several of the players knew and were the one's who initially told some of it. I will counter your stupid remark as an immature and out of the loop of trust, even with the players.
Glad to play the Russell again, damned glad to have a new coach.:betterthanexpected:
A star player and former star player? Probably just stars in there own eyes.
voice of reason Wrote:Thank you for the nice compliment. As old Jack Nicholson would say "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" Players told me things going on, one former star player and his dad told me as well as a current star players dad. The current is happy as hell he is gone. If the truth was put out here, all hell would break loose. Now, just be glad we have a new coach and TJ is Russell's.
You remark, "spewing to kids", well so happens several of the players knew and were the one's who initially told some of it. I will counter your stupid remark as an immature and out of the loop of trust, even with the players.
Glad to play the Russell again, damned glad to have a new coach.:betterthanexpected:

If the truth were out the maybe I could handle it. Right now there's nothing to handle except statements by nameless individuals. Funny not a word of this was leaked out before he left. All we heard was quotes like hate to lose him. Sounds like nothing but sour grapes to me. Oh, heard by some of the star players and their dads that they wish Tj was back and that the new coach was a liar and played favorites. See how easy that was.
I believe Voice of Reason has just a lot of sour grapes. I know his words do no reflect all the Raceland fans. Just be thankful the game is back on. It's good for the community. No sense of dragging the past up. We have a good coach and so does Raceland. Let's just get ready for some football.

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