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Is the Economy improving?
garathnormanmtts Wrote:I don't thinks so because the living standard of the people are low in some country. At present we can still find some unemployed people who in search of job for their living,

You will always find unemployed people.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did "your guys" support it? The fact of the matter is, the bailouts saved untold how many direct, and indirect jobs, by shoring up the auto industry. As well as saving the major employers of those jobs. Those are well documented facts. I wonder how many indirect suppliers would have died right along with the auto companies if you had your way. I guess it's a good thing for the workers of all those direct and indirect jobs that your kind didn't get your way.
Most of "my guys" did not support the bailouts. "My guys" constitute a small minority in Congress who are not willing to compromise their core values for political gain. For example, Santorum voted against the bailouts. People who want the government owning and operating companies should do us all a favor and relocate to a country that already has a socialist government and stop trying to screw up ours.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:GM records its highest profit ever: $7.6 billion
And the UAW used its ownership interest to strip all white collar (i.e., non-union) workers of their pension plan. Without additional government interference, GM will not be in business for long. The Chevy Volt is a good example of what happens when a government meddles in the manufacturing process. The Yugo was another good example but at least it was a cheap piece of junk that did not catch fire.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol first it was just Obama. Well atleast ur admitting that it was bush with Obama's support.
Most of the money was doled out under Obama and Obama is the one who insisted that Chrysler become a subsidiary of an Italian company before giving them more money. An American president should have at least favored a Chrysler deal with an American company.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Most of "my guys" did not support the bailouts. "My guys" constitute a small minority in Congress who are not willing to compromise their core values for political gain. For example, Santorum voted against the bailouts. People who want the government owning and operating companies should do us all a favor and relocate to a country that already has a socialist government and stop trying to screw up ours.
Our government bails out many businesses every year, through bankruptcy, and we pay for that in the long run also.

Naaaahhh, I think I'll just stay here and screw with you, and promote a liberal government. :Thumbs:
TheRealVille Wrote:Our government bails out many businesses every year, through bankruptcy, and we pay for that in the long run also.

Naaaahhh, I think I'll just stay here and screw with you, and promote a liberal government. :Thumbs:
You don't seem to know much about bankruptcy in this country. Bankruptcies don't cost the government much money at all, but creditors usually get fleeced. Just like the shareholders and bond holders of GM and Chrysler were ripped off so that Obama could reward the UAW for its support.
I would like to retract every stupid thing i said in this thread.

Real life has been a complete smack in the face, as high school students we are just filled with these liberal propaganda till its spilling out our damn ears. Boy how i was wrong.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would like to retract every stupid thing i said in this thread.

Real life has been a complete smack in the face, as high school students we are just filled with these liberal propaganda till its spilling out our damn ears. Boy how i was wrong.

Just be glad your still alive and can eat. The country won't start healing until all these liberals are kicked out of office.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would like to retract every stupid thing i said in this thread.

Real life has been a complete smack in the face, as high school students we are just filled with these liberal propaganda till its spilling out our damn ears. Boy how i was wrong.

The real world, (when you are forced to become a tax paying citizen) has a way of becoming a real wake me upper, doesn't it junior!!!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Just be glad your still alive and can eat. The country won't start healing until all these liberals are kicked out of office.

I am worried that the wounds from which we need to heal, have only just begun to manifest themselves. It would seem liberals have stirred up anarchy in our midst. Two famous Charles have made profound commentaries on racial equality in America in recent days.

Charles Barkley---“We have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be without the cops?”
Read more at http://www.youngcons.com/charles-barkley...UCdPt4s.99

Charles Krauthammer pointed out the dramatic attitude swing among the American public toward race in just the last 50 years. "I challenge anybody to name another country whose attitude has changed to so great an extent." (paraphrased)

There is no 'right' time to stir up anarchy in an orderly society but, that is what we are seeing. Racially inflammatory rhetoric from members of the congressional black caucus, to Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan, have incited riotous anarchy in the streets of this land with only the most cursory of footnotes to condemn such behavior from any of them.

Hopefully it is not too late for the electorate to vote out the liberal influence, but to say things are getting scary is an understatement.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would like to retract every stupid thing i said in this thread.

Real life has been a complete smack in the face, as high school students we are just filled with these liberal propaganda till its spilling out our damn ears. Boy how i was wrong.

Obviously you and most very other youth of this country have been ambushed by an ideology taught to you at the time you are most impressionable, your school years. Parents seem oblivious and students are wide open and naïve.

Life in the real world proves the liberal blather of the classroom to be false. You have to give credit where credit is due and the libs have this one right, realizing that if they are allowed to teach the young the liberal rationale, they (libs) will have control of their political thinking until reality disproves what they have been taught.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I would like to retract every stupid thing i said in this thread.

Real life has been a complete smack in the face, as high school students we are just filled with these liberal propaganda till its spilling out our damn ears. Boy how i was wrong.

Major props to you Wildcat, both for your understanding of the real world and for your ability to reject what you were fed in school growing up. It takes a big man to admit he has erred.

Liberalism is almost all emotional. Most college students cling to it just out of fear of being wrong even after they have been in the real world a couple years.
I know this is just "liberal propaganda" but I think the economy is improving recently. At least in November.

Motley Wrote:I know this is just "liberal propaganda" but I think the economy is improving recently. At least in November.


Fivethirtyeight? Ha, not even going to open the link.

A lot of this job "growth" that liberals are celebrating stems from the fact that most people are being forced to work two part-time jobs. The labor force participation rate tells a different story.

Boasting a jobs as soon as it has been released is silly anyways. For one thing, the reports are revised and even re-revised. The early reports often represent exaggerated numbers. Not that matters here though, because I am expecting to see some "growth" as more people lean toward working two part-time jobs.

If one really thinks the economy is improving right now, they must not have been to the grocery store.
Lol! I had to respond to this conservative propaganda... life is horrible in Eastern Kentucky has been all my life... even when the Saint Ronald Regan was in office. Granted I have not been alive all that long 31 years. It has always been the same and continues does not matter who the President is or is not or which party, or idealogy is in control.
WideRight05 Wrote:Fivethirtyeight? Ha, not even going to open the link.

A lot of this job "growth" that liberals are celebrating stems from the fact that most people are being forced to work two part-time jobs. The labor force participation rate tells a different story.

Boasting a jobs as soon as it has been released is silly anyways. For one thing, the reports are revised and even re-revised. The early reports often represent exaggerated numbers. Not that matters here though, because I am expecting to see some "growth" as more people lean toward working two part-time jobs.

If one really thinks the economy is improving right now, they must not have been to the grocery store.

Not sure what is comical about fivethirtyeight. He did an incredible job and breaking down the numbers of job growth, and increased pay to match the job growth. I've been to the grocery store several times, as well as the gas station, and many other places. Life is good with me.
Since you refuse to click the link that clearly answers your questions I'll post a bit of it for you:

A strong trend: It’s never wise to get too excited, or too depressed, over one month’s jobs report. The month-to-month figures are volatile and subject to revision. But though November’s 321,000 jobs may turn out to be an outlier, the longer-run trend is nearly as strong. This was the 10th consecutive month of job growth over 200,000 — the first time that’s happened since the Clinton administration. The economy has added 2.7 million jobs over the past year, and the year-over-year pace of job growth has shown a clear acceleration in recent months.

Not just jobs. Good jobs: One of the fears in the recovery has been that while the economy is creating more jobs, it isn’t necessarily creating the right kind. But that’s been less true in recent months. In November, job growth was spread across industries, with construction, manufacturing, finance and other generally well-paying sectors posting strong gains. Meanwhile, fewer people are getting stuck in part-time jobs. The number of people working part time because they can’t find full-time work is at its lowest level since the recession (although it remains high by historical standards).

I guess these are all just made up though. Dang economy.
Motley Wrote:Since you refuse to click the link that clearly answers your questions I'll post a bit of it for you:

A strong trend: It’s never wise to get too excited, or too depressed, over one month’s jobs report. The month-to-month figures are volatile and subject to revision. But though November’s 321,000 jobs may turn out to be an outlier, the longer-run trend is nearly as strong. This was the 10th consecutive month of job growth over 200,000 — the first time that’s happened since the Clinton administration. The economy has added 2.7 million jobs over the past year, and the year-over-year pace of job growth has shown a clear acceleration in recent months.

Not just jobs. Good jobs: One of the fears in the recovery has been that while the economy is creating more jobs, it isn’t necessarily creating the right kind. But that’s been less true in recent months. In November, job growth was spread across industries, with construction, manufacturing, finance and other generally well-paying sectors posting strong gains. Meanwhile, fewer people are getting stuck in part-time jobs. The number of people working part time because they can’t find full-time work is at its lowest level since the recession (although it remains high by historical standards).

I guess these are all just made up though. Dang economy.

I didn't read the link and evidently you didn't either.

From the article you posted: "It’s never wise to get too excited, or too depressed, over one month’s jobs report. The month-to-month figures are volatile and subject to revision."

Even the writer of the article said that the numbers are subject to revision. You were the one on here gloating that the economy was improving, especially in November. Considering all the revisions that are to be made, who knows how we actually did for November. It's never wise to look at a report when it first comes out and take it for granted.

It would be nice to see some legitimate growth in the economy, but that won't be happening anytime soon. I see the quote that "The number of people working part time because they can’t find full-time work is at its lowest level since the recession." Of course that is the case in that scenario because more and more people have stopped searching for work. Not to mention, a lot of these part time employees WERE working full time before their hours were reduced.
Hah. You can take it anyway you want chief. You're going to see what you want to see. I see added jobs, increased salaries, decreased gas prices, along with numerous new home construction and new businesses opening.
Motley Wrote:Hah. You can take it anyway you want chief. You're going to see what you want to see. I see added jobs, increased salaries, decreased gas prices, along with numerous new home construction and new businesses opening.

Let's not forget China surging into 1st place as the world's largest economy, or stagnant wages, or north of a 60% total labor participation rate, Putin making a mockery out of NATO, ISIS recruiting more American signups than Uncle Sam, rioters possessing streets New York and Ferguson, creating a scene that would look far more apt in Cairo, rumors of US sanctions against Israel, and last but not least. These job numbers are based on the new hires typical to the Christmas season.

BTW, I keep hearing Hillary is a lock for the White House in 2016. Have you started a rough draft for the letter she wants you to write to the leaders of Iran, N Korea, Russia, and the terror states at large?
TheRealThing Wrote:Let's not forget China surging into 1st place as the world's largest economy, or stagnant wages, or north of a 60% total labor participation rate, Putin making a mockery out of NATO, ISIS recruiting more American signups than Uncle Sam, rioters possessing streets New York and Ferguson, creating a scene that would look far more apt in Cairo, rumors of US sanctions against Israel, and last but not least. These job numbers are based on the new hires typical to the Christmas season.

BTW, I keep hearing Hillary is a lock for the White House in 2016. Have you started a rough draft for the letter she wants you to write to the leaders of Iran, N Korea, Russia, and the terror states at large?

The Chinese economy stuff is absurd

I'll stay on topic thanks. Not sure what any of your other jibberish has to do with this topic.

All thanks to new hires for the Christmas season? :hilarious:
tvtimeout Wrote:Lol! I had to respond to this conservative propaganda... life is horrible in Eastern Kentucky has been all my life... even when the Saint Ronald Regan was in office. Granted I have not been alive all that long 31 years. It has always been the same and continues does not matter who the President is or is not or which party, or idealogy is in control.

Yet another reason why it puzzles me that we keep electing democrat governors and democratic houses in this state. Its never worked and it never will. Its time to get the free loaders out of office.
Motley Wrote:Hah. You can take it anyway you want chief. You're going to see what you want to see. I see added jobs, increased salaries, decreased gas prices, along with numerous new home construction and new businesses opening.

Haha, when you can't come up with a good response, use the duck, dive, dip, and dodge method - a favorite among liberals. Nice try, junior.
Motley Wrote:The Chinese economy stuff is absurd

I'll stay on topic thanks. Not sure what any of your other jibberish has to do with this topic.

All thanks to new hires for the Christmas season? :hilarious:

Wow the way you use that laugh icon really put me in my place. I'll tell you my idea of absurd. Burying one's head in party talking points (or websites) while ignoring the cascading calamity all around us, inside and outside our own borders. And that's not mentioning the 18 trillion dollar elephant in the room that glassy eyed Keynesians are so adept at ignoring. I don't live and die at the pronouncements of the IMF. The point is that on Jan 20, 2009 when the lunar schooner first sailed, the very idea that anybody would be able to make a case for China taking over as number one at any point in their lifetime was unthinkable. It's going to be pretty hard for liberals to fall back on their default talking point this time. The people there at the IMF are not a bunch of racist Republicans trying to make our President look bad.

That aside, the U6 formula under which we calculated our national unemployment figures, until Obama needed a boost for his 2012 reelection bid, would in fact have us currently at more than 11%, which is nearly twice as bad as has been calculated using the new formula. But none of that makes any difference when one wants to believe in something desperately enough, to submit to self delusion.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Yet another reason why it puzzles me that we keep electing democrat governors and democratic houses in this state. Its never worked and it never will. Its time to get the free loaders out of office.

Lexington and Louisville seem to be doing well. Heck, Lexington is debating on a surplus of money to be used for a senior citizens center or not. I wish we had that problem in Eastern Kentucky. Louisville plan of keeping 50K college graduates is also brilliant, I don't think we could find 50K college graduates in Whitley, Knox, and Clay combined! I wonder why.

The only bright spot for conservatives in Eastern Kentucky is where you moved to and that is Somerset, but that city is on the tit of the Federal Government.

Again, the economy is horrible except at Wal-Mart:HitWall::HitWall::HitWall:
Im with you on this one TV..
tvtimeout Wrote:Lexington and Louisville seem to be doing well. Heck, Lexington is debating on a surplus of money to be used for a senior citizens center or not. I wish we had that problem in Eastern Kentucky. Louisville plan of keeping 50K college graduates is also brilliant, I don't think we could find 50K college graduates in Whitley, Knox, and Clay combined! I wonder why.

The only bright spot for conservatives in Eastern Kentucky is where you moved to and that is Somerset, but that city is on the tit of the Federal Government.

Again, the economy is horrible except at Wal-Mart:HitWall::HitWall::HitWall:

I don't disagree. What do you suggest to fix the problem? How would you change the persona of a EKY resident? How do you tell someone to get off drugs and go to school? How do you tell them to drop guaranteed money from a welfare check and get a job at mcdonalds?


Ask some of those listed in the link.

They don't know either, and yet we continue to elect them.
WideRight05 Wrote:Fivethirtyeight? Ha, not even going to open the link.

A lot of this job "growth" that liberals are celebrating stems from the fact that most people are being forced to work two part-time jobs. The labor force participation rate tells a different story.

Boasting a jobs as soon as it has been released is silly anyways. For one thing, the reports are revised and even re-revised. The early reports often represent exaggerated numbers. Not that matters here though, because I am expecting to see some "growth" as more people lean toward working two part-time jobs.

If one really thinks the economy is improving right now, they must not have been to the grocery store.

The good numbers are just more book cooking. It takes real money to run a household these days and part timers just cannot hope to meet the financial challenge.

"In a recent radio address following the release of November's job figures, President Obama touted the jobs report as proof that his economic policies are producing positive results. But a closer look at those figures shows that serious problems in the jobs market remain.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) disclosed that the economy produced 321,000 new nonfarm jobs in November, more than many Wall Street analysts had predicted. But the unemployment rate remained at 5.8 percent, and there were actually just 4,000 more Americans working compared to October since job gains were offset by Americans who became unemployed last month.

It also must be noted that the jobs created "skewed heavily toward lower quality," CNBC observed, and part-time positions rose by 77,000.

The BLS report also showed that families were under pressure. There were 110,000 fewer married men at work in November, and the number of married women at work declined by 59,000. While the overall unemployment rate held steady, the rate for adult men rose and the rate for teenagers remained high at 17.7 percent.

The number of long-term unemployed — those jobless for 27 weeks or more — was little changed at 2.8 million in November, and accounted for 30.7 percent of all unemployed Americans.

The number of persons working part-time because their hours had been cut back or they were unable to find a full-time job stood at 6.9 million, little changed in November. Also 2.1 million Americans were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the four weeks preceding the BLS survey.

More distressing news: While the BLS report cited 314,000 new private sector jobs in November, a report from the payroll management firm ADP showed just 208,000.

"Taken in total," CNBC concludes, "a peek beneath the hood of these numbers suggests a job market that still has a ways to go."
^When the numbers look good, the GOPer's shout "cooking the books". You are just another right wing nutjob that would love nothing more than to see this country fail, under this President. Since he took office, the numbers have been going up, and it kills you guys.

Confusednicker::biglmao::lame::Clap::ChairHit::eyeroll: :gtfo:
Quote:The Dow Jones Industrial Average passed 18,000 for the first time on Dec. 23.
At mid-day, the Dow Jones was at an all-time high of 18,044, up 85 points, The 0.5 percent jump was triggered by the news that the U.S. economy expanded in the third quarter at its fastest pace in more than a decade.
The gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 5 percent during the July-September quarter, according to the third estimate by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter, real GDP increased 4.6 percent.
"With the third estimate for the third quarter, both personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and nonresidential fixed investment increased more than previously estimated," the bureau reported.
The increase in real GDP in the third quarter primarily reflected positive contributions from PCE, nonresidential fixed investment, federal government spending, exports, state and local government spending, and residential fixed investment. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, decreased.
The percentage uptick in real GDP reflected a downturn in imports, an upturn in federal government spending, and an acceleration in PCE that were partly offset by a downturn in private inventory investment and decelerations in exports, in state and local government spending, in residential fixed investment, and in nonresidential fixed investment.
The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the "second" estimate issued last month, the Bureau of Economic Analysis said.

TheRealVille Wrote:^When the numbers look good, the GOPer's shout "cooking the books". You are just another right wing nutjob that would love nothing more than to see this country fail, under this President. Since he took office, the numbers have been going up, and it kills you guys.

Confusednicker::biglmao::lame::Clap::ChairHit::eyeroll: :gtfo:


You must not shop for groceries.
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