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Take you pic:BL cheerleaders or Ac Cheerleaders???
Yea we all know that theres great competition for south floyd, pikeville, and prestongsburg.....but what about these other cheerleading squads around the region like allen central and betsy layne that dont get as much credit....wich who takes second??
AC has much better sportsmanship than BL and they always try their best...but BL is a little better this year than they have been in previous years
Allen Central by far!!!
i would have to pick ac but if it was left up to tumbling then i would say bl but thats bout the only thing they have
I would have to say allen central..besty layne has good tumblers but ac has the stunts, motions, and some good i'll have to go with ac...
Ac definently they have good motions, stunts, cheers, and some good tumblers definently ac!
AC cheerleaders are good but need to be a bit more peppy.

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