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Bell County Coaching search
4ThePlayerz Wrote:This position does pay somewhere around 917 a month plus the teacher salary

Are you trying to run everyone off. Hard enough to get anyone to take it, but when you put the pay that is pretty low that just makes it worse. especially for a coach that will have no help I might add. Does that include any free food or gift cards? A lot of assistant coaches make almost that amount at big time schools.
I doubt there are many asst coaches in ky that make 11k a year as a stiphen..... I'm guessing none at the high school level.
maybe I should take the job.
Most ky schools are still paying coaches what they paid them 25 yrs ago. IT IS A JOKE!!!!
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Most ky schools are still paying coaches what they paid them 25 yrs ago. IT IS A JOKE!!!!

Sadly so very accurate and in some cases less, because of the loss in "extended days" over the summer that coaches use to get (even assistants).
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:Sadly so very accurate and in some cases less, because of the loss in "extended days" over the summer that coaches use to get (even assistants).

I doubt anybody gets into coaching for the money, but the amount they get compared to the amount they put in is insane. I know a guy who once figured up that it was less than a dollar per hour.
Who is going to take this job?
Listen everyone is in a job for the money! Even Preachers, so why should football coaches be any different from any of us?
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Listen everyone is in a job for the money! Even Preachers, so why should football coaches be any different from any of us?

Dumbest post I've ever read on this site...
The Eagle has landed Wrote:Listen everyone is in a job for the money! Even Preachers, so why should football coaches be any different from any of us?

Not all preachersSmile
So what some of you all are telling me is that coaches shouldn't want to make money. Well then you shouldn't either. Some of you are living in the stone age!!!
4ThePlayerz Wrote:This position does pay somewhere around 917 a month plus the teacher salary

I flat out do not believe that they pay that much......for a coaching stipend. Maybe with extended days and stipend figured in but I think that is too much.
I believe it. That's what I heard the job paid. 11k.
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:I flat out do not believe that they pay that much......for a coaching stipend. Maybe with extended days and stipend figured in but I think that is too much.

You're right, an $11,000 stipend is too much. I mean all a football coach does is work 12 hour days through the summer during 2-a-days, work 12 hour days during the season with practice, work a 16+ hour day on Fridays with games, not including jv and freshman games, work 12 hour days during the off season with lifting, watch film and develope a game plan for the next weeks opponent on weekends, he is a part of all disciplinary issues involving his players, he is an ambassador to the community, a role model to his players, oh and I almost forgot. . . All of this is after he does his day job which is to teach school from 7:30 ish to 3:30 ish. Complete misuse of funding. But at least it's not Georgia, or Alabama, or Florida, or Ohio, or Texas, or California, or any other state that takes high school football seriously. Head coaches make six figures there.
A lot of coaches work more than 12 hour days during football season. Away from their families so they can be with little johnny and not their own kids. You know little johnny he is going to Alabama to play and if he doesn't it is the coaches fault or at least that is what little johnny's parents think. Now you fokes in Bell Co. need to start demanding that the admin resign cause they have destroyed these poor upcoming SR football players Sr. year. Who is running the weight room and doing other off season stuff. You got to love KY, if this happened in the south they would have had a head coach 3 or less weeks after they fired the poor guy(coach Mills that is)
The Eagle has landed Wrote:So what some of you all are telling me is that coaches shouldn't want to make money. Well then you shouldn't either. Some of you are living in the stone age!!!

all of us are living in the stoned age.
Sure they spend all that time....by choice.....nobody made them coach. There are people in every school system that are over paid, and if they are paying that much you need to add them to the list.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:So what some of you all are telling me is that coaches shouldn't want to make money. Well then you shouldn't either. Some of you are living in the stone age!!!

I'm not saying that at all. Most coaches deserve more than they are paid. But what you said came across as coaches never coach for reasons other than the money.
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:Sure they spend all that time....by choice.....nobody made them coach. There are people in every school system that are over paid, and if they are paying that much you need to add them to the list.

There are people in every school system that are over paid, but it's not the teachers and coaches...
Hey the guy that picks up your garbage choose to do that job but I am sure he would like to make more money. Everybody chooses to do a job but I get tired of obvious parents or history teachers on here ripping coaches and saying they shouldn't do it for the money. People saying they are over paid, I have 2 good friends that are head coaches and I tell them all the time they are crazy for doing it. Putting up with admin that know absolutely nothing about sports and parents that think their babies should be at Alabama playing. You should hear some of the stories I have heard, it is mind blowing.
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:Sure they spend all that time....by choice.....nobody made them coach. There are people in every school system that are over paid, and if they are paying that much you need to add them to the list.

Then by that logic, why pay somebody very much at all, regardless of the job? I mean, nobody made them do whatever job they are choosing to do. Right?

No one coaches high school ball for the money. That's a fancy way of saying "no one becomes a high school coach to get rich." The pay minus all of the work they do and all of the crap they have to deal with, ends up equaling out to be a very one sided situation. I've known guys who are coaches who have had to pick up the trash at their stadium because the grounds crew and janitors in charge of ACTUALLY doing it, just didn't. Because they didn't think it was fair to their families to have to work on Friday night or Saturday morning. I've known guys who coached who have had to miss their child's Little League games or school functions, because they'd had practice or a meeting.

Any time I've met somebody who coaches, regardless of sport, they coach for either one or both of these reasons: 1. They love the game far too much to leave it. 2. They had a coach greatly impact their life, and want to return that to today's youth.

Should a coach want as much money as they can get? YES! You know why? BECAUSE EVERYONE WANTS MORE MONEY!

If a school chooses to pay someone a lot of money, that's their call. If they choose to pay someone very little, that's their call. Ultimately, there is no one coaching in the state of Kentucky whose pay is a major drain on the budget of their school system.

But, paying somebody 11K per year to have a full time job that deals with probably crappy kids and even crappier parents? No where near over paid.
Its about time......announcement today or tommorrow
Trenches07 Wrote:Its about time......announcement today or tommorrow

I have heard Greg is not in the running. They are about to hire someone that has a losing record as HC. Can anyone confirm this? The district is getting easier and easier.
Who has interviewed this week?
ArchieAdams Wrote:I have heard Greg is not in the running. They are about to hire someone that has a losing record as HC. Can anyone confirm this? The district is getting easier and easier.

Surely they would not hire a coach with a losing record, Frazier would be the best hire for them he is already there and the transition would be easy.
1/4bak Wrote:Surely they would not hire a coach with a losing record, Frazier would be the best hire for them he is already there and the transition would be easy.

Really? Very surprising but in Bell co nothing sunrises anymore. That is a sad commentary on character if it is true.
So who is the hire? I highly doubt Frazier is the guy. 1). you would think if he wanted it they would have already given it to him. 2). I think he's too smart to jump into that mess.
You all get caught up records, and losing records at that, way to much.

Do some research and you'll be blown away at what you find out on people.

Did you know:

-Kevin Wallace at BG had a 15-20 games BELOW .500 losing record as the HC at Warren East over a 10 or so span? He then went to BG as an assistant, where the job more or less fell into his lap (hired Coach Haley's replacement in the winter of '96, who then stepped down in June before coaching a game. Offered it to TWO other very successful at the early stages of their career HC's who turned it down due to it being so late and not wanting to leave their current teams hanging). 20 years later? This then assistant coach, with a 15-20 game below .500 HC at his first gig, takes a good program and has has taken it to absolute greatness (they'd only won ONE title before him and have won FOUR with him).

-Ty Scroggins at Central was hired from Doss with a 10 game or so below .500 losing record while coaching the Dragons over a few years.

-Art Briles (yes, that Art Briles) was fired either after his FIRST HS HC gig or 2nd, either way..his record there was 2-18 (maybe 4-16 at best) before getting the axe.

-Mack Brown (yes, that Mack Brown) had THREE one win seasons at TWO different universities in his first FIVE years as a college HC (Tulane and UNC).

The lis could go on and on. Point is, records aren't everything...as I can promise you (as you can see and the same applies to HS) that there are some very, very good coaching minds in our state and others that might not have the flashiest records out of the gate. It's way beyond just Xs and Os (scheduling, players, etc etc) in determining your success or lack of.
Oh well
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:You all get caught up records, and losing records at that, way to much.

Do some research and you'll be blown away at what you find out on people.

Did you know:

-Kevin Wallace at BG had a 15-20 games BELOW .500 losing record as the HC at Warren East over a 10 or so span? He then went to BG as an assistant, where the job more or less fell into his lap (hired Coach Haley's replacement in the winter of '96, who then stepped down in June before coaching a game. Offered it to TWO other very successful at the early stages of their career HC's who turned it down due to it being so late and not wanting to leave their current teams hanging). 20 years later? This then assistant coach, with a 15-20 game below .500 HC at his first gig, takes a good program and has has taken it to absolute greatness (they'd only won ONE title before him and have won FOUR with him).

-Ty Scroggins at Central was hired from Doss with a 10 game or so below .500 losing record while coaching the Dragons over a few years.

-Art Briles (yes, that Art Briles) was fired either after his FIRST HS HC gig or 2nd, either way..his record there was 2-18 (maybe 4-16 at best) before getting the axe.

-Mack Brown (yes, that Mack Brown) had THREE one win seasons at TWO different universities in his first FIVE years as a college HC (Tulane and UNC).

The lis could go on and on. Point is, records aren't everything...as I can promise you (as you can see and the same applies to HS) that there are some very, very good coaching minds in our state and others that might not have the flashiest records out of the gate. It's way beyond just Xs and Os (scheduling, players, etc etc) in determining your success or lack of.

Out of all the coaches that I know, some of the ones I consider to be the best and brightest have all had points in time where their record was/is below .500

Simply put, the higher the level of play, the more record in an indicator of ability. But even in college or the NFL, there are plenty of guys who are great coaches currently who were considered to be bad early in their career.

I mean, wasn't Pete Carroll fired from his first head job about going 6-10? Worked out well for him. Bill Belichick was well below .500 in his first HC position.

And between them they have what, roughly 10 different championships?

To focus on the overall record of a coach is too simple, and doesn't really take any real effort when discussing them. There are some programs in this state where it would be impossible to be above .500 for a career. Heck, there are places where I'd be surprised if even the "best" coaches would win more than 25% of their games.

If Bell fans can't get behind whoever the new guy is, because they don't like his record, then they need a serious reality check and history lesson.
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