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Who do you think is the best guitarist ever?
torQQue Wrote:Amanda will put that crap on and it drives me nuts.. I rather listen to a pig squeal..

I still like John Mayer...I dont care what anyone says...he's one of my favorites... Smile
It's ok BGG. We understand lol
Hindrix is probly the best but stevie ray vaughn is good to.
Jimmy Page is one of the best. Zak Wylde is good also.
Dimebag was a great also.
Stevie Ray was so much better than Hendrix, yes Hendrix was the innovater, but Vaughan played so much better and faster.

Jimmy Page was a genius and his licks are still inspiring rock today.
Most of the guitar players from the 60's can be considered great. Like Page, Beck, and Clapton. They were just well.. good lol
I don't think anyone's mentioned B.B. King or Robert Johnson, these guys invented blues.
I love bb and robert johnson, Eric Clapton can play the blues too, GF you should buy the Eric Clapton Blues double disc CD. It will knock your socks off. One cd is studio the other is live. They are great. and also the EC cd of him doing Robert Johnson covers is good, "me and Mr Johnson" is the name
I think I'm the only person that mentioned Zakk Wylde, does know one else like him?
Zack Wylde is crazy, and can bed the complete neck of the guitar for like a whammy type sound, but I just don't like his music that much.. Randy Rhodes was better IMO.

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