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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays
Beetle01 Wrote:Well I did know that they are not 100% exact, but about as close as you'll ever find. I just get tired of the argument about homosexuality being born with. It goes against every strand of DNA in our bodies. If nothing else we are here to procreate. Not enter the exit hole.

If people choose a certain lifestyle, they should not get special treatment. We don't allow people to have sex with dogs do we? That's a lifestyle choice. So is molesting little kids. We put those people in prison, unless they live in a liberal state, then they just get probation. Then we get to see them on tv later as a repeat offender. so why are we choosing to treat homosexuality different? Ill tell you why, because they throw a fit everytime they get a chance about gay rights. There's no gay rights. There are just rights. Marriage for same sex people is not a right in this country. Like I said, get an ammendment to the Constitution stating so if it is so important to the future of this country.

Does anyone here actually think any of our founding fathers would have been even a little bit remotely ok with allowing gays to marry? No.

Bestiality and pedophilia should not be equated with homosexuality in any fair or reasonable discussion. Equal protection under the law extends to every citizen. Same sex couples who live as "marrieds" should be under the umbrella of the Equal Protection Clause. The same rights should exist for "gays" as for "straights"... we are not talking about "special" rights here. The Equal Protection Clause extended is not a "gay" right.
thecavemaster Wrote:Bestiality and pedophilia should not be equated with homosexuality in any fair or reasonable discussion. Equal protection under the law extends to every citizen. Same sex couples who live as "marrieds" should be under the umbrella of the Equal Protection Clause. The same rights should exist for "gays" as for "straights"... we are not talking about "special" rights here. The Equal Protection Clause extended is not a "gay" right.

Why not? They are all equally wrong and unnatural. Are you saying homosexuality is natural and normal? Its a choice.
They have equal protection from persecution, they even fall under special laws which worsen the penalty for "Hate" crimes. Marriage does not fall under the Equal Protection Clause. Marriage is a privelage, when it comes to the benefits you recieve from the govt. Just as driving. Im not saying the govt has the right to deny people to get married, but they don't have to give people the tax breaks and such, those are a privelage. It is not a basic right to recieve those things for being married, thus imo, marriage can not fall under the Equal Protection Clause, because it only protects people's basics rights listed int he constitution and amendments. Marital benefits is not one of those.
Beetle01 Wrote:Why not? They are all equally wrong and unnatural. Are you saying homosexuality is natural and normal? Its a choice.
They have equal protection from persecution, they even fall under special laws which worsen the penalty for "Hate" crimes. Marriage does not fall under the Equal Protection Clause. Marriage is a privelage, when it comes to the benefits you recieve from the govt. Just as driving. Im not saying the govt has the right to deny people to get married, but they don't have to give people the tax breaks and such, those are a privelage. It is not a basic right to recieve those things for being married, thus imo, marriage can not fall under the Equal Protection Clause, because it only protects people's basics rights listed int he constitution and amendments. Marital benefits is not one of those.

My hero!
:Angry07: If you ask me..........A lesbian is just another woman trying to do a mans job.
The following article is an article i wrote for my analyical piece for my senior portfoilio this year. It's a rough draft, but it's the only copy i had on my computer. It's just a bit of the two cents i have on this issue. Enjoy!

Throughout history, many groups of society have fought to be equal and to receive their rights. From African Americans and their rights to be free to women and their right to vote; both groups had struggles to get treated equal and to have the rights of true Americans. Just like the struggles of these groups, gay couples are facing a new epidemic…the right to be married. This is an issue that will linger on for decades if nothing is resolved. And this resolution is that gay marriages should be legalized for the benefit of our Constitution and our country.
Gay marriage is a hot topic in America today. In politics, the issue has been brought up in many debates and the candidates have been questioned on their opinions. In 2003, a case titled Lawrence VS. Texas, the Supreme Court stated they “held that the right to private consensual sexual conduct was protected under the Fourteenth Amendment.” They also recognized the fact that “moral disapproval does not constitute a legitimate governmental interest under the Equal Protection Clause.” In determining gay marriage, the states have the right to vote on whether or not they wanted same-sex couples to marry in their state with most of the population of the states denying those rights. But is it really up to the states to determine such a thing? The right for same-sex couples to marry is something that they should be entitled to as Americans.
In America, all citizens should be treated equal; gay couples and their right to marry are being discriminated against this American right. If the government were to support this discrimination, their support would be prohibited due to the fact the Constitution forbids such acts. “Our nation declares ‘equality, liberty, and justice for all,’ while prohibiting civil liberties to this specific group of people.” This quote clearly shows that even when the rights are provided for all, the rights are being ripped away from gay couples. By not allowing gay couples their inalienable rights as an American, marriage included, that is very unconstitutional of us citizens of Americans for allowing this to happen.
For the most part, gay marriage isn’t apart of every religion; couples should have their religious freedom. As in Christianity, the problem that the ministers are afraid of is being forced to perform same-sex weddings. People should have the right to get married if their religion allows it because the state of a same-sex marriage should revolve around just one religion. There are other religions out there in which would allow the same-sex couples to marry. In our first amendment, it states that everyone should have their freedom to speech, assembly, press, petition, and one of the most important ones, religion. I’m not implying that just because same-sex is allowed in a religion that you should convert to that religion, but if you are truly certain that you want to be married, then it should be an open option.
Lastly, gay marriages should be legalized just because everyone deserves to be happy. In John 10:10, The Bible states, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Even though Christianity, or God, doesn’t support the thought of same-sex couples, it does however want every human being to be happy and to live with joy and fulfilled lives. Even in our U.S. Constitution, it states that everyone should have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This shows that even whatever you are, you should live with happiness, even if that means marrying the same-sex.
In conclusion, gay marriage should be legalized. All same-sex couples should have the same rights as those who are straight. America shouldn’t go against our Constitution by not allowing same-sex couples to marry. Same-sex couples are going to be together anyways, so they deserve the right to be married. It is up to the same-sex couples to unite and make a change and get their right to marriage.
I personally could care less, what they want to do is their business, just so long as it doesn't affect me.
Decent write Don. Howeevr there are a lot of problems with your paper. Gay couples can get married, they can go by any religion they want. It doesn't mean that they will recieve the same privileges a man and woman recieve. Once again it is not a right to recieve the benefits the govt offers for being married. Nor does not recieving those benefits intrude on their right to a happy and full life. They can get married, doesn't mean that the govt has to treat it the same as other marriages. To even compare Womens Suffrage or the Civil RIghts Movement to gay marriage is absurd. Being born a woman or black is not a choice, and both parties went through much more than not being allowed to have your marriage recognized by the govt. Being gay is a lifestyle choice, our govt is not designed nor intended to bow to the whims of a small minority because of their choice of lifestyle. They chose to be gay, knowing full well that they will never have the same marital privileges as a man and woman who marry. I think that is pretty clear, and I don't understand why this discussion is continuing. Marital benefits from the govt are NOT A RIGHT.
Beetle01 Wrote:Decent write Don. Howeevr there are a lot of problems with your paper. Gay couples can get married, they can go by any religion they want. It doesn't mean that they will recieve the same privileges a man and woman recieve. Once again it is not a right to recieve the benefits the govt offers for being married. Nor does not recieving those benefits intrude on their right to a happy and full life. They can get married, doesn't mean that the govt has to treat it the same as other marriages. To even compare Womens Suffrage or the Civil RIghts Movement to gay marriage is absurd. Being born a woman or black is not a choice, and both parties went through much more than not being allowed to have your marriage recognized by the govt. Being gay is a lifestyle choice, our govt is not designed nor intended to bow to the whims of a small minority because of their choice of lifestyle. They chose to be gay, knowing full well that they will never have the same marital privileges as a man and woman who marry. I think that is pretty clear, and I don't understand why this discussion is continuing. Marital benefits from the govt are NOT A RIGHT.

That's exactly right Beetle. As with all choices in life, there are consequences to those choices.
guyfawkes Wrote:I personally could care less, what they want to do is their business, just so long as it doesn't affect me.
It does affect you & your children. If you grow up around people that think smoking dope is ok, that kid will have no problem doing it. Same thing with homosexuality. If kids see it everyday and it is ok from the goverments standpoint, in some cases, the kids will be allright with it too. I just think that it is a very bad idea.
So are you guys telling me that the 6 year old boy I was in school with, who we all knew to be different choose to be gay.

We didn't even know what gay was until after watching enough episodes of Three's Company we all figured it out.

Ashley was GAY @ 6 years old! He's Still gay 30 years later.

Are telling me he made that choice?
DevilsWin Wrote:So are you guys telling me that the 6 year old boy I was in school with, who we all knew to be different choose to be gay.

We didn't even know what gay was until after watching enough episodes of Three's Company we all figured it out.

Ashley was GAY @ 6 years old! He's Still gay 30 years later.

Are telling me he made that choice?

Yes I am. It could have also been part of his upbringing. Ive also seen kids who I thought were fruity, everyone else did, extremely feminized kids growing up, probably like Ashley. Yet they ended up not being Gay. He's making that choice right now.
Beetle01 Wrote:Yes I am. It could have also been part of his upbringing. Ive also seen kids who I thought were fruity, everyone else did, extremely feminized kids growing up, probably like Ashley. Yet they ended up not being Gay. He's making that choice right now.
OK then, on this we will never agree and neither does the science. They are doing what feels natural to them.
Makes Me Sick!!!
DevilsWin Wrote:OK then, on this we will never agree and neither does the science. They are doing what feels natural to them.

The science doesn't agree on this? Here we go again, making more stuff up or using things out of context.
Beetle01 Wrote:Why not? They are all equally wrong and unnatural. Are you saying homosexuality is natural and normal? Its a choice.
They have equal protection from persecution, they even fall under special laws which worsen the penalty for "Hate" crimes. Marriage does not fall under the Equal Protection Clause. Marriage is a privelage, when it comes to the benefits you recieve from the govt. Just as driving. Im not saying the govt has the right to deny people to get married, but they don't have to give people the tax breaks and such, those are a privelage. It is not a basic right to recieve those things for being married, thus imo, marriage can not fall under the Equal Protection Clause, because it only protects people's basics rights listed int he constitution and amendments. Marital benefits is not one of those.

"The law" is a broad tent, meant to shelter all citizens under its umbrella. The Government DOES give privilege to the married, and since it does, Equal Protection applies, despite your attempts to keep asserting as a conclusion the very thing yet to be proven.
From reading all the posts in this thread I have been led to very many different things. One is that since I'm gay, I have some sort of disease. Maybe I should go to the hospital for this so-called disease. Does Tylenol cure it, Motrin, what? I guess I'm considered sick for being in love with someone of the same-sex. I loved the musical for proposition 8 btw. I've watched it a couple of times.
I'm not the type of person to put it out there that I'm gay for everyone to know. I don't go boasting about it. I show respect to everyone around me, in the same way I hope a heterosexual couple will show respect. I was raised by wonderful parents, who both attend church and are Christians. But they love me for the person I am. I was never mistreated by a man, I am not fat nor ugly. I just happened to fall in love with someone that not everyone in this world approves of. But that means I'm gross right? I care for someone, love them, I am respectful when I am out in public with them, I don't show it off in front of everyone. Oh yes, I am totally gross.Rolleyes
Even if I don't have the right to marry in my home state at this point in time, I will still continue to be with the person I love and hope that one day I will be able to. And I will also continue to respect other people and I will keep my business to myself and hope that my friends, family, and others will still love me for just being me.

(I also wasn't going to post in this thread, but after reading all of the posts, I felt the need to say something)
cards_athlete Wrote:From reading all the posts in this thread I have been led to very many different things. One is that since I'm gay, I have some sort of disease. Maybe I should go to the hospital for this so-called disease. Does Tylenol cure it, Motrin, what? I guess I'm considered sick for being in love with someone of the same-sex. I loved the musical for proposition 8 btw. I've watched it a couple of times.
I'm not the type of person to put it out there that I'm gay for everyone to know. I don't go boasting about it. I show respect to everyone around me, in the same way I hope a heterosexual couple will show respect. I was raised by wonderful parents, who both attend church and are Christians. But they love me for the person I am. I was never mistreated by a man, I am not fat nor ugly. I just happened to fall in love with someone that not everyone in this world approves of. But that means I'm gross right? I care for someone, love them, I am respectful when I am out in public with them, I don't show it off in front of everyone. Oh yes, I am totally gross.Rolleyes
Even if I don't have the right to marry in my home state at this point in time, I will still continue to be with the person I love and hope that one day I will be able to. And I will also continue to respect other people and I will keep my business to myself and hope that my friends, family, and others will still love me for just being me.

(I also wasn't going to post in this thread, but after reading all of the posts, I felt the need to say something)

Bombs killing civilians...that's gross and disgusting. Genocide is gross and disgusting.
Beetle01 Wrote:Decent write Don. Howeevr there are a lot of problems with your paper. Gay couples can get married, they can go by any religion they want. It doesn't mean that they will recieve the same privileges a man and woman recieve. Once again it is not a right to recieve the benefits the govt offers for being married. Nor does not recieving those benefits intrude on their right to a happy and full life. They can get married, doesn't mean that the govt has to treat it the same as other marriages. To even compare Womens Suffrage or the Civil RIghts Movement to gay marriage is absurd. Being born a woman or black is not a choice, and both parties went through much more than not being allowed to have your marriage recognized by the govt. Being gay is a lifestyle choice, our govt is not designed nor intended to bow to the whims of a small minority because of their choice of lifestyle. They chose to be gay, knowing full well that they will never have the same marital privileges as a man and woman who marry. I think that is pretty clear, and I don't understand why this discussion is continuing. Marital benefits from the govt are NOT A RIGHT.

i have a problem with that, because it's not a lifestyle. i, in my own right, know that it isn't. if it were a lifestyle, then i don't see why people would choose it when it comes with all the COMPLICATIONS it brings. and when it comes to being absurd, i totally disagree. those two groups fought for their rights and had the same struggles as gay couples wanting to marry are today. and if it were so absurd, i don't see why my english teacher hasn't already wanted me to removed that piece of context. it's all a matter of what you believe, and that's it. as i've been told all my life, don't talk about people unless you know what it's like in their own shoes.
cards_athlete Wrote:From reading all the posts in this thread I have been led to very many different things. One is that since I'm gay, I have some sort of disease. Maybe I should go to the hospital for this so-called disease. Does Tylenol cure it, Motrin, what? I guess I'm considered sick for being in love with someone of the same-sex. I loved the musical for proposition 8 btw. I've watched it a couple of times.
I'm not the type of person to put it out there that I'm gay for everyone to know. I don't go boasting about it. I show respect to everyone around me, in the same way I hope a heterosexual couple will show respect. I was raised by wonderful parents, who both attend church and are Christians. But they love me for the person I am. I was never mistreated by a man, I am not fat nor ugly. I just happened to fall in love with someone that not everyone in this world approves of. But that means I'm gross right? I care for someone, love them, I am respectful when I am out in public with them, I don't show it off in front of everyone. Oh yes, I am totally gross.Rolleyes
Even if I don't have the right to marry in my home state at this point in time, I will still continue to be with the person I love and hope that one day I will be able to. And I will also continue to respect other people and I will keep my business to myself and hope that my friends, family, and others will still love me for just being me.

(I also wasn't going to post in this thread, but after reading all of the posts, I felt the need to say something)

dont think any of those things, I could care less what type of life you live. However, don't expect special treatment because of your choice. Everyone has a choice in who they sleep with. If I was to meet a girl who I was attracted to, and these days you can never tell how old these girls are, and found out she was only 17. I would then choose not to pursue that anymore, eventhough in Kentucky it would still be legal. We are all confronted with many moral decisions in our lifetime. Some of us make the right choice, some of us are weak and give into temptation.
[quote=Beetle01]dont think any of those things, I could care less what type of life you live. However, don't expect special treatment because of your choice. Everyone has a choice in who they sleep with. If I was to meet a girl who I was attracted to, and these days you can never tell how old these girls are, and found out she was only 17. I would then choose not to pursue that anymore, eventhough in Kentucky it would still be legal. We are all confronted with many moral decisions in our lifetime. Some of us make the right choice, some of us are weak and give into temptation.[/quote

Homosexuality is not a crime, thus your "seventeen year old" example is, again, a false comparsion. Special rights do accrue to married heterosexuals, so the Equal Protection clause should apply and would not be a "special" right. You call homosexuality a wrong choice, speak of temptation and weakness...then get your feelings hurt when people use religion to contradict your obviously religioun-based arguments.
thecavemaster Wrote:[quote=Beetle01]dont think any of those things, I could care less what type of life you live. However, don't expect special treatment because of your choice. Everyone has a choice in who they sleep with. If I was to meet a girl who I was attracted to, and these days you can never tell how old these girls are, and found out she was only 17. I would then choose not to pursue that anymore, eventhough in Kentucky it would still be legal. We are all confronted with many moral decisions in our lifetime. Some of us make the right choice, some of us are weak and give into temptation.[/quote

Homosexuality is not a crime, thus your "seventeen year old" example is, again, a false comparsion. Special rights do accrue to married heterosexuals, so the Equal Protection clause should apply and would not be a "special" right. You call homosexuality a wrong choice, speak of temptation and weakness...then get your feelings hurt when people use religion to contradict your obviously religioun-based arguments.

Actually the 17 year old comparison is a good comparison, because it is not illegal. 16 is the age of consent in this state. When have I ever had my feelings hurt when someone tries to use religion? When it comes to moral issues religion plays a major part for anyone who is religious.
Beetle01 Wrote:[quote=thecavemaster]

Actually the 17 year old comparison is a good comparison, because it is not illegal. 16 is the age of consent in this state. When have I ever had my feelings hurt when someone tries to use religion? When it comes to moral issues religion plays a major part for anyone who is religious.

Given Biblical history, why is it wrong for a, say, thirty-five year old to sleep with a seventeen year old? to marry her? In debates in days past, you suggested I was bringing religion into everything, did you not? Homosexual marriage is a moral issue to those who oppose it and perhaps to those wishing to engage in it. I am suggesting it is a matter of Constitutional principle for now, a matter for the angels to sort through later, if that is the bent of one's mind.
thecavemaster Wrote:[quote=Beetle01]

Given Biblical history, why is it wrong for a, say, thirty-five year old to sleep with a seventeen year old? to marry her? In debates in days past, you suggested I was bringing religion into everything, did you not? Homosexual marriage is a moral issue to those who oppose it and perhaps to those wishing to engage in it. I am suggesting it is a matter of Constitutional principle for now, a matter for the angels to sort through later, if that is the bent of one's mind.

Marital benefits are not a constitutional right. Equal Protection covers the constitution. Not everything else. So to argue about this from a constitutional standpoint is useless. Its very simple, get an amendment passed, and they will have those rights.
Beetle01 Wrote:[quote=thecavemaster]

Marital benefits are not a constitutional right. Equal Protection covers the constitution. Not everything else. So to argue about this from a constitutional standpoint is useless. Its very simple, get an amendment passed, and they will have those rights.

In fact, constitutional arguments have been posited in this issue...and found valid in at least a couple of states.
Beetle01 Wrote:dont think any of those things, I could care less what type of life you live. However, don't expect special treatment because of your choice. Everyone has a choice in who they sleep with. If I was to meet a girl who I was attracted to, and these days you can never tell how old these girls are, and found out she was only 17. I would then choose not to pursue that anymore, eventhough in Kentucky it would still be legal. We are all confronted with many moral decisions in our lifetime. Some of us make the right choice, some of us are weak and give into temptation.

Yes, Beetle, you do think those things, read your previous posts. I am still confused on how you consider it a special treatment when the act of marriage is already available. For most of the gay people that I know,(not all gay people are on this band-wagon of calling it marriage) it is the heterosexual community that is getting the special treatment, because they are they only ones that are allowed to get married.

Being gay is not all about sex, as you have implied, just as being straight is not all about the sex. Being gay only means that you prefer a person of the same gender to live your life with. Being straight means that you prefer a person of the opposite gender. Love has everything to do in any true relationship, whether it be gay or straight. Can you not fathom the fact that a gay couple is able to love each other the same way as a straight couple?

If you want to go with the "chose" argument, you also have chosen...chosen to be straight. You cannot see yourself with someone of the same gender, just as a gay person cannot see themselves with someone of the opposite gender.
Of course he will punish them all. It says in the bible that he will. Gays are totally covered in filthy sin that will not allow them into Heaven. He won't allow gays with him. Says so in the bible. Read it.
BunnyJunky101 Wrote:Of course he will punish them all. It says in the bible that he will. Gays are totally covered in filthy sin that will not allow them into Heaven. He won't allow gays with him. Says so in the bible. Read it.

And, of course, you are free to hold this opinion within the confines of your religious belief. What you are not allowed to do, thankfully, is impede the rights of human beings within the framework of the Constitution with your beliefs. The Bible says many things: wonder how many you aren't heeding?
blitz43 Wrote:It does affect you & your children. If you grow up around people that think smoking dope is ok, that kid will have no problem doing it. Same thing with homosexuality. If kids see it everyday and it is ok from the goverments standpoint, in some cases, the kids will be allright with it too. I just think that it is a very bad idea.

Being accepting and not bigot is horrible isn't it :confused:
thecavemaster Wrote:And, of course, you are free to hold this opinion within the confines of your religious belief. What you are not allowed to do, thankfully, is impede the rights of human beings within the framework of the Constitution with your beliefs. The Bible says many things: wonder how many you aren't heeding?

:Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs:
cuppett777 Wrote:of course HE is going to punish them read your bible and not just gays,but anyone who dont line up with HIS WORD,this is supposed to be about sports,there is another place for that kind of ?
They have gay sports?
Wrestling maybe? Bout the gayest sport I can think of. They wear those little tights showing what thet got(or don't have mostly) and hug n sweat and roll around together.
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