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He's president, he's black — get over it!
Well I'll tell ya what, before I die or stop using this site, I WILL arrange a meeting between Old School and DW! I've been reading there arguments for like 3 years now..
vundy33 Wrote:Well I'll tell ya what, before I die or stop using this site, I WILL arrange a meeting between Old School and DW! I've been reading there arguments for like 3 years now..
Special Envoy? :Thumbs:

BTW Glad to see you posting again. You back in the good ole USA?
More Cowbell Wrote:What bothers me is that the Obama supporters want to label all those who oppose them as racists. That is extremely ignorant and dangerous. Look at it this way: just because a person disagreed with Bush doesn't mean they hate white people does it? Of course not. By the same token, one can disagree with Obama, yet not give a flying fart about the color of his skin.

Obama and his supporters would like to put their head in the sand and act like there is no opposition from mainstream America, only from racist bigots and extremists. The truth is that there many moderates like myself who disagree with many of Obama's policies, and it is an insult to me to imply that it is simply because he is black.

If Merlene Davis ever wants to see a true racist, she needs to look no further than the nearest mirror. :flush:

I'll have to hand it to ya, you have always been the even keel on this board.

Never swaying too far to the left or the right.

I think that 30 years ago you would have been considered a conservative.
More like Barry Goldwater than Ronald Reagan.
They actually have some very good points but then they say or do something that totally discredits them. Like the people who oppose the administration they do have some valid issues but when they allow others with extreme agendas to give the appearance they are all together just discredits the real issues that brought them their in the first place.

Of Course I'm speaking of the teabaggers.
TheRealVille Wrote:Whether people have the nerve to admit it or not, this lady hits the nail on the head as to the real reason a lot of people don't like Obama.

More at the link below.

I totally agree with you on this...the Prez does deserve respect my only complaint is the people saying this now...had no problem with President Bush getting jeered and booed during his speeches...they had no problem with commercials depicting him as HITLER!!!!.....calling him a Nazi...i'd much rather be called a socialist than a nazi....President Obama deserves respect, but it seems it was ok for this stuff to happen when a republican was president....Bush got protested happens to Obama and the media CRIES seems to be a double standard, but 87% of the news media considers themself liberal, which i'm sure kills the objectivity....but it'll be ok, the media will 'brow beat' these people into ignorant and racists and stupid people until everyone is afraid to disagree.....Obama has my respect b/c he is president, but he only has the other's respect because there is a big fat "D" beside his didn't have to agree with Bush, but why did he not desever any respect either:flush:
pagan Wrote:I totally agree with you on this...the Prez does deserve respect my only complaint is the people saying this now...had no problem with President Bush getting jeered and booed during his speeches...they had no problem with commercials depicting him as HITLER!!!!.....calling him a Nazi...i'd much rather be called a socialist than a nazi....President Obama deserves respect, but it seems it was ok for this stuff to happen when a republican was president....Bush got protested happens to Obama and the media CRIES seems to be a double standard, but 87% of the news media considers themself liberal, which i'm sure kills the objectivity....but it'll be ok, the media will 'brow beat' these people into ignorant and racists and stupid people until everyone is afraid to disagree.....Obama has my respect b/c he is president, but he only has the other's respect because there is a big fat "D" beside his didn't have to agree with Bush, but why did he not desever any respect either:flush:

Those comments I bolded hit the nail on the head. There is most definitely a double standard amongst the national media. If jeering the president is rude and disrespectful, then it's still rude no matter what party the president is from. And if it's considered patriotic and admirable to stage protests, then it should be viewed the same no matter who's being protested...

More Cowbell Wrote:Those comments I bolded hit the nail on the head. There is most definitely a double standard amongst the national media. If jeering the president is rude and disrespectful, then it's still rude no matter what party the president is from. And if it's considered patriotic and admirable to stage protests, then it should be viewed the same no matter who's being protested...

very true:rockon:
I personally don't care about his race, I think most people don't like him simply because he seems to not think things through and his ideas are not inline with most of America. You can play the race card if you want, but had MLK not been killed he would have been a great president and the country would have supported him. Obama is only president cause of his public speaking ability alone. America has fallen quite a bit in their ability to think critically and they voted for him simply because of this and he was a democrat and eveyone hated Bush. I also think its funny that the media blasted Bush for every little thing and Obama has made plenty of gaffes and no one has jumped on them. Like when he said he had visited all 52 states. Come on my niece isn't the sharpest tool in the 4th grtade shed and she knows there's only 50.
launchpad4 Wrote:I personally don't care about his race, I think most people don't like him simply because he seems to not think things through and his ideas are not inline with most of America. You can play the race card if you want, but had MLK not been killed he would have been a great president and the country would have supported him. Obama is only president cause of his public speaking ability alone. America has fallen quite a bit in their ability to think critically and they voted for him simply because of this and he was a democrat and eveyone hated Bush. I also think its funny that the media blasted Bush for every little thing and Obama has made plenty of gaffes and no one has jumped on them. Like when he said he had visited all 52 states. Come on my niece isn't the sharpest tool in the 4th grtade shed and she knows there's only 50.

Can you spell potatoe?? lol

The President is black?

The media is dominantly liberal and Bush was a thorn in their side....they were going to take every opportunity to blast him...Obama is their hero and they want him to look heroic.....personally i have no problem with it if they are equal opportunity offenders, but they are not and they never will be....Bush is not as bad as he was made out to be...that doesn't make him good either, but Obama has not been as good as they made him out to be dont confuse me here with obama hating...i want him to do good b/c i'm an american and if the american presient's policies are effective then that means americans should be better off, but so far he is off to a rocky start in my opinion.....and saying so doesn't make me ignorant or racist
pagan Wrote:The media is dominantly liberal and Bush was a thorn in their side....they were going to take every opportunity to blast him...Obama is their hero and they want him to look heroic.....personally i have no problem with it if they are equal opportunity offenders, but they are not and they never will be....Bush is not as bad as he was made out to be...that doesn't make him good either, but Obama has not been as good as they made him out to be dont confuse me here with obama hating...i want him to do good b/c i'm an american and if the american presient's policies are effective then that means americans should be better off, but so far he is off to a rocky start in my opinion.....and saying so doesn't make me ignorant or racist


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