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Democrats Putting Government First
Excellent column by Patrick J. Buchanan. I disagree with Buchanan on many issues but he is exactly right about the federal bailout of state and local governments in big Blue states like California and New York. The socialists in power will never cut the fat from the federal payroll, although they do plan to slash spending on national defense.
Quote:Putting Government First

Where a man's purse is, there his heart will be also.

If you would know where the heart of the Obama party is today, consider. In the dog days of August, with temperatures in D.C. rising above 100, Nancy Pelosi called the House back to Washington to enact legislation that could not wait until September.

Purpose: Vote $26 billion to prevent layoffs of state, municipal and county employees whose own governments had decided they had to be let go if they were to meet their constitutional duty to balance their books.


Workers their own governments thought expendable, Congress decided were so essential, it borrowed another 26 thousand million dollars from China to keep them on state and local payrolls.

A nation whose national debt is approaching the size of its gross national product, that goes abroad to borrow money to keep non-essential workers on government payroll is a nation on the way down and out.

And anyone who thinks this Obama party is ever going to cull the armies of tens of millions of government workers or scores of millions of government beneficiaries to put America's house in order is deluding himself.
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Democrats Putting Government First - by Hoot Gibson - 08-15-2010, 08:09 AM

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