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Jon Stewart calling out hypocrisy of Fox News
Bob Seger Wrote:The others are employed by private enterprise. Teachers, and other state, and federal workers are employed by the tax payer. They have no right, IMO, to hold the tax payer hostage by striking and walking out . Nobody forced anybody to work for the government. My opinion is if they are not satisfied with their employment, they should seek employment in another field in the private sector. By the way ,that's really working out great right now, isn't it?. Should the ones that are footing the bills have to live at a substandard way of life than those they are paying? I would say that the great percentage of teachers acquired their jobs coming straight out college, and have never held a real private sector job to begin with. Most probably dont have an inkling as to what those paying their salaries have to deal with to make their livings. They may find out they dont have it all that bad.

Just a few questions, am I not held hostage because the NFL lockout, when some tax dollars went to build their stadiums? Am I not held hostage at higher gas prices because of speculators, when the oil companies get government substities, or the food industry as well (farming)?
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Jon Stewart calling out hypocrisy of Fox News - by tvtimeout - 03-18-2011, 11:46 AM

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