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RAW Results 7/4
Diva's tag match - Bella Twins vs Kelly Kelly & Eve

Anyone else think Kelly Kelly's ass-shaking corner move is a far cry from the much better option from Impact Wrestling's Miss Tessmacher?

Outcome - Kelly Kelly gets the pin on one of the Bella's

Backstage, R-Truth takes a couple minutes and changes his car insurance... though from what he was saying on the phone, he mixed up references for a couple of the companies. And apparently he's looking to hurt someone in the Number One Contender's match en route to getting another title shot. Alberto Del Rio shows up and again talks about Destiny... and it you ask me, his destiny seems to be as the #2 contender to the World Title.

Non-Title Tag Match - Santi-Koz vs New Nexus ©

So right off the bat, the most likely scenario for this match is for Otunga and McGillicutty to lose, as it would be an attempt to give some credibility back to Santi-Koz, and because for storyline purposes New Nexus is losing its leader.

Then again, they could be looking to build up the tag champs to have SOME credibility in the Post-Punk era.

Outcome - McGillicutty hits Santino with his signature move and gets the pinfall

While the tag champs are celebrating in the ring, Zack Ryder shows up with his entrance music and gives his catchphrase... and then Woo Woo Walks away...

It might not make any sense this week, but in coming weeks I'm guessing it's going to lead to something. At least the Zack Pack get to see him on television without having to involve YouTube.

Backstage we get an interview from The Miz, who isn't happy with being omitted from the #1 Contenders match for later in the show, and he blames his problems on Alex Riley... who he hasn't beaten in one-on-one competition... and he's going to fix that tonight.

Battle of the spitters, as Sgt Slaughter is face to face with Jack Swagger backstage, and they're trying to decide which of them is going to lead the arena in saying the pledge of allegiance? I realize it's July 4th, but this is lame.

Match - Jack Swagger vs Sgt Slaughter

In a match where both guys are known for their patriotism, does anyone else find it lame that the fans are chanting USA! USA! USA!...?

Outcome - Jack Swagger makes relatively short work of Slaughter

Could this be the first time the Pledge Of Allegiance is booed in a public forum?

Swagger puts the ankle lock on Slaughter, prompting Evan Bourne to show up and escort Swagger from the ring with the help of a couple of well-placed kicks.

Did anyone else think Evan Bourne looked surprised and defensive when his music started to play, as if he didn't recognize his own theme and was expecting someone else to show up and attack him?

Slaughter gets a microphone and either the in-crowd microphones weren't in use for the first half of the pledge, or he should've announced what he was doing ahead of time so people could join in. I didn't hear anyone else doing the Pledge until it was 2/3 over.

Commercial note: is it just me or is Cowboys & Aliens taking FOREVER to hit the theaters? Given the number of trailers I've seen for it and the length of time it's been since I first saw a trailer for it, I was half expecting it to mention a DVD release date.

#1 Contender Triple-Threat Match - Mysterio vs Del Rio vs R-Truth

How long has it been since Rey Mysterio first came to the WWE, and this is the first time they're mentioning that "Rey" isn't his first name? Lawler giving us the factoid that Mr 6-1-9 is "King of Mystery" based on his ring-name is interesting, but probably won't lead to anything beyond that one comment.

Outcome - Alberto Del Rio gets the win by submission when Rey Mysterio taps out after Mr 6-1-9 takes out R-Truth

Personal note: I apologize that this article isn't up to par with typical weeks, as I'm actually fairly sick tonight, which explains why there was no review of Smackdown 72 hours ago.

The announcers mention that we're going to find out who will replace Alberto Del Rio in the Money In The Bank match now that ADR has other plans for the pay per view, but if CM Punk gets the title shot instead, what does that do for ADR and whomever (temporarily?) takes his place in the ladder match?

Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler hit the ring, and I'm not so worried about being sick, because this gives me a chance to zone out without being worried about missing something important. As I re-tweet some things on Twitter (@ GuysNation, follow me there and on, I notice that Kofi Kingston has shown up... nothing ground-breaking there... but he's got a microphone, which is something we don't typically see.

Kofi doesn't say much, but what he does say is actually well-delivered and has a natural feel to it. Maybe he'll get more chances in the future... unless WWE doesn't want to see if he's worthy of getting bigger opportunities in the future.

There's a bit of a shoving match between Kofi and Dolph, which not only causes Vickie Guerrero to fall backwards onto the cake, but after she stops sitting on it, she also gets pushed into the cake chest first. Classic physical comedy, which is the type of comedy you'd expect from WWE, yes?

The crowd in the arena get the quote of the night nomination with their "we want cake" chant as Vickie leaves the ring.

Match - Alex Riley vs The Miz

What in the world is wrong with that jacket Alex Riley is wearing? Seriously, shoe laces up the side? I'm not a fashion icon by any means, but even I wouldn't be caught dead in that jacket.

And before the match even starts, we get a near full history of the feud between The Miz and A-Ry? Are we not supposed to have remembered one of the more exciting things going on in WWE over the past few months? I could understand if they wanted to show a clip or two, but that was a full-on hype package.

Why is it, with the high production values WWE is capable of doing, they like to make their hype videos harder to watch by incorporating blurriness into footage which was clear the first time around?

With my favorite under-utilized move in the history of the business, Alex Riley scores the upset with the backslide.

Outcome - Alex Riley wins by pinfall

After the match, The Miz shows his aggressive side by attacking Riley like he had been attacked in previous weeks. Maybe if The Miz had done this a month ago, he wouldn't have lost all these battles.

Vince McMaon gets to the arena, and he actually looks to be in good spirits.

For any of you who missed what happened last week... and the recap of it from the beginning of the show... they show it again... and I'm not recapping it again.

Vince hits the ring, and he says that Punk was suspended... because Punk deserved it. The fans disagree with the decision.

Apparently Vince didn't like some of the demands Punk was making in his contract renegotiations, and that lead to the decision... and that's all he has to say about that.

John Cena doesn't think Vince is going to be leaving that quickly, so he comes to the ring and says his bit.

Saying that McMahon has gone soft, John Cena says that Vince has lost his edge, that the famous McMahon "Grapefruits" have become peach pits, and says that maybe Vince should consider side-lining himself.

Now the truth comes out: Vince suspended Punk because he doesn't want Punk leaving WWE with the World Championship because he doesn't want to bank on John Cena being able to successfully retain the title against a guy leaving the company.

Wow, Cena references the fact that CM Punk was part of his entrance at Wrestlemania 22. Nicely done.

McMahon starts to get angry, saying that Cena shouldn't have made this a public conversation, and the entire situation apparently embarrasses the same man who had a KISS MY ASS club a few years ago.

Vince reiterates that this is HIS company and he'll do what's right for his company, and this is the right decision for him.

Cena says Vince is making a disgrace of the championship and making it meaningless, then he hands the belt over to Vince and walks out of the ring and starts to leave, but Vince puts a stop to that.

Vince meets Cena atop the ramp and reinstates CM Punk so John Cena can have his championship match at the pay per view... but apparently if Punk wins the belt at the pay per view, Vince McMahon is going to personally walk to the ring and fire John Cena... which doesn't hold as much weight with those of us who just saw John Cena basically quit.

Apparently Cena doesn't like being threatened now that his threat had its intended consequence.
Messages In This Thread
RAW Results 7/4 - by Stardust - 07-05-2011, 12:41 PM
RAW Results 7/4 - by Stardust - 07-05-2011, 12:43 PM
RAW Results 7/4 - by LWC - 07-05-2011, 05:46 PM
RAW Results 7/4 - by Mr. Pike Central - 07-06-2011, 04:11 AM
RAW Results 7/4 - by Stardust - 07-06-2011, 09:27 AM
RAW Results 7/4 - by LWC - 07-06-2011, 04:49 PM
RAW Results 7/4 - by Mr. Pike Central - 07-06-2011, 06:51 PM
RAW Results 7/4 - by Stardust - 07-06-2011, 07:45 PM

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