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Money In The Bank PPV Results (CM Punk Leaves with WWE Title)
Complete Cena/Punk match recap

WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. C.M. PUNK -- WWE Title match

Cole said Cena debuted in this building back on "Friday" Night Smackdown. It was Thursdays back then. Punk and Cena started with some headlocks and mat holds as the crowd chanted, "You can't wrestle." Punk comically made sure the crowd was aiming that toward Cena, not him. Cena then applied a hammerlock as Booker suggested Cena was trying to take the crowd out of the match. Meanwhile, the announcers questioned whether Punk has brainwashed his city and his followers because if he leaves with the title, he screws the audience. After Cena's early offense, Punk came back with a dropkick to a big reaction. Punk then grabbed a headlock as Cole brought up the Montreal Screwjob to show what lengths McMahon will go to keep the title in WWE. Hmm. Cena teased the Attitude Adjustment moments later, Punk teased the G2S, and they came to a standstill.

After the standstill, Punk scored with offense before Cena scored with a bulldog for a two count. Cena followed with a big knock-down clothesline that might have knocked a tooth loose. Cena scored a two count, then grabbed another chinlock. Punk escaped with a back drop for a two count. The pro-Cena high-pitched fans were heard for the first time engaging in a "Let's Go Cena" vs. "Cena Sucks" chant. Cena then scored with a fisherman suplex for a two count, but Punk came back with a DDT for a two count. Punk followed with a leg vice trying to squeeze the life out of Cena. There was a mild "Colt Cabana" chant before Punk dumped Cena out of the ring. Cole questioned if that was a wise move as Punk followed to the outside. Punk then placed Cena across the ring apron and nailed a flying knee to the back of the neck.

Back in the ring at 10:30, Punk made a cover, but Cena kicked out. Punk then went for a corner attack, but Cena moved and Punk ate the ringpost. Cena tried to follow up, but Punk kicked him away. Punk then grabbed a chinlock as the announcers continued to stress the value and importance of the WWE Title. Cole referenced Triple H, saying he once said if you're not in the business to become champ, then go home. The pro-Cena fans tried to rally behind Cena as Cena kicked out of a pin following a top rope move. Cena sold a right knee injury - the theme of the night - and rolled to the ring apron for a breather. The crowd was momentarily hushed. Punk then tried a suplex back into the ring, but Cena suplexed Punk over the top rope to the floor. Punk made a big, wet splat on the floor as the ref applied a ten count on both men.

Back in the ring at 14:20, Cena made a cover, but Punk kicked out. Cena then scored with a suplex before delivering an elbow drop for a two count. Cena tried to follow with a powerslam of sorts, Punk slipped out, but then Cena delivered a shoulderbreaker-grip into a bodyslam for a two count. Unique. Cena came to his feet and started jabbing Punk, who suddenly came back with rights of his own. Boos/Yeahs before Cena slapped on an abdominal stretch, which drew cheers from the pro-Cena crowd. Punk escaped, then they had a double knockdown center-ring.

At 17:30, they came to their feet together and Cena started his comeback routine. Punk slipped out of the backdrop, though, and nearly scored a three count. Punk missed with a patented corner knee, then Cena delivered a sit-out slam. Cena warmed up the Five Knuckle Shuffle to big boos, but Punk kicked Cena in the face when he tried the hand wave. Punk then kneed Cena to the floor before flying through the ropes with a suicide dive. Both men crashed into the guardrail upon impact. After a pause, Punk threw Cena back into the ring and climbed onto the ring apron. Punk went for a springboard dive, but Cena moved and Punk ate the mat.

Cena then did the full Knuckle Shuffle routine, including fist drop. Cena wanted the AA, but Punk landed on his feet to avoid. Punk followed with big kick strikes and made a cover, but Cena kicked out. Suddenly, Punk teased the G2S, but Cena countered with a gutwrench suplex for a close nearfall. Cena was the first man up and adjusted his belt before stalking Punk for the AA. Punk escaped, though, and nailed multiple knee strikes to the jaw followed by a flying bulldog. Punk then went to the ring apron for a springboard clothesline and connected. Punk covered, but Cena kicked out in time. They went to a slow-motion replay of Cena taking a big knee to the jaw that absolutely rocked Cena.

At 22:30, Punk landed kick strikes to the upper body. More strikes. Cena started absorbing, though, before ducking a kick and flowing into the STF center ring. Punk's eyes bugged out as Cole implored Punk to tap out. Punk fought the hold as he stared at the bottom rope. Punk tried to crawl toward the bottom rope and made a last-second desperation reach for the bottom rope to break the hold. Cena tried to follow up, but Punk kicked him in the body for a two count. Punk then went up top and did a Savage salute before executing a splash, but Cena rolled through into the AA. Punk countered into the G2S, but Cena intercepted mid-air for the STF. Punk teased a break, but Cena pulled him back to center-ring. The crowd was red-hot imploring Punk to grab the rope. Suddenly, Punk countered into a neck vice submission. The crowd called for Cena to tap as Cena tried to fight the hold mid-ring. Cena found his way to his feet, then suddenly transitioned into the AA out of nowhere. Cena made the cover, but Punk kicked out. Huge pop.

The men reset as Cole said this has been extraordinary. Booker said he can't call it. Cena went up top, selling exhaustion as he set up for a guillotine leg drop that Punk countered into a seated slam for a two count. The crowd chanted "C-M-Punk" as Punk did the go-to-sleep hand motion. Punk sold a back injury as he went for the G2S, but Cena grabbed the top rope to escape. Cena yanked Punk throat-first across the top rope, then he went up top. Cena wanted the leg drop and he connected this time. Cena with the cover, but Punk kicked out again. "I'm exhausted," Booker said. At 29:00, Cena stood up and measured Punk for what was next. Cena wanted the AA again. This time, he connected center ring. Punk made the cover, but Punk kicked out again. Cena just stood up and smiled before checking the ref on his count. At exactly 30:00, Cole said they are 30 minutes into this match.

Cena went back to stalking Punk. Cena dragged Punk to the corner and put him up top. Super AA? Cena slowly climbed up top looking for a top-rope AA, but Punk elbowed Cena in the back of the head. Punk then measured Cena and delivered a top-rope huracanrana. Cena rolled across the ring to avoid a pin, though. Punk followed with a knee strike in the corner before delivering the G2S, but Cena rolled through the ring to the floor. Punk pounded the mat in frustration, unable to pin Cena on the floor. Punk retrieved Cena, then rolled him back into the ring.

Suddenly, McMahon and Laurinaitis came walking down to ringside. They stopped mid-way as Punk stared back at them. McMahon returned the stare as Punk slowly re-entered the ring. The distraction allowed Cena to slap on the STF. McMahon wanted the bell to be rung and Laurinaitis went running, but Cena absolutely creamed Ace, who took the greatest bump of all-time. Cena shouted at McMahon that this isn't going down this way. Cena then returned to the ring, where he ate a G2S from Punk center ring. Punk made the cover and it was good for the win. The crowd exploded as McMahon stared ahead in disbelief.

WINNER: Punk at 33:44 to capture the WWE Title. That was simply an amazing match. There hasn't been a match with that kind of feel in WWE in a very long time. Even the "run-in" at the end was part of the story and enhanced the finish rather than taking away from it. The match had all of the intangibles that make up an epic wrestling match, complete with the ultimate story: two men tearing each other apart for the top prize in WWE: the WWE Title. (*****)

Post-match: Cole noted Punk will no longer be an employee of WWE in less than two hours. Punk flashed the title belt toward McMahon, who continued to stare straight ahead. McMahon then ran down to the announcers and ripped off Lawler's headset. He screamed at someone to call for Del Rio to cash in right now. Del Rio came springing down to the ring with the case in-hand, but Punk blasted him with a kick to the head. Punk smirked at McMahon, then he went through the crowd after blowing McMahon a kiss. Punk reached the top of the arena and stood tall among the people with possession of the WWE Title. McMahon's eyes welled up as the MITB credits flashed. Punk disappeared to the back and they showed a shot of Punk walking through the concourse before going to a final shot of McMahon selling disbelief in the ring. The show ended at that point.

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