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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012
Last night Reid, Durbin, Schumer got in front of the cameras to respond to the latest bill to come up from the House. All three, with talking points thoroughly rehearsed and corroborated, accused the republicans of fillibustering the debt limit crisis. A crisis Reid, Durbin and Schumer planned and presided over. The House has sent up two bills that the ever arrogant Harry Reid tabled without debate. Never-the-less, they raised the fillibuster issue before the anticipated fillibuster, because the dems are afraid republicans will employ the tactic now that Reid has blocked all legislation coming from the House on this matter. My question; when will the American public hold these liberal clowns responsible for their bias? Since he would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven, Reid will wreck the economy before he lets his boss down on getting us past the next election cycle, thus preventing this nightmare from reemerging to assert itself with a vengance. In the interim, the dems think they can slake the money fears and nightmares we are all having right now as the full force of worry hits home and, we face the coming election.

If Americans haven't awakened by now and, are not ready to vote these guys out yet then, what would it take?
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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012 - by TheRealThing - 07-30-2011, 11:33 AM

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