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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012
Sounds like a bunch of idiots from the other side telling lies after lies. Typical. Their Motto "They caused it". Lies Lies. Democrats give their worn-out clothes to those less fortunate. Republicans wear theirs. Lets cut Social Security, Med-care, and Education. They will tell you that's not the plan. But the snake crawling liar that agree with it know it's the truth. But Exxon can take home a 10 billion dollar 3 month profit with tax breaks. How sweet of the other side. Hell they don't like or even agree with each other. Debt ceiling vote postponed; for John Boehner so he could beg his fellow republicans to vote for a bill they didn't agree with. It barely passed. 22 no votes from the GOP.Their excuse, the other sides fault. Great bipartisan bill there Boehne. He knew the bill was really bad and new it would not pass senate. He just wanted the Dems to look bad and that it would be their fault. The Republicans set back and say liar liar pants on fire like they have the mentality of a 5 year old. Nothing is working because the senate is controlled by Democrats is all you here. Who in the hell controls Congress? Stupid people believe the Republican side. Idiots. Lets delay this for a few more months and cut the people that have built this country. You ask where is the senate bill? Sunday. Reid's plan will pass the Senate, which is scheduled to vote on it at 1 am Sunday. I bet he doesn't have to get on his knees (like republicans do with big business or just for fun) to get his bill through. What will the liar from the other side say? You didn't pass ours. So to hell to yours. So childish from the retards from the other side that believes everything from Fox news and any anyone that deals with not helping the working people of the U.S. Poor Republicans. You can video tape them screwing their poor neighbor's wife and all you will here is, I swear to God it wasn't me. it Was a democrat dressed as me."
Stupid morons.

You might be a Republican if...
You'll spend $20 billion guarding a bridge against the possibility of a terrorist attack, but won't spend 20 cents to keep it from falling down on its own.
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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012 - by Benchwarmer - 07-30-2011, 04:24 PM

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