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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012
TheRealThing Wrote:[quote=Benchwarmer]Do you guys have any brain cells that have said howdy lately?

National debt under Bush went from:
5,807,463,412,200.06 09/30/2001


11,909,829,003,511.75 09/30/2009

Overall conclusion 6.1 trillion in new debt to date during Bushes watch.[/QUOTE]

Since you really want to hang that 6 trillion dollar albatross around George W's neck let's look at some facts reguarding his time in office and why the debt is out of control.

When Bush was inaugurated on Jan 18, 2001 the national debt was 5.7 trillion. For the sake of argument I will stipulate that the debt doubled during the Bush years.

There was a date that will live forever in infamy alongside the invaision of Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941, that other date is Sept 11, 2001. Two passenger jets were flown through the twin towers of the World Trade Center and everything that was America was changed, at least in some manner, following that day.

As I have pointed out on here before, we (the USA) lost over 3 trillion dollars as a direct result of this viscious attack on our own soil. Now, folks 3 TRILLION DOLLARS is major by any definition. To try to blame this loss on what the liberals like to call, the failed financial policies of the Bush aministration, is a grievous and fraudulent attempt to rewrite history in order for a political party to gain an undeserved advantage in the elections. But, back to the point. If one were to deduct that 3 trillion from Bush's record, his tab would be a scant 3 trillion by comparision. Which, I freely admit is way too much, and I'm not defending his spending record per se.

However, dodging reality by blaming Bush, in light of how money is really spent by government is something I will not do. At any rate, it is a testament to the strength and will of the American people and the resilience of the strongest economy the world has ever known, that we are still standing. Like most others, I have done some things in my life that I wish I hadn't. But, it will be a cold day in hell before I blame a sitting or past president for the atrocity of that day. Such are the attributes of those across the aisle in Congress.

This is what I'm talking about. I didn't do it mentality. It had to be the other side.
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Republicans Just worried about the Election in 2012 - by Benchwarmer - 07-30-2011, 05:36 PM

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