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WWE RAW Results – 8/1/11
CM Punk comes out at the opening of tonight’s Raw and runs around the stage holding up his WWE title. Punk gets in the ring and shouts “THE CHAMP IS HERE!” and takes his sitting position. Punk says that he loves his job but just hates the people who are in charge and as far as a year back, he was planning on making some sort of ‘change’ and he now gets the feeling he’s done that and gives credit to the audience for helping make that happen. Punk says he’s here to make the show fun again. Punk says he’s the one and only true champion and John Cena’s title belt is as real as a fan’s WWE Shop-bought replica belt. HHH interrupts and tells Punk that the reason he resigned him was for good business and the fans wanted it and that he put his personal feelings aside to do so. This comment intrigues Punk who insists on HHH explaining what he means by personal feelings. HHH admits that he personally thinks that Punk is overrated, smug and self-centered. HHH says Punk resigned for his own gain and to have all the attention for himself but even still is the champion, just like Cena is and he will resolve that matter later. HHH tries to leave but Punk yells to cut the music (although he loves Motorhead) and talks at HHH about what an egotistical bully he has been so many times in the past. HHH warns Punk that he is going to follow the rules and Punk asks “Or what? You gonna fight me? Or do you have to ask your wife for permission first?” and Punk leaves the ring of his own accord.

Backstage: Rey Mysterio and John Morrison are working out together, they are set to tag team together later tonight.

Beth Phoenix wins the Divas Battle Royal and becomes the #1 Contender to the WWE Divas Championship by eliminating both the Bella Twins at once. Kelly Kelly comes in and hugs Phoenix, but Phoenix attacks Kelly Kelly and slams her into the barricade and tells her that her days of being the “perky bimbo champion” are over.

Backstage: R-Truth chats up The Miz and says they’re both alike which Miz doesn’t agree with. Truth says that if Punk was going to be brought back all along then there was no point in them competing in a championship tournament and they were both played in a conspiracy. Truth fails at trying to spell the word conspiracy and Miz blows up at him and starts talking to himself.

Interview: John Cena says his main focus tonight is not Punk but HHH who will be making the decision on who is the rightful champion and he says he will be there when he makes that decision.

The Miz and R-Truth defeat Rey Mysterio and John Morrison with Miz distracting Morrison to allow Truth to finish him and get the pin on Morrison. Miz gives an extra Skull-Crushing Finale to Morrison and Truth hits Morrison with a bottle of water. nice match.

Interview: HHH tells Josh Matthews to shave and says he’s not impressed with Punk ribbing on him and his wife and suggests that Punk should get new material. HHH also says that he’s perfectly fine if Cena or anyone else wants to come out but urges that whoever comes out should keep it strictly business.

Vickie Guerrero introduces Dolph Ziggler who is now being referred to as Vickie’s client and Ziggler says that his statement last week was directed to anyone in the lockerroom who thinks they can beat him. Alex Riley comes out and asks Ziggler if he is so tough, then why is he hiding behind Vickie? Riley tells Ziggler that if he wants to be a real man then he should drop Vickie, otherwise he’ll be exposed for the bleached-blonde fraud he is. Ziggler and Vickie cower and walk out of the ring.

David Otunga and Michael McGullicutty (not wearing any ‘Nexus’ brand) defeat Santino Marella and Zack Ryder with Otunga getting the pin after putting a lot of punishment on Ryder.

Interview: Punk says he was testing HHH and he passed with flying colors. Punk says that he had one of the best title matches in WWE history with John Cena, but he won so the Champ is standing right here.

Alberto Del Rio defeats Evan Bourne by making him tap out to the cross armbar. Afterward, Del Rio continues to punish Bourne but Kofi Kingston runs in to make the save.

Viewers had the chance to vote on who they thought was the rightful WWE champion. The results are: John Cena-54% CM Punk-46%.
HHH comes to the ring about to make his decision when John Laurinitis interrupts him, who suggests to HHH to strip the title from Cena. Of course, Cena immediately comes out and tells Laurinitis that he’s not capable of thinking and he is the ‘Yes Man’ Punk was talking about. Laurinitis tells Cena that he’s out of line and Cena says his favorite moment at Money in the Bank was punching Laurinitis in the face. Laurinitis leaves and Cena asks HHH if he’s going to be stripped. HHH assures Cena that his claim to the title is legit and he won’t strip him and Punk interrupts. HHH stops both Punk and Cena from talking and announces CM Punk vs. John Cena for the Undisputed WWE Championship at Summerslam. Punk and Cena once again both hold their titles high, this time it’s pretty funny as each Punk and Cena’s music cues hit as they take turns holding up their titles.
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WWE RAW Results – 8/1/11 - by Stardust - 08-02-2011, 12:15 AM
WWE RAW Results – 8/1/11 - by Stardust - 08-02-2011, 12:16 AM
WWE RAW Results – 8/1/11 - by LWC - 08-02-2011, 10:22 AM
WWE RAW Results – 8/1/11 - by Strikeout King - 08-06-2011, 12:31 AM
WWE RAW Results – 8/1/11 - by Strikeout King - 08-06-2011, 11:24 AM

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