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Mitt Romney receives Mysterious 1Mill
TidesHoss32 Wrote:You know whats sad about that whole thing? I am ready to face the brunt of this post, but so be it. What is the difference in the 70% of Eastern Kentucky, born in the United States, on the draw from the time they are 18 or 19, refusing to work and letting the government take care of them and their four kids, sponging free medical care and their pain pills, and getting free handouts at every turn.......and illegals? Personally, Im more sick of the lazyass Appalachians than I am the Mexicans that come here and bust their asses to earn their money, under the table or not. I respect an illegal coming here to better their life. Yeah, go ahead and give me the "Yeah but they have to do it the right way" all you want. If you lived in Mexico or a country that had substandard living conditions, with no chance of it ever getting better, and America was right across the border, then you better believe that you'd try everyway in the world to CROSS that border and better your life. I would. I'd try until I got in. I get tired of these "entitled check drawers" bitching about the Mexicans to the point of I just want to beat their lazy asses in the dirt. Yeah I realize there is a problem, but the 20 and 25 year old Americans in this country laying on the couch eating cheetos and making babies every nine months, drawing a kings ransom at an alarming rate is more of a problem than the illegals issue. But nobody wants to hurt their feelings.
:Thumbs: I am with you. I would gladly trade 10...make that make that all lazy, government check drawing, poorly educated, ambition-less, good-for-nothing eastern Kentucky meth-heads for one hard working immigrant who is not a parasite on American taxpayers (preferably a well-educated, legal immigrant who is on a path to citizenship).
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Mitt Romney receives Mysterious 1Mill - by Hoot Gibson - 09-24-2011, 01:06 PM

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