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Pentagon Leaders Commend End of ‘Don’t Ask’ Policy
vundy33 Wrote:Where the **** do any of you think you get an opinion on the subject? If you're not active/reserve military, then we say **** you.

We, in the infantry, for the most part DO NOT give a shit if someone is gay, pretty much all of us know if a guy in the unit is gay, and usually he's or they are some of the best damn infantryman you'll see. I would say that 9 out of 10 infantry soldier could give a shit less about the end of DADT, and are just glad it's over.

It seems to me that most of the hating on gays in the military comes from the fat, non-combat, POG, ***** ass Fobbits that have nothing else to do except bitch and moan about something 24/7. You all have no idea. Some of you that have posted in here may be active military, but I doubt it. In our opinion, if you aren't active military or at the very LEAST a veteran, then you don't fucking rate an opinion.

Excuse my language, but I'm quite sick of homophobic bullshit and this argument all together. If getting rid of DADT does anything, it will make the services better. Mark that shit down. And that's coming from a combat veteran infantryman with 4 years in.

Our opinion is exactly the opposite of what dumbass, unknowing civilians think it is in my experience in discussing the subject with them.
That's certainly some well thought out and articulate phrasing Vundy. Really makes you look intelligent and your opinion worthy of consideration.

While you are entitled to an opinion just like everyone else, it certainly does not give you an exclusive on the thought process on the whole deal just because you or anyone else may have served or are serving in the armed forces. What you did was throughly insult the convictions of the millions of God fearing soldiers that have served this country since the 1700's that may have an entirely different concept of what morality is, than what you may have. If you are "sick of the homophobic BS and this arguement altogether" then perhaps you should go back to the barracks and play with your little XBox some more and not look at stuff on this thread that may contradict your own choice of immorality. If you dont want to do that, then just shut up when someone else may not agree with you.

Listen junior, you did not have to join the military. While I am thankful for your service, I think you may need reminded that it is now strictly a VOLUNTEER entity that is 100% funded by the AMERICAN TAX PAYER. Nobody forced you to join anything. Like it or not, ultimately the voice of the moral majority should be able to decide the issues, since we are footing the bill 100%. In other words you and everybody else knew what the rules of the game were before you joined. If you didn't like them, feel free to not join, and just hang out at the gay bars with RV and Wildcat. They are totally legal and you all should have a blast together doing whatever vile and unnatural thing you can imagine to one another. I guess what makes America great is that while myself or anyone else may not like it, being a queer is not illegal.
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Pentagon Leaders Commend End of ‘Don’t Ask’ Policy - by Bob Seger - 10-01-2011, 10:57 AM

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