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GOP's Kevin McCarthy warns more stimulus only stimulates debt

Weekly Republican Party remarks by Rep. Kevin McCarthy, as provided by party leadership

Hi, I'm Kevin McCarthy, House majority whip from the Central Valley of California.

I'm here to talk to you about something you already know: Our country continues to face serious challenges.

And while Republicans are working every day to turn our country around, get people working, and restore the American dream, some in Washington continue to cling to the same government 'stimulus' strategy that's led to more debt and fewer jobs. But the American people realize that Washington is not the solution — Washington is the problem.

You've told us that you want accountability and serious leadership. That's why we've said 'enough is enough.' We hear you. We get it.

Let me be clear: we are on the side of the American people. We join with millions of Americans to say no to new taxes, new regulations, more Washington spending and taxes. It hasn't worked in the past, and it won't work now.

Americans deserve progress, not partisanship. Americans deserve a long-term solution to our nation's spending problem so that we don't run up trillion-dollar annual deficits.

We agree with the American people: No more budget tricks, no more accounting gimmicks, no more broken promises - the American people deserve the right to know the truth. And that's why we support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

This proposal has had strong bipartisan support in the past, and I'm hopeful we can again work together to pass this Amendment when it comes to the House floor in November.

Until then, we are actively engaged in pursuing concrete ideas to jumpstart our economy. You can find them in the Republican Plan for America's Job Creators.

By finding ways to support small business and promote entrepreneurship, we can rev up our economy and grow the jobs we need. And this shouldn't be an exercise of partisan gamesmanship or credit-claiming.

That's why when President Obama expressed a willingness to work on job creation, we looked at our own plan and outlined specific opportunities for both parties to come together.

The free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea are one such area of common ground. They open the door to thousands of new jobs and billions more in exports across the nation. They remove job-killing barriers to trade by creating a fair playing field between America and these other nations.
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GOP's Kevin McCarthy warns more stimulus only stimulates debt - by Stardust - 10-16-2011, 02:03 PM

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