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NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill
TheRealVille Wrote:Just pointing out that you say the liberals, because of the decline in math and science degrading in schools, breeds the thought that a minority of liberals are the enlightened ones on this issue. Yet the very people that discredit science at almost every level, christians, are somewhat the smarter of the two groups, on this issue. They are the main fighters of this, because their book says it's wrong.

First, you couldn't be more wrong to assume Christians "discredit" science at any level. Honestly RV, where do you come up with this stuff? Christians in fact, love science as much as anyone does. However, there is a very big problem in today's scientific community, as at different times in the scientific community of the past. The difference between a theory, such as "the origin of the species" and "global warming" or the "big bang" and, proven science such as nuclear science, thermo dynamics, mathmatics, etc. is as vast as the known universe.

The theories like the ones mentioned have yet to be proven. Until they are proven, they are nothing more than a guess. As in the case of a well written novel, a hypothesis can then be proffered as a method of investigation into the original theory, or plot. It's exactly like cave diving the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. There are a lot of blind alleys and sprawling cave systems to explore. Artifacts have been found while diving the caves. The only thing limiting possible origins of the artifacts is the imaginations of those involved with the diving expitdition.

Take people who don't want to believe in God for instance. These folks WANT the theory of evolutioin to be true. Hence, they are willing to overlook the fact that there isn't even ONE single transitory life form in the fossil record. A must have for the theory to hold water. Well, guess what? I'm not that gullible. Same thing with global warming, if they want me to run around like Al Gore yelling the sky is falling, let's see some proof. Not conclusive proof, ANY proof, free from undisputed reports of data tampering of course. Then there is the ultimate leap of faith required to buy into the big bang theory. In that scenario one must choose his God. Either God created the universe or a unimaginably big rock exploded aeons ago and viola, here we all are. Without getting into the specifics of why that is so absurd, it seems to me to be a much tougher proposition, to by faith to accept one's father as being a rock than to accept the Rock Of Ages as his Creator.

Christians love science! We have nothing to fear at all from true science because it always supports the existence of God. Now, theories? That's a different matter. Educated men can come up with literally volumes of supportive conjecture. Without proof, the whole thing is an endless cave diving expedition. Hardly better than your best guess at the race track, would you bet your life at the race track?
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NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill - by TheRealThing - 02-20-2012, 11:22 PM

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