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Marine Sgt. Gary Stein should go for criticizing Obama on Facebook, Board says
tvtimeout Wrote:Vundy33... has there been any other precedent for this type of action, say if someone made fun G.W. or anyother President, that you know of?

Well, a Reservist who got on stage in uniform at a Ron Paul fundraiser got in a small amount of trouble for it back in Febuary I think. Seems like I remember a few of these cases during Pres Bush's Presidency, especially when the Iraq war started turning really bad 2006-2008...but usually, this kind of stuff is handled on the Company level by the Company Commander and First Sgt. It doesn't make big news because it's not a big deal...only reason this has is because it's on Facebook, and this 9-year Sgt made a fuss about it.

I don't know much about this story, nothing more than anyone else here knows about it, but my gut tells me this guy is a shitbag to be honest. For one, he's just a Sgt, after 9 years. Now the Corps promotion system is alot slower than the Army's, and it promotion time differs between jobs because of needs, but nine years is a damn long time to still be an E-5 in Active Duty.

I don't know the guy, so I could be totally wrong. But he just needs to do what he's told or he's going to screw himself over. With a normal job you can argue this stuff...but this is the military, that shit don't fly. Just shutup and do what you're told. That's much better than being a dumbass and speaking out against the CiC on stuff you have no chance of changing, and causing yourself to lose everything. Ya know?

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