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WWE Extreme Rules
Pre Show

Michael Cole and Matt Striker introduced the show from ringside and ran through the matches...

The Miz headed to the ring for his match with a mic in hand. He said he was in the preview match for Extreme Rules and asked, "Really?!? Really?!?" He said he was in the main event last year. He said he's not in a Falls Count Anywhere match or a Street Fight.

"I don't care where you put me," Miz said. "Because I will be the most talked about superstar of all time. People will be talking about me tomorrow... I will make this the most popular pre-show in WWE history." He said that wherever Miz is it's the place to be and tonight that's Youtube. He said he would win the U.S. Title and it will be the best moment in everyone's life. He also railed against Chicago. He was about to deliver his "Awesome" line, but Santino's music interrupted him...

1. Santino Marella vs. The Miz for the U.S. Title. The crowd rallied behind Santino early following the Miz promo. After some back and forth action, Santino put Miz away with The Cobra.

Santino Marella defeated The Miz to retain the U.S. Title in 4:40.

The announcers previewed the pay-per-view matches... Cole said they expect over 15,000 fans to attend the pay-per-view...

Backstage, Eve and Teddy Long stood between Big Show and Cody Rhodes and they all stood in front of the roulette wheel. Eve took credit for coming up with the "innovative" roulette wheel approach. She had Teddy spin the wheel, which landed on tables match. Big Show laughed and said, "Good luck trying to get me through the table." Cody was flustered. "Teddy, this is all your fault," Cody said. Teddy asked what he did...

At ringside, Striker and Cole agreed that the stipulation was unfair to Cody Rhodes... The announcers set up a video for the Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan match... A video recapped the C.M. Punk vs. Chris Jericho feud... A video recapped the Brock Lesnar and John Cena story... A graphic counted down the remaining two-plus minutes before the pay-per-view...

WWE Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View

The show opened with a Brock Lesnar and John Cena video package... Narrator guy collected a check just for telling us that it's WWE Extreme Rules and rules are meant to be broken... Michael Cole (with Jerry Lawler and Booker T) introduced the show. Cole said there are 14,817 fans in attendance...

1. Kane vs. Randy Orton in a Falls Count Anywhere match. The announcers spoke at ringside. Musician and Resistance Pro Wrestling's Billy Corgan was seated behind the announcers. Kane threw an uppercut that knocked Orton to ringside to open the match. Kane grabbed a pipe from ringside, but Orton fought back and delivered the first shots with the pipe at 1:10.

Orton continued to work over Kane as they battled into the section on the floor between the fans on the main floor and first level. The wrestlers traded punches until they made their way to the stage, where Kane took control. They battled backstage and into a room where the wrestlers who aren't on the show were watching the pay-per-view.

Zack Ryder was among the wrestlers in the room. Ryder punched Kane, only to have Kane choke him and throw him down. Orton took advantage of the diversion and regained control briefly, but Kane came back and scored a near fall with the referee way out of position. They fought their way back inside the arena bowl. Orton got the better of the punch-fest.

At 11:00, Orton went to ringside and grabbed a chair, which he jabbed into Kane's stomach and then slammed over his back once back inside the ring. Orton smiled and the crowd cheered. Orton hit Kane with several chairshots to the back. Kane rolled to ringside. Orton followed and slammed his head onto the announcers' table.

Orton pulled the announcers' table apart, but Kane recovered and grabbed him by the throat. Orton fired back to break it up and then DDT'd Kane off the table for another near fall. Back inside the ring, Orton went for an RKO, but Kane avoided it and chokeslammed Orton for a really good near fall. Kane sold it by showing frustration. Orton came back a short time later and hit the RKO on a chair and pinned Kane in the ring...

Randy Orton pinned Kane in 16:45 in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

Backstage, John Laurinaitis told Eve that it was his first pay-per-view in charge of both Raw and Smackdown. She said she planned a surprise and called for Teddy Long, who wheeled in a cart with champagne while wearing a huge, "Hello, My Name is Teddy" sign on his jacket.

Laurinaitis and Eve toasted and were about to drink champagne together when Laurinaitis took a phone call. He noted that it was Triple H and said he was going to go somewhere more private so they could talk. Eve looked a little flustered...

Brodus Clay, the dancers, and Hornswoggle made their entrance. There were actually some boos when the lights went out as part of their entrance. Vickie Guerrero did the "Excuse Me" routine after the dance routine ended. Vickie introduced Dolph, who came out wearing a new sleeveless vest...

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WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:20 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:20 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:21 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:21 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:22 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:42 AM
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WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:43 AM
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WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:43 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 07:43 AM
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WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:10 AM
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WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:14 AM
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WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:15 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:15 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:15 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:15 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 11:16 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Cardinalfootballguy - 04-30-2012, 09:15 PM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 04-30-2012, 09:19 PM
WWE Extreme Rules - by WideRight05 - 04-30-2012, 09:31 PM
WWE Extreme Rules - by WideRight05 - 04-30-2012, 11:28 PM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Mr. Pike Central - 05-01-2012, 02:14 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Stardust - 05-01-2012, 09:44 AM
WWE Extreme Rules - by Mr. Pike Central - 05-01-2012, 12:40 PM

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