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Rain Forest (Please Don't Edit Or Delete)
Save the Rain Forest
Submitted to: National Geographic

Rain forests from all around the world are very important to us. The rain forest is the home to a lot of animals and creatures, and there is no reason for it to be destroyed by people. The rain forest is a beautiful place in our world, and there is no reason for people to want to destroy it. There are many things that hurt the rain forests out there, such as pollution and many other things. We wouldn't want things like that to be done to our homes, there is no reason that we should go destroy the rain forest, which is the home to many creatures. So here are some of the ways that we can help reduce waste and help conserve energy and natural resources.
Recycling would be a big help when it comes to saving the rain forest. There have been many times before when a rain forest has been cut down just so another dump could be made to store extra trash. If we recycle instead of using the trash, then the things that we recycle will be remade over and over, and we will be able to use those products again. In that case, there would be no need to tear down another rain forest and ruin our environment just to make room for another dump to store trash. Not only do things like trash and dumps destroy the rain forests in our world, they also pollute our environment. That is bad, because it damages the air that we breathe, and it can cause people to get sick. It's also definitely not good for our health.
Conserving the electricity we use would be another way to help the rain forest. The longer we use electrical things such as computers, radios, and televisions, the more fossil fuels we burn. Using electricity often is not only a waste of a fossil fuel, but it hurts the air that we breathe. It's also a big time waste of our money if we don't conserve electricity. Being careless about how we use our electricity is not only harmful to the rain forest. It is harmful to the environment as well. We don't need that, and the rain forest definitely doesn't need that. Fossil fuels are important to us and we need to be smart in the way that we use them.
Another factor, and what I honestly believe is the biggest factor when it comes to saving the rain forest, is being careful not to litter or throw trash in the river. If you litter and throw things into the river, then it pollutes the water in that river, and that is very dangerous, especially to the fish that live in the water. It damages their home, and it kills them as well. Like I said earlier, you should recycle the trash you have. But if there is no way you can recycle your trash, then go ahead and put it in a trash can. At least when you put something in a trash can, you won't be messing up the sides of the roads or polluting the home of a fish. Putting your trash in a garbage can does hurt when it comes to it being thrown in a dump polluting the air, but it's a lot better than leaving it on the ground.
Another major problem that could damage our environment is the huge number of chemical plants we have that release a lot of harmful chemicals and oils into our environment. The worst pollution we get in the air comes from chemicals and oils. It's harmful to animals and humans because those chemicals and oils will harm whoever breathes them. Not only do the chemical plants release chemicals and oils into the air, but they like to use the rivers as a dumping place for their chemicals. Dumping chemicals into the river pollutes the water and damages the homes of the fish. It also kills the fish. I almost know that there is another way that chemical plants could get rid of the chemicals that they use, and if they found out a way that they could do that, then that would help out our environment a lot. Chemicals are one of the most damaging things to our environment.
I have just mentioned a few of the ways that us consumers can help reduce waste and help conserve energy and natural resources. Our rain forests are being hurt badly by things like pollution, not conserving enough electricity, using the trash instead of recycling, and chemical plants, and it doesn't deserve to be treated like that. So do what you can to keep our environment safe and clean!
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Rain Forest (Please Don't Edit Or Delete) - by Tomcat68 - 01-16-2006, 04:49 AM

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