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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Justice Roberts has a life record, in the legal profession and in his personal life, which indicates that he believes in a strict (conservative) interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. What it says is what it means.

So why would he desert his core beliefs and go with the liberals to make a 5-4 majority? Many pundits have suggested that he was intimidated by the White House and its minions in the administration and the media. It is true that a lot of pressure was placed upon Roberts with treats of an out and out war on the Court if the ruling were 5-4 along philosophical lines. Obama, America's most overrated law school lecturer (not a professor by a long shot), left no doubt of what would happen if his side lost. All his "underlings" joined the chorus in this unprecedented pre-decision savaging of the Court.

They blatently informed Roberts that they would make sure the Court suffered damage as an institution and they would see to it that the "Roberts Court" would be damaged for all of history.

So, was Roberts sufficiently intimidated that he choked and gave in? We'll never know. However, I think it is quite reasonable to so conclude since no other answer seems valid.

The irony of it is that, by doing so, Roberts showed that the Court in general and the CJ in particular are not independent but are subject to public pressure. That my friends, damages the Court far more than could have possibly result from Roberts voting his conscience and killing the mandate by a 5-4 vote (as was expected).

Roberts, in bowing to pressure, did the Court more harm than he now realizes. In the end, he will understand what he did but the damage to the Court cannot be undone.

Shame on Roberts. He singlehandedly trampled upon the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court is forever tarnished.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by Memo Luna - 07-02-2012, 12:01 PM

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