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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
TheRealThing Wrote:We all know misery loves company. The way the liberal tries to make things seem, liberals and conservatives live on opposite ends of the same playground, and throw rocks at each other. The truth is, some few decades ago, liberal dems broke free of the surly bonds of earth, choosing to sever their own conservative roots which, once served to moor them so solidly to the principles of governance envisioned by our founding fathers. Preferring instead, to bow at the altar of secular humanism, they espoused the notions of social justice. Hence, dems now have little in common with legislators who in any fiber, are cut from the same cloth as Thomas Jefferson. In their minds the concept of the 'common good', must instead give defference to the petty grievances and special interests of folks who, blaming race or circumstance and shirking responsibility for their own lives, would rather complain than work. It's one thing to care about the concerns or problems of ethnic minorities, it's quite another to elevate these concerns above the national good, ala the modern day democrat.

Put another way, it's the same old PeeWee Herman "I know you are but what am I" ploy. If one lacks the character to aspire to noble heights, the next best option is to drag one's political adversaries down into the dirt with him. That's why liberals and dems deny God and His law. Set free of any restraining standard, they think they can legalize depravity through the courts. While all the while, changing the standard of morality set forth by scripture to a measure of how much they give to the little people, who they consider to be their charges and who they lovingly lord over like shepherds. In exchange for their vote, of course.

There are such things as liberal rags. Their articles and conclusions are nothing more than racially charged rants and or biased fictions, loosely based on a mixture of, one part shred of truth, and one part secular humanistic fantasy, dreamed up by the DNC or the extreme left wing. Conservative authors express views and writings on the other hand, spending the vast majority of their time and resources defending the points of view laid down in our constitutional writtings and the history of our land to date. It's like this, if a conservative wants to get in touch with a liberal, he sends out the following message; "Earth to La-La Land, anybody got a copy over there?" Saying there are conservative rags out there, is just another way to feather the nest of the liberal psuedo-journalists, who deviod of options, are forced to fabricate credibility where none exists, and must either stretch or distort the truth, or drag down those who really do tell the truth into the dirt with them.

The perfect example being the boatload of emails intercepted belying any evidence supporting a man made global warming crisis, casting doubt on the claims of the left; Quote: 5,000 leaked emails reveal scientists deleted evidence that cast doubt on claims climate change was man-made
Experts were under orders from US and UK officials to come up with a ‘strong message’ End Quote

you republicans are just going have to get over it it's the
LAW of the land hell i wished they could of repealed
gore vs bush in 2000 but they didn't life goes on just quit your crying
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by vector - 07-08-2012, 05:27 PM

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