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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Beetle01 Wrote:Let's take a look at the DPMA. It was started about 8 months ago or so. It is considered a conservative group with ties to the Tea Party. Their website can say w/e it wants, that doesn't make it true. If it said they all ride around on Unicorns Im sure you would believe that.

DPMA is a member of ALEC, which is a corporate bill mill. Through ALEC corporations hand legislators bills which help their bottom line. Corporations fund all of ALEC's operations.

Hey, you're preaching to the choir. How could the Doctor Patient Medical Association compare with Beetle01 and the out reach center staffers? On the other hand, you did say you normally vote republican, while contrary to what might seem to be normal political alignments, you break formation and bash an alleged association of the DPMA with the Tea Party, as if that were a bad thing. You spend most of your time on here posting typically liberal views while claiming to be a libertarian who votes republican.

So, when you have time, fit your support for a government run, mandated national health care program, complete with penalties and other repercussions, for what most folks in the land feel is nothing short of maleasance by the highest office in the land, into the following political platform;


As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 07-10-2012, 10:18 PM

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