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Cannabis cannibal? Pot, not ‘bath salts,’ found in Miami face-eating killer’s system
vundy33 Wrote:Bath salts don't come in "street form", lol...we have coke, crack, meth, pills, and many other, better drugs than that.

All bath salts I guess would be considered street form.

Most are coming from Florida, they also ship via FedEx or UPS. My buddy who is a driver for FedEx was telling me Saturday about how much is being sent that way. The DEA is up there constantly, and they look for hand written packages from Florida.

I guess they are shipping them big time into Morehead and Huntington.

Apparently they use the Express shipping since it goes straight to a plane, flies up here, lands in Huntington, and is immediately divided up to the drivers and delivered. He said they package it so well that nothing shakes and rattles. First time when they had found a package and the DEA came in and started busting it open he thought it was pop rocks, the candy stuff. Said the packaging looked just like that and so did the bath salts.

I don't know much about the stuff, I guess no one does really. I just know a little about it from having patients in the ER who state they are on the stuff. I know there is no way for us to test for it 100% like other drugs so we have to take their word for it, or if we assume they may be on them. Not much to do really other than treat any symptoms that appear and wait for them to settle down. Usually by the time they get to us though, they aren't trying to gnaw anyone's face off.

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