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A different kind of Republican
ronald reagan Wrote:Don't you all get tired of koolaid drinking liberals, and conservatives who are pointless to talk to? I know I do. After being a Bush republican in 2000, in 2005-2006 I started really examining myself and my beliefs. I went over everything for years, asking myself if it was in line with the principles that truly guide me. Ever since then, I've charted my own course, albeit a radical conservative course on most issues.. Here's some of the things I've had heart felt conversions on, and seperate myself from the Republicans of today.


-Death Penalty. I'm staunchly pro-life. I couldn't be anymore pro-life. For me, its a deal breaker, and an issure I will not compromise on. After searching my soul, I realized that for ME, I could no longer support death and still consider myself pro-life. Today, I'm glad I found the courage to split with my party and earlier beliefs.
-Gun Control. I'm not a gun toting, anything goes, NRA card carrying member kinda guy. I dont have a firm grip on what controls I believe in, but I do know that if there's a way to lower the number of assault weapons and cop killer ammunition on the streets, it should be approached.
-Gay marriage. You know where I stand. Its a 180 from 2000.
-Drug legalization. I have mixed feelings, but generally come down on the side of personal liberty.
-Felon rights. I believe once a criminal completes both his prison term and probation (which should include a rehabilitation program of some sort), he should be able to return to a productive member of society. A 16 year who committed a felony, served his time, paid his fines, completed all requirements of his probation successfully, should be offered the same chance at life as others. This includes gun ownership, education, military, and voters rights.
-The RIGHT to vote. Currently there is NO right to vote. Anyone can be denied the ability to vote, as long as its not because of age (over 18), race, sex. Each congress, an amendment to the constitution is offered to add this essential freedom and god given right to our founding document. It never passes. I suspect this is because of my own party.
-A balanced budget. I generally support the lowest level of taxation possible, but to get us out of this mess... new revenue is a must. I support the 10-1 plan being offered in Congress. Cut spending $10 for every $1 in new revenue. We could balance the budget in a matter of 3-4 years by allowing the upper end of the tax cuts to expire (this raises 70 billion in revenue) and cutting $700 billion in spending. Next year alone, our deficit would be reduced to approximately $300 billion.
-God. Get him out of Government. Allow us the freedom this nation was founded up. We left to escape oppressive religion. Now the Religious Right want to impose on me, their beliefs. As Catholic, I would never subject myself to the protestant right. My beliefs are they that are fundamentally flawed, and dangerous to my salvation. I'm sure they view Catholicism with the same judgement. My level of acceptance of others views, and tolerance in general increased drastically after 12 months in Taji and Fallujah, Iraq. I looked into the eyes of the muslim children, and I saw God. Innocence, love, and peace. Its a beautiful thing.


I try to be practical. And I evaluate my beliefs independently of the party I choose to belong to. I usually end up agreeing on about 90% of the GOP's positions. But am never afraid to voice my concerns, or disagreements.

Where do YOU differ from the republican party? or the democrat party?

Except for the death penalty and felon rights, I agree. I can't remember where you stand on gay marriage, but I'm not against it..I think people sticking their noses into whether or not gay people can be married are just as gay.

I'm not the standard Republican, and the party has turned me off of them for the past year big time, especially with the religion stuff. But I'm not a Democrat, and never will be.

I've found that alot of Republicans that scream about people on welfare, President Obama's war on coal, and how Islam is all about killing people are usually just as guilty themselves. They usually have no idea of the reasoning of what they're saying, just that everyone else says it.

This is especially bad around home. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess...
Messages In This Thread
A different kind of Republican - by ronald reagan - 09-30-2012, 04:47 PM
A different kind of Republican - by RunItUpTheGut - 09-30-2012, 07:37 PM
A different kind of Republican - by ronald reagan - 09-30-2012, 08:06 PM
A different kind of Republican - by WideMiddle03 - 10-01-2012, 08:18 AM
A different kind of Republican - by ronald reagan - 10-01-2012, 10:19 AM
A different kind of Republican - by vundy33 - 10-02-2012, 12:18 AM

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