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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you insinuating that the majority want dirty coal, dirty air, and dirty water? Coal jobs don't represent but about .12% of the US jobs.

Pardon me your honor. Does the fact that we already have clean air, and clean water make any difference? We'll always be able to do better and I'm sure we will. But, you wouldn't open all the doors and windows during a blizzard in sub zero weather in an effort to get a fly out of your house, when the fly swatter was hanging there. Our pollution problems are a minor nuisance compared to the pollution issues of the past.

The real issue here is that there has always been a secret agenda to close coal fired generating stations. Oh they blame aging equipment and cite what they claim to be cheaper natural gas prices. But, that's just cover. (Benghazi demonstrates how big they are on cover.) The real thrust here is carbon emissions and how they theoretically relate to the global warming hypothesis. This administration doesn't give a flip about the people, when compared to their intent to eliminate the use of fossil fuels in America. The rest of the planet would naturally ramp up their own usage to make up for our lunacy in that department but, when one lives in la-la land, he can imagine reality any way he wants to. If Obama had any concern for Americans suffering from high energy prices he would okay the Canadian pipeline. We know that's not going to happen either.

Just one more morning to wake up in Bizarro World and then, election day. I want to make sure I catch as much of the effort to move Obama's stuff out of the White House on TV as I can. That will be some great entertainment.
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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation - by TheRealThing - 11-04-2012, 09:02 PM

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