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Will there ever be another republican president?
Sounds like some of you boys/girls want the Republican party to become a watered down version of the Democrat Party. I am always amazed that, when Republicans lose an election, the call comes out from Republicans and Democrats alike that the party must change. On the other hand, when the Democrats lose, like in 2010, there is no similar cry. They stick to their core philosophy claiming the voters were ill informed, the Republicans lied, or some other such face saver.

As I said before, the Republicans can't out Democrat the Democrats. You can sell your soul in order to win but the result will be that you won't win. The Democrats have cornered the taker vote by providing freebies paid for, for the most part, with either Republican income tax payments or Chinese loans. The Democrats are the sugar daddies. Republicans cannot compete with that. And, if they try, traditionally principled Republicans will leave the party.
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Will there ever be another republican president? - by Harry Rex Vonner - 11-12-2012, 09:48 PM

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