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Rep. Don Young: I’m sorry for calling Latino workers ‘wetbacks’
vector Wrote:he is just saying what the majority of republicans want to say

Republicans just want people to obey the law. They realize the only way any society can continue to survive is by submission to the rule of law. America finds herself with an ever increasing segment that does not recognize the rule of law and who feel they are entitled to sidestep it, because they identify with some kind of special interest group. And as a result, the Oblame-a administration gives them a pass on everything. Free food, drivers licenses for illegal immigrants, free health care, obviously the list is endless. Adding to the problem is that Hollywood level media programming, propagandizes the liberal message that teaches nonworking folks and illegal immigrants that they have been treated unfairly and deserve freebies. Making them feel justified for cashing in on around $80,000 dollars a year in potential government doled benefits.

So, obviously excusing those who have fallen into the safety net, there are many millions whose only work, is to work the system. Because the liberals in government and the media have made them to feel entitled to what those rich white men have, the socially engineered concept or reckoning as delivered by those same liberals, is called 'redistribution of wealth'. And, is an easily researchable concept of insurrection which has openly and proudly, reared it's ugly head from within the present administration. The rest of us 'worker drones' are forced to pay for those entitled, as we choose to pay for our own needs and that of our families. Republicans and conservatives and anybody who really has to work for his substance, regardless of party, resent it whenever we hear all the party animals whooping it up on the gravy train as it rolls by. Which, is more than a minor irritation, even to the point of our having to pick up the empty beer bottles the 'entitled' throw out of the windows of the party express, onto the front yards we have to pay for and are taxed on.

Again, unlike their liberal political opponents, republicans also realize this taxpayer financed, 'feeding frenzy' for the left, is a nation killer and are alarmed and concerned about the future, even the near future, as those of us who have seen first hand how things are supposed to work in this country, worry about how far we have actually drifted, away from sound governance. It's got nothing to do with bias and everything to do with reality, morality and personal responsibility.

Democrats have seized upon the opportunity to make it look like lawmakers who are trying to be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, (fiscally conservative republicans) is a damnable short coming particular to rich white republicans, who only care about their own bank accounts and therefore see minorities, immigrants and the poor as something of a nuisance that they don't care about, or want to be bothered with. Not so of the loving human husbandmen from within the ranks of the democrats though. Every last one of them would willingly transfuse his last drop of blood into the arm of vilest illegal offender incarcerated by ICE who needed it, LOL. The whole fabrication which is intended to make dems look like saints and republicans look like bumbling rich fools, is easily disproven for what it is, with even a cursory brush through our national record for anybody with a clue as to how to google.

America left the path spiritually with Roe v Wade and the famous Supreme Court case of Everson versus Board of Education of Ewing Township. Fiscally, we left the path when Lyndon Baines Johnson gave life to his "Great Society". Nowadays, we find ourselves fighting over gay marriage and whether or not we have the right to police our own borders or not. As if the whole world has some kind of right to thrust their dipper into the wellspring of taxpayer dollars extorted by a federal government who foolishly believes the rest of the world shares their vision of the preeminence of our system of law. Nothing I have posted here is intended to in any way, defend Don Young.

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