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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california
vector Wrote:if it will stop the Terrorist Attacks from killing people in this country I have no problem with it got nothing to hide pay my taxs all my money is in this country not in some other country and trying to hide it if you are a computer programmer like you say you are you had better make your software more secure instead of letting china steal it

I thought you faked most of your hick posts but, I'm beginning to see that despite your lack of understanding as to meaning of fundamental American freedoms, there is some genuine detachment from reality glaring through. Put another way, if freedom of speech rises only to the level of bone fetching for RealVille and the occasional swipe you take at me and/or Hoot, then I agree with you completely. In your case there is literally nothing to hide. But, on the other hand, if one at all takes serious the challenge of self governance, as was concisely laid out by our forefathers in the constitution. And, prefers not to line up behind some bozo that still blames the previous administration for every ill. Or, if one's political views could not be easily contained within the time honored phrase, "now you know, the democrat is fer the werkin man" then, we may have a problem.

The right to privacy doesn't mean anything to you because you can't connect the dots on where all this is heading. The cost of freedom was, and is, much too dear, for a nation of those who would self govern themselves, to willingly become mindless liberal zombies who either cannot, or will not discipline themselves to discern the truth from the lies.
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obamacare 2 insanely raise premiums in california - by TheRealThing - 06-09-2013, 03:47 PM

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