Poll: Should the US use military action against Syria
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Should the US use military action against Syria?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have already explained why I oppose a strike on Syria and I have explained at great length in the past why I supported to Iraq War. You just want to believe the worst about people who oppose Obama based on their core beliefs.

There is no logical reason to support a limited strike on Syria. Both the Syrian government and the rebels have used chemical weapons on Syrians and the Al Qaeda is supporting the rebels. Diminishing the Syrian government's military capability will improve the chance that Al Qaeda will take power in Syria or that a new government in Syria would be beholden to Al Qaeda.

Bush spent 18 months successfully lobbying the U.N. to support resolutions condemning Saddam Hussein for not meeting his obligations to account for and destroy his chemical weapons. Bush also won overwhelming support in Congress prior to going to war in Iraq, and in doing so he gave the Iraqi government ample time to move its WMD. If Hussein did not have WMD, he had convinced most Iraqis in his inner circle and his enemies like Iran that he was concealing chemical weapons. Conspiracy nuts who argue that Bush simply made up intelligence that strongly suggested that Iraq had concealed part of its chemical weapons stash are just not interested in the truth.

Meanwhile, Iran is developing nuclear weapons and has threatened to use them against the U.S. and Israel
. The Iranian government has openly encouraged extremists in Iraq to attack the American embassy in Baghdad if we attack Syria. Yet, Obama has done virtually nothing to derail the Iranian government from developing weapons that Iran will almost undoubtedly deploy through terrorist groups that it is already financing and arming. What Obama wants to do in Syria is the equivalent of kicking a bully's lap dog and then hiding behind his mother's apron.

If the real threat to America's national security is Iran, and it is a real threat, then Obama, McCain, and the other war hawks need to be addressing that threat directly. Instead, Obama's blundering foreign policy is costing this country many allies and it is making our enemies stronger. At the same time, good full time jobs are being transformed into part time jobs at home and the labor participation rate has reached a 35-year old low.

Obama has been an absolute disaster in the White House and people like you cannot understand why people like me have been opposed to almost everything that he has done since he has taken office. Look at the consequences of supporting a left wing nutcase for president and the reasons for opposing his policies should be obvious to you. Surely, you must suspect that you have been wrong in casting vote (s?) for Obama by now. If not, someday you will realize the magnitude of your mistake.

If the middle eastern thugs of Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Syria, Iran and a host of others had wanted to see the US paralyzed for nearly a decade in order to allow them to operate in the clear, they could scarcely have dreamed up a better secret weapon than Barack. By the end of his second term, Iran will have had eight years to freely pursue a cash of operational nuclear weapons. The tried and true common sense measures used in the very recent past to protect our land, have been discarded for the global community approach. This in my mind was the motivation for our state department to expose our flanks in Benghazi, by failing to defend the compound where our ambassador and others were attacked and killed. Meanwhile, the propaganda emanating out of this white house continually props up the very Islamic extremism which, poses so great a threat to world peace. They're so sure they know the better tack, they're totally willing to risk the lives, freedom and substance of every man woman and child of our country, going all-in, to make America vulnerable by sort of dropping her guard before her sworn enemies.

Democrats (and RINO's) have managed to divert the concerns generated by every day common sense and make it seem as if anyone who speaks out against terror is just another racially biased conservative. Likewise, since the fall of the USSR, the left insists that all threat from without has just magically evaporated somehow. You may recall my observation that the prerequisite to being liberal is the ability to mislead one's self in spite of a preponderance of evidence to the contrary. Therefore, I believe one would be remiss if he failed to mention the effects of the liberal mindset when it comes to US foreign policy. Terms such as the global community and the brotherhood of man signify the fanciful notions of the incurable gullibility of the terminally liberal among us. They called for us to capitulate in the days leading up to WW2, even suggesting that we should give Japan anything they wanted after the attack at Pearl Harbor. Not being able to face up to reality, whether that be the unfortunate but necessary consequences of war, or recognizing the immorality of the millions or abortions, legalizing gay rights, or even the seemingly innocuous practice of feeding and housing the listless, has been the hallmark of the liberal.
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Should the US use military action against Syria? - by TheRealThing - 09-08-2013, 01:44 PM

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