Poll: Should the US use military action against Syria
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Should the US use military action against Syria?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I should have said that I believe that it is likely that both sides have used chemical weapons. None of us can know for sure. On one side, we have President Obama, perpetrator of the hokey Benghazi cover-up, blaming Assad for a chemical attack and on the other side we have Putin, former KGB agent providing evidence that the rebels were responsible for the use of chemical weapons. I find neither source credible. Putin is clearly a superior propagandist. Obama's attempt to blame a video for the Benghazi attacks on our diplomats was one of the most transparent series of lies that I have ever seen a politician tell.

To me, it doesn't matter which side used chemical weapons, neither side is worthy of U.S. support. IMO, Obama is just using this phony crisis to distract the country's attention away from the NSA's massive invasion of Americans' privacy, the IRS scandal, and all of the other scandals that remain to be properly investigated. I have no reason to trust Obama on this issue and neither does any other American citizen. He has lied repeatedly in the past and he will continue to lie to us until the day that he dies.

Aside from Putin's 100-page report, videos have been circulating on the web that purport to show rebel leaders claiming to have access to chemical weapons and threatening to use them on women and children. It is not hard for me to believe that the rebels may have captured some of Syria's chemical weapons, even if they have not manufactured their own.

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Should the US use military action against Syria? - by vector - 09-08-2013, 04:40 PM

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