Poll: Should the US use military action against Syria
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Should the US use military action against Syria?
vundy33 Wrote:Well my reasons come mainly from how we look in the eyes of the Russians and Chinese, but I do feel for the Syrians.

I definitely think we could scare these people if we wanted. There is nothing like seeing the American military in action, and if the US wants you dead, you are going to die. I have no doubts about the fear our military can put into anyone on this earth. Assad may act tough in his recent interview, but if anyone knows the power of the US military to find and kill people it's him, he's watched us and allowed us to do it in Syria for years. We've totally gone about it wrong though IMO.

And what would you think caused us to go about it all wrong? The president pulls the military's strings and always has. My opinions are based on experiences I lived through during two hitches in the Air Force with four years in foreign theaters and would just point out, that Viet Nam wasn't exactly tiddlywinks either and we were doing the president's bidding as well. At any rate, my observations with regard to how things went down in Iraq are accurate. Any rational man would be weak kneed in the face of America's military best however, we're not talking about rational men when we speak of mad men the likes of Saddam. His forces gave up when we got there but, he kept on till he got run into that spider hole. History is replete with examples of murderous megalomaniacs of his ilk, late examples are Stalin, Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini, Kim Jong Il, Idi Amin and many others. Assad may well turn out to be just another Khadaffi who, after he got a smart bomb down his chimney, got an attitude adjustment, who knows?

Something the Russians and the Chinese both know, is that Obama is not about to do much more than talk, that's his best. He loves the sound of his own voice. And his predilection for surrounding himself with women doesn't help. All Sec of State Clinton did was globe trot and become the consummate authority on cerveza. Nor does it help that he makes foreign policy on the suggestions of folks like Valerie Jarrett.

One thing is certain no matter who you are, if you keep lighting the fuse, the bomb will explode. Maybe not this time or the next, but it will explode.
Messages In This Thread
Should the US use military action against Syria? - by TheRealThing - 09-09-2013, 10:16 PM

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